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Elsewhere and Elsewhen (OPEN BACKROOMS RP)

Forum-Index Roleplay Elsewhere and Elsewhen (OPEN BACKROOMS RP)
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Tue, 10/05/2022 14:09 (2 Years ago)
It was an ordinary day in your life. Walking on a path with friends after work when suddenly, you notice a sidewalk bench... glitching on the floor...? You look at it curiously abd approach it as your friends stay back and record the thing when you suddenly fall through the floor ITSELF. You wake up with seemingly no injuries and in a weird room, with blank wallpapers, a moist carpet as flooring and the lights above you make an annoying buzzing sound. You also see some people there near you but... no signs of your friends. This is the backrooms. And you'll be stuck here for awhile.

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1. All PH rules apply
2. Powers are allowed, but no teleporting or opening portals cause that will lead to a giant plothole
3. No swearing (heck and hell and the other tamer 'swears' are aloud though not to be directed to anyone)
4. No drama please
5. Shipping is allowed but dont make it the main focus

Character list(sometimes wont be updated)
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QuoteUsername: IgnisCarmelita

Character Name: Ignis Pyre Carmelita

Gender/pronouns: She / Her Any pronouns actually :D

Backstory: She was sent out of the Celestial city to silence the bad in the other world. After stepping into the world though, she became a bit distracted by the beautiful dangers and destruction she was now surrounded by... so she took a detour! Any bad thing that happens, she's into it. "It's a new experience!" Maybe this is why she ended up where she is in the first place.

Personality: She's a very cheesy and naïve person that chooses to be kind. Also she is very violent. Kind of like a dangerous.. Angel?

Palpad? Yuppers! :D

Powers/Abilities: As a celestial (trainee), she can strike down the bad. But she still doesn't know how to use her powers so they kinda appear as random bursts of energy. She can create light. Her powers are stronger if she's against the bad. She has dagger gloves that can help harness her powers (sometimes)

Anything else? She's basically me :D

QuoteUsername: Yukimore
Character Name: Rhulk
Gender/pronouns: Male, He/Him
Backstory: Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness is the first of the Disciples: extraordinarily powerful Darkness-wielding entities who collectively follow and do the bidding of The Witness. Hailing from the planet Lubrae, he played a prominent role in the creation of the Hive by subjugating the Worms into servitude of the Witness and then facilitating their production in Savathûn's Throne World, all while keeping tabs on the Witch Queen herself from his own Pyramid.

After Savathûn's rebirth in the Light, he was imprisoned within his own Pyramid by a curse of Light placed by the Witch Queen. However, Rhulk would retaliate by bringing the Scorn into her throne world and subsequently taking command of them. He also serves as the final boss of the Vow of the Disciple Raid where he would meet his demise at the hands of Guardians.

Personality: Rhulk is completely devoted to the Witness and despises the Guardians for their usage of Darkness. He is egotistical and arrogant, thinking he is above all who oppose him and even taunts the Guardians while fighting them. It seems that while in the Pyramid, he befriended the worm familiars and the Worm God, being the one who would have to create the worms for Savathûn's Brood. He seems to like experimenting with the worm familiars as well, as in the Acquisition section of the raid, one can see frozen Scorn in containers with worms attached to them. However, these experiments most likley failed. Despite befriending the Worm Familiars, Rhulk seemed to have a low opinion on the Hive, disliking being effectively exiled to Savathûn's Throne World, with Fynch humorously comparing it to babysitting Savathûn, whom Rhulk distrusted greatly.

Even as a young warrior, Rhulk showed disturbing signs of psychopathy and callous brutality, which ultimately led his own clan and family to fear him. As a Disciple, he was praised by the Witness for these qualities, as they better enabled him to follow the tenets of the Darkness. Most notably and uniquely, Rhulk values honesty immensely, to the point that it meant everything to him, both as a Lubraean and as a Disciple. So much so, in fact, that he could not understand why the military regime on Lubrae was able to be honest about their shortcomings and misdeeds, while his parents had to lie to him about their motivations and actions.

Despite his skills as a warrior, Rhulk appeared to lack the ability to strategically out-wit his opponents or plan for future threats, as it was clear he valued only strength not cunning. Though Rhulk fully expected Savathûn would betray the Witness somehow, and made it clear that if she made any wrong move, he would use the Upended to obliterate her throne world. However, when the betrayal came and Savathûn claimed the Light, not only was he caught flat-footed and trapped inside his own Pyramid, she even found a way to shut off the Upended, leaving Rhulk a completely powerless prisoner until she died. Further, he couldn't foresee the Guardian Raid team using the energies of his own Pyramid against him, which ultimately led to his demise.

Palpad? sure
Powers/Abilities(optional) Basically just wield the power of the darkness.
Anything else? Appearance

Andddddd we can't forget beloved subjugated Yukimore

Username: Yukimore
Character Name: Yukimore [Subjugator]
Gender/pronouns: Female, She/her
Backstory: Years ago, she used to be a human serial killer. Until, that is, she shook hands with 'the darkness', transforming her into an interstellar unknown entity, known as an Ahslid, last of her kind. She now works with Rhulk. She is also known as 'The Last Disciple'
Personality: Shes cold and intelligent. Highly dangerous.
Palpad? yesyes
Powers/Abilities(optional) Also wields the darkness, has the same weapon as Rhulk, goes into shadows at will.
Anything else? Appearance
Ref sheet with important details. Keep in mind, this is outdated. Currently, she has no wings, and her body parts are connected. Everything else is potentially accurate.

Character Name:Matt
Backstory:A normal day for this actor he just got done with his shoot and was heading home. On his way home, he noticed that a mailbox was sunken into the floor. When he walked a bit closer, he fell through the floor never to be seen again.
Palpad? yes
Powers/Abilities(optional) Great acting skill and might stab you in the back if it benifits him
Anything else? He was always bullied at a young age so he now tries to be happy all the time breaking his mask that he always wears will make him VERY angry

He has brown hair and sky blue eyes., but you never see them since he wears a mask over his face that keeps a silent smile. He isn't that tall just average 6'2

QuoteUsername: CountryhumansUK
Character Name: Caspian Lamrou
Gender/pronouns: He/Him
Backstory: He has a large family, but grew up poor. He was the eldest and left with the child. He had always dreamed of an escape out of reality. He has no friends. And when he slipped through the ground whilst trying to grab a coin, no one cared.
Personality: He's very bitter and cold. But, if you ask him to do something, he would do it.
Palpad? ye
Powers/Abilities(optional) He can manipulate metal to take on any form. (he's easily manipulated too tho.)
Anything else? He's a very good fighter (especially with the sword) because he always was the one who defended the family.

He's got dark brown hair and stunning green eyes. He's 5'7 and usually wears casual clothes. He's 18 years old.


Character Name:
Gordon Pandora

Male, he/him

That's for him to know, and for you to find out ;)

He seems relatively stoic at first, but that's because his mind runs on a constant monologue, saying all the things he wishes he could. When he opens his mouth, it becomes clear what kind of person he is. He's confident to a fault, with an angry undertone accompanying everything he says. One can hardly tell if it's on purpose or not. He's smart, with the capability to be cunning, and quite flirty when he feels like it. Mostly, however, anger and explosive fury tend to overwhelm his other traits. Nobody really knows him, so there's nobody to ask about him, but it can be assumed they wouldn't have generally good opinions of the man.

...Or maybe there's something more behind that piercing, furious gaze of his?



Anything else?:
Appearance: (See profile pic/profile for a slight visual, read further for more specifics/altercations.)
Gordon is a 6'4, fairly muscular man with scars littering every part of his body. The first thing people tend to notice is the eyepatch, evidence of a missing eye and his most horrific past injury among many. With a limp affecting his right knee, a chunk missing out of his right ear, and a nasty, brutal scar covering most of the left side of his face, it's evident he's seen more than any one man should. His left hand paralyzed, his pinky finger practically severed, body covered in poorly healed gunshot wounds and deep lacerations alike, he's very visibly disfigured, and some might say quite intimidating. That's nothing compared to the cold, angry, and yet aggressively analytical spark in his working eye - blazing green and filled with an indescribable fire. His dark brown hair is naturally streaked with blond, tied into a ponytail to show one ear heavily pierced, and the other scarred, with a mangled hole blown right through a good majority of it. If the scars and explosive attitude weren't enough to scare any poor stranger unfortunate enough to meet him, he wears old band t-shirts paired with ripped jeans and leather jackets that look like they've been through hell and back. All in all, Gordon doesn't look the type to mess with.

Also, he's dyslexic and autistic. He also happens to have two Ph.Ds from, wait for it, MIT. He has extensive experience with using firearms and has killed before.

"The stars in my memories that I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"

"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 156
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:36 (2 Years ago)
Caspian woke up and shook his head. He sees the other people and raises his elbows for a fight. "What's going on?" He looks up at the ceiling and glares at it. "Who did this?" he said, with ice in his voice.
" I praise the Lord, then break the law."
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:37 (2 Years ago)
Rhulk and Yukimore glared about, they were just walking, then they are now here. What were they doing here?
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:39 (2 Years ago)
Milo got up and shook his head and saw he was in a weird... place? He shook his head again and was still in this place
"The stars in my memories that I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"

"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 156
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:40 (2 Years ago)
Caspian looks at them, calculating strategies to take them down. Finally, he lets his hands down and sighs. "We aren't gonna get out here soon, so introduction?" He hesitates and says, "You guys go first."
" I praise the Lord, then break the law."
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:43 (2 Years ago)
Rhulk and Yukimore just stared at Caspian. Rhulk spoke first. "How about, no?" He hesitated stubbornly.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:44 (2 Years ago)
The surrounding chatter brings Gordon out of his slumber, having hit his head upon arrival. It took him a few moments to come to, blinking himself awake with a pained groan. "Aggh... Where the hell...?"

He looked around, eye immediately landing on the strangers that surrounded him. Almost immediately, he collected himself enough to stand. He didn't say anything more, but a hypervigilant glance around the room showed his lack of trust for the strangers well enough.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 156
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:45 (2 Years ago)
Caspian sighed yet again. "Be that way." He then tries to find metal. "Anyone see any metal? It'd help us escape." He kicked the wall and winced. "What..." He turns and picks up the carpet. He starts searching for something, although he doesn't even know what.
" I praise the Lord, then break the law."
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:45 (2 Years ago)
Milo just sighs "Im Milo, im around 19 and i can turn into any animal at will butttttt.... it takes alot of my energy"
"The stars in my memories that I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"

"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 156
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:47 (2 Years ago)
Caspian glares at him. "I'm Caspian. I can manipulate metal. Now give me some space." He spat the last sentence and walked off, but eventually sat, facing the wall. "Dang, last time I was trapped in a room, my family was laughing at me."
" I praise the Lord, then break the law."
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:49 (2 Years ago)
Rhulk and Yukimore watched the strangers around them. Yukimore all the sudden did a big blast of darkness, hoping to break the wall.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:51 (2 Years ago)
He gives the person he now knows as Milo a bewildered look, confusion clear in his eye. "Okay, time out. You can what?" Before he can even wait for an answer, one of the strangers did some weird.. darkness thingy? He let out an angry shout of surprise. Honestly, with everything he's seen, he should've guessed there were superhumans around. His main question here was why the hell wasn't he one of them??? Genetics sucked.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 156
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:52 (2 Years ago)
Caspian nodded respectfully at Yukimore. "I like your style." He then took a piece of metal out of his pocket. He then made a very sharp point and threw it at the wall as fast as he could. His eyes turn white and just as the metal touches the wall, it glows hot red and explodes.
" I praise the Lord, then break the law."
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:55 (2 Years ago)
Ignis woke up and blinked at the weird walls around her "Um... okay?" She noticed people "Oh! Hello! Who might you all be?"
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:57 (2 Years ago)
The explosion is the icing on the horrible cake for this horrible experience. He flinches, violently. His hands rush to cover his ears, but the damage is already done. He hasn't even realised how tightly he shut his eye, how hard he bit his tongue to stop himself from cursing in something between anger and fear. The taste of copper lingers on his tongue as he backs against the wall, opening his eye and trying not to cause any more of a scene.

'Goddammit you JUST met these people you idiot, try not to let your stupid goddamn brain make them think you're any goddamn weaker than they already do.' His thought process doesn't help him emotionally, but it gives him the kick he needs to straighten up and give the culprit of his turmoil a furious glare. "Hey buddy, a little goddamn WARNING next time?!"

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 01:59 (2 Years ago)
Yukimore laughs. "Why thank you, I can't believe im saying this. Thanks." Yukimore shrugged before all the sudden quickly summoning a glaive and quickly as lightning trying to pierce the wall.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 02:02 (2 Years ago)
Ignis watched the person summon a weapon and try to destroy the wall. Oh! So they have powers too? They're not banishings.... that's for sure. She walked up to the person and summoned her daggers, the blades glowing with energy "Hi! I'm here to help you banish the wall!"
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 02:03 (2 Years ago)
Yukimore sighed. "Fine then."

Rhulk decided to do the same.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 02:07 (2 Years ago)
Ignis quickly sliced at the wall, attempting to at least leave a scorch mark.
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 02:10 (2 Years ago)
"Hey guys, there's a hallway nearby. I think we should check it out" Milo points towards the direction of the hallway
"The stars in my memories that I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"

"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime