Emika looked over the options of starter Pokemon. Quite the
array.... But one caught her eye. The one that said it contained an
Eevee... She felt...something within herself when she looked at it.
Her mind ran down information regarding Eevee, namely its title of
the Evolution Pokemon. Due to its unstable genetic makeup, it could
evolve depending on different scenarios for survival. Something
about it clicked in Emika... She reached forward and took up the
Pokeball in question. She held it to her chest and felt a warmth
swell in her. "Yes." she thought to herself. "This is the
one." She looked at the assistant with a smile. "If this one is
available, I believe I've found my starter. Though if you could
enlighten me." She pointed at the extra Pokeballs with strange
clocks next to their names. "Why is it those three have those odd
clocks next to them?"
Eris made her way in front of the Frozen Glalie. She could feel its
glare aimed at her, but giggled in response. She turned her
attention to the three Snover...
ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
Ash sees Hawkeye knocking out the Hippowdon and black out. She
quickly rushes over to him and makes sure he has no injuries. She
places Hawkeye on her back and quickly makes her way to her
sleeping area under a rock formation. She gently places him down,
making sure he is in the shade, waiting to see if he stirs awake.
Hawkeye wakes up wondering what happened. He gets confused after
seeing Ash, and realized he did not get any Z crystals. However, he
feels happy that he tied another battle instead of only losing. He
gets up starting to dig for Z crystals, and thanks ash for saving
"It's no problem! Thank for helping as well!" She smiles and her
collar lights up. "Whatever you are looking for may be deeper in
the desert. I wish you luck on your search!" Ash then starts
treading back to head to the mountains, being cautious of any other
PROF.'s ASSISTANT: Yes! You can have that one.
(He hands her the Eevee.)
PROF.'s ASSISTANT: Those ones... *Sighs* I don't think it's
true, but the Professor says that those three Pokemon were
gifts to him from Celebi. And we did research on them, and their
genetic makeup is different enough from any of our previous data to
suggest that they did come from a different time.
(The three Snover stared at her for a second, unsure what to think.
They looked back at each other for a second and then began to
shake. They each dropped two berries, a Pecha, a Cheri, a Aspear, a
Chesto, a Rawst, and an Oran. They picked them up and handed them
to her before heading out.)
(Sadly, it is not that easy to get a Z-Crystal. Maybe Master
Oranguru knows something.)
Leaving the desert, Hawkeye hears a strange voice calling from the
sky. “Sadly, it is not that easy to get a Z-Crystal. Maybe Master
Oranguru knows something.” Hawkeye rushes to the Pokémon school to
find master Oranguru. He also packs a bunch of Oran berries in his
Ash soon arrives to the mountains and starts searching the area for
any items she deems useful. She picks up a couple berries that have
fallen and starts to eat, taking a small break.
Ash looks down at the Snom then puts a berry in front of the Snom
with a smile, "Go ahead and take it, it looks like you need to
heal. You can stay by me if you want a little more protection as
well!" She continues to eat some of the berries she has.
Hawkeye looks at the sun and knows the time. it’s almost dark!
Hawkeye has to get to the Pokémon school before night. he flies as
fast as he can, charges up on his Oran berries, and takes to the
sky. He finally reaches, out of breath, out of food, and out of
SNOM: Snooom!
(Snom begins to dig in, but shortly falls asleep.)
(Master Oranguru catches him at the edge of the clearing and begins
to direct him to the guest dorms.)
MASTER ORANGURU: You know the rules. You can't go into the
Pokeschool without being closely monitored- can't risk it with
predator species. Anyways, you wanted to know about the Z-Crystals,
Emika nodded at the explanation. She wondered if it was true.....
She then remembered something. Hadn't the assistant said something
along the lines of the Professor being 'busy'? Perhaps she should
look for him... Archiving the information for later, she turned
back to the assistant. "Is there anything else I need or should
know before my departure?"
Eris knew that the sight of her would cause others to run or even
quake in fear. She was used to it. She accepted the six berries the
Snovers gave her and turned back to the Glalie. Now how was she
going to get it home???
ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
Ash soon wakes up from her nap, seeing the Snom still asleep. She
carefully places Snom on her back, starts walking on all fours
towards the forest. She hears some Pokémon nearby and starts
heading towards the direction they are coming from.
Midnight, Amethyst, and Silver trek to different areas and they end
up back in the meadow. "Did we take a wrong turn?" Amethyst asked
Midnight. "Not that I know of," Midnight replied. Meanwhile, Silver
was picking flowers from the meadow.
Topaz woke up. Had she been dozing off again? She yawned and headed
out of the cave.