Forum Thread
Dodgémon Acedemy
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Dodgémon Acedemy"Bye Mom!" She cried.
Vortex held the letter-like object. It was a reply letter from Principal Sofia, writing these:
"You will need these items for Dodgemon, go to Duncan Market to buy them. We provided the money for you.
- The electronic watch for Dodgemon (Brand: Melon Brand)
- Six blank Dodgemon cards
- The uniform for Dodgemon Acedemy
From: Principal Sofia"
Inside clipped some dollar bills. Vortex jumped and skipped to Duncan Market - waiting to meet some friends.
Suneo and Nox ran to the market — They were two best brothers. They are excited to join the school.
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"
"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime
Walking down the street, she checked the map her mom provided her. The market can't be far from here.
Inside, was a little man waving to Vortex. "Hello, are you one of the Dodgemon Acedemy students? Wanna buy a watch? I'll help you see how wide your wrist is!" He seemed kind and friendly.
Vortex showed the man her letter, and the man took a long rope like thing and wrapped it over her wrist. 16 cm..." He whispered to himself, then went to his room. He took a cool watch out. "Oh, so that's a Dodgemon watch?" Vortex asked.
Suneo and Nox first went to the uniform store. There were a lot of cool uniforms there.
The first shop to enter her view was the watch shop. Viola looked at display case after display case, at all the cool watches on display
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"
"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"
"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"
"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime