Forum Thread
A Nervous Meowth's Journal
Forum-Index → Diaries → A Nervous Meowth's JournalYou Have Found a Wild Meowth's Journal!
please do not leave your scribblings here as the meowth will get very confused!

country england
hi everyone, i go by inks or mika, i am a very shy and anxious bean so i struggle to talk to a lot of people but i try my best!! this is just my messy journal where i can log my achievements & progress, please mind the mess as i am new but i would love to stay organized as i start my poke ranching dreams!
just some amazing people that has helped me out and i want to give them the recognition they deserve!
super friendly bean who has helped me so so much and a very big sweetheart, always seems to be around supporting me and ill never know not how to say thanks! Also tries to get others to help me and is always there if i need advice!
gave me my first actual breeding pair,, im sobbing from the kindness of their friend & of their own heart,, so sweet
current hunt

previous hunts
Title: editing to about me
time to catch the floofs!

it seems the meowth's notable things they have done in this world! amazing!
first shiny 04.10.22 a mareep!
Set 1 29.09.22

introductions 27/09/22
your partner 27/09/22
interaction giver 27/09/22
a new community 29/09/22
good luck! 28/07/22
the local lottery 27/09/22
global trading 29/09/22
your partner 27/09/22
interaction giver 27/09/22
a new community 29/09/22
good luck! 28/07/22
the local lottery 27/09/22
global trading 29/09/22
Set 2

trainer 28/09/22
pure strength 18/10
interaction warm up 28/09/22
search for gold
unknowing daycare owner 29/09/22
all in
playing safe
sold! 28/09/22
pure strength 18/10
interaction warm up 28/09/22
search for gold
unknowing daycare owner 29/09/22
all in
playing safe
sold! 28/09/22
Set 3

plushie cuddler
hoarder 15/10
interaction expert
mysterious area
im rich!
shiny surprise 04/10/22
super famous 09/10/22
evil magikarp
hoarder 15/10
interaction expert
mysterious area
im rich!
shiny surprise 04/10/22
super famous 09/10/22
evil magikarp
Set 4

in the dark
the perfect berry
click professor
shiny chainer
event collector
cooking mama
rowan's best friend
the perfect berry
click professor
shiny chainer
event collector
cooking mama
rowan's best friend
this is what seems to be what people call a pokedex! let's see how much of the world of pokemon they've seen!

shiny dex

shiny dex
a lot of scribblings here... of thanks! the meowth has seemed to of made friends along the way!
thank you to all you amazing people! i just want to give you a little shout out down here because you deserve it
super friendly bean who has helped me so so much and a very big sweetheart, always seems to be around supporting me and ill never know not how to say thanks! Also tries to get others to help me and is always there if i need advice!
gave me my first actual breeding pair,, im sobbing from the kindness of their friend & of their own heart,, so sweet they also have been super kind to me and given me all the best plushies!
popped up randomly to help me out a few times!! super talented and nice honestly, im in awe of their sheer talent,,, like wowsie!
time to catch the floofs!

04/10/22 Congratulations! A shiny
Mareep hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #59)!
04/10/22Congratulations! A shiny Mareep hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #66)!
Congratulations! A shiny Mareep hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #99)!
04/10/22Congratulations! A shiny Mareep hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #66)!
Congratulations! A shiny Mareep hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #99)!