There was a silver furred wolf outside the villagers had surrounded
him "is this really how you are going to be welcoming me back
home?" He said obviously a bit surprized by the hostility
"Finnally a friendly face... youd think they would have more
respect for their old leader but it seems they may have
forgotten... " he started walking twoards hunter "is she with you ?
My daughter?"
"About that.... its kinda the reason for all this.... hostility. Mr
whatsits face came by and just.... took her. Apparently there is
now a suspicion around wolves... not much I can do. OH! But on a
brighter note, theres some new faces around here!" Hunter
He entered the room . "Hunter told me you were a friend of hers..
ive been searching for some time after i got word of what happend
and figured she came here. But it seems i was too late"
He read the note "dosnt seem like her to just leave . What exactly
happend to her whats the story that led here? . Not that it matters
to much anymore but i kind of wanna hear your side of the story.