'Peoples, peoples, peoples! Why should I care about "peoples"? I
despise them! They capture us and make us fight for no reason
whatsoever! And everywhere we go, there are "peoples" anyway! So
what now? And it's people, not "peoples"...' Charlie wails.
"or is it peeple?"
What is this signature-thingy for?
Why did I bother adding one?
Zar: "...Not all peoples do that some peoples wants us to help them
achieve their dream those peoples you are talking about are peoples
who uses us as "tools"
"Really?" Char blinks in disbelief. "I've had bad experiences with
peeple- that's how it's spelt I think?- but if they are nice, and
help us, why not? You know, Zar, I think I have quite a way to go
regarding humans..."
What is this signature-thingy for?
Why did I bother adding one?