Forum Thread
(Old) ☘️ Septic's Shiny Shop ☘️
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → (Old) ☘️ Septic's Shiny Shop ☘️
Please remember that all of PokéHeroes'
Rules still apply here!
1.) This Shop serves on a First Come, First Serve basis with no
Special Exceptions.
2.) Users can use the form below & comment it filled out to be placed on the Waiting List for whichever Pokémon I am currently searching for or any Pokémon that may still be for sale after my previous Hunt(s).
3.) Filling out & Submitting a form does not mean you are
guaranteed a Pokémon from this Shop. If you are last in line and I
run out of Pokémon/change to a different Hunt then your order will
be removed from the Wait List along with anyone else who
4.) Payment is to be expected when your Pokémon is ready. I will message you stating that one or more Shiny you have requested has Hatched, within 24 Hours you need to have a Private Trade posted with the correct Price (as listed on the Hunt Announcement for the Pokémon you are wanting). Once that is in place I will add in the Pokémon(s) and you can accept the Trade.
5.) If a Trade is not listed within 24 hours & there is a long Wait
List you automatically lose your place in Line, getting put to the
bottom of the list and the next person in Line gets a chance. If
there is no Wait List you most likely will have some extra
6.) Understand that Shiny Hunts take time, unfortunately a Shiny will not come from every egg I hatch so please be aware that there may be times this moves quickly and times when it moves slowly.
If you have any Questions and/or Concerns please reach out to me privately in order to not spam up this page.

2.) Users can use the form below & comment it filled out to be placed on the Waiting List for whichever Pokémon I am currently searching for or any Pokémon that may still be for sale after my previous Hunt(s).
4.) Payment is to be expected when your Pokémon is ready. I will message you stating that one or more Shiny you have requested has Hatched, within 24 Hours you need to have a Private Trade posted with the correct Price (as listed on the Hunt Announcement for the Pokémon you are wanting). Once that is in place I will add in the Pokémon(s) and you can accept the Trade.

6.) Understand that Shiny Hunts take time, unfortunately a Shiny will not come from every egg I hatch so please be aware that there may be times this moves quickly and times when it moves slowly.
If you have any Questions and/or Concerns please reach out to me privately in order to not spam up this page.
Payment Options!

Prices will be listed along with the
Hunt, they will be in Pokédollars based off the Market Insider's
most recent pricings when I start the Hunt.
Alternate Payment Options
1 Nugget =1,600 (at least 50 Nuggets)

1 of any Gem = 1,000 Pokédollars
You may do a Combo of both Pokédollars & Gems and/or Nuggests.
Add Ons:
Everstone - 200 Pokédollars
Specific Gender Request - 5k - 10k Pokédollars Depends on if it is a Shiny or not
Alternate Payment Options

You may do a Combo of both Pokédollars & Gems and/or Nuggests.
Add Ons:

Specific Gender Request - 5k - 10k Pokédollars Depends on if it is a Shiny or not
Wait List Forms!
Current Hunts!
Name of Pokemon You'd Like & How Many: 1x Shiny Torchorc? (Event torchic) (soz dont know the name)
Any Add Ons? How Many?: Can i please get a TORCHIC holding an everstone please?
Total Cost:50k pd
Method of Payment: PD
If its ok with you can I order 3? 1 Torchic, 1 Combusken and 1 Blaziken all as shiny? I will pay more if i can get them like that with the combusken and torchic holding everstones
Name of Pokemon You'd Like & How Many: 1x Shiny Torcharc
Any Add Ons? How Many?: -
Total Cost:50k pd
Method of Payment: Mix (20k pd,17 psychic gems and 10 electric)
Please remind me if my payment is not enough
Booth =
Name of Pokemon You'd Like & How Many: 3 Shiny Torcharch
Any Add Ons? How Many?: Everstones for all of them :3 (can send my own everstones back as compensation)
Total Cost: 150k pd
Method of Payment: Pd
Thank you!
Title: Hunt Update!
This is my mistake for listing this Hunt too early, I am still learning how to play this game so of course I will be making mistakes. The Hunt has now changed to Torchic, and I will only be selling Torchic + Torchic’s Evolution Stages. I will adjust the pricing that is listed once I get home from work.
I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, I promise I’ll be more on top of things next time.
Title: Hunt Update!
Thank you all for the patience, I shouldn't have opened a Shop before I had any idea about what I was doing XD This go around things will go so much better!