Hello! unmotivated to decorate this thread XD
I'm currently looking for supplies of flying gems for a future SM
Hence, I created this thread to exchange some of my extra shinies
and other pkmn for these gems.
Progress: 769/5000
There are no forms, just post which pkmn are u interested to
exchange. But note, please DO NOT send a private trade. I'll be the one to
send one. :)
On side note, Im also buying:
Poison Gems for 500 PD each
Just post in this thread if ur interested in selling some.
Hello! Can I buy one shiny vaporeon, shiny riolu and shiny
poochyena and 1 dragonair from the legends box? 6 dragon gems in
total? Not sure about the dragonair because its not a legend? ^^
@tobio_chan-Sure u can. :)
However, vaporeon costs 14 DG and poochyena 7 DG since they don't
have a mega form. :(
Riolu, however, costs 2 DG.
You can have the dragonair for free. It must be a random pkmn
offered before.
Oh sorry. Unfortunately, it does not belong to those group of
legends whom I can sell for 1 dragon gem or 7 fairy gems. :( Its a
bit more expensive since it cost at around 3 dg or 21 fg. I have
missed it when pricing the pkmn in my box.
Since I've already collected 1,000 dragon gems, Im no longer
exchanging pkmns for DG. But, they are still available to be
exchanged with fairy gems. :)