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The Bug Apocalypse

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Bug Apocalypse
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 01:04 (2 Years ago)
(Sorry for the use of Bonnie, I'm too lazy to make a form)

"Clemont, there's a bug! It's so cute! It didn't attack me!" Bonnie, Clemont's sister said.

"What bug?"

"It's an unknown orange and green bug!"

"It's A grubbin." Kiawe sighed. "I guess this is your first time to Alola, right?" Suddenly, a lot of grubbins popped out of a random hole. "Oh no! Run now!"

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 02:24 (2 Years ago)
Meanwhile, Blaze and Chaos each have internal debates about whether or not to join the people. The Charmander especially shows reluctance. However, the trainer is not very reluctant, compared to Blaze. Both notice the Grubbins and ready themselves for battle. They decide to go over to the other people and wordlessly prepare to battle the Grubbins if necessary. They are both thinking the same thing: "This is very buggy."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 02:36 (2 Years ago)
(Actually every trainer can use any Pokémon.)

‘What is grubbin’s weakness?? Oh, faster, Kiawe!’ Kiawe thought to himself. “Oh yeah! Fire, flying, rock types are grubbin’s weakness! Inteleon, use Acrobatics!”

One of the grubbin slowed down. “Keep it up!”
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 02:37 (2 Years ago)
*Rose is riding on Aslan. She sees the grubbins appear* "Aslan, use Lava Plume!" Rose said and another grubbin slowed down.
Quote from Pokemon Gold/SilverYou know how pokemon have different abilities? People are like that too. Everyone has different potential.

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 02:43 (2 Years ago)
Seeing as how the other people are attacking the Grubbins, Chaos makes a strange hand symbol that looks like a cross between an attempted shadow bunny and a finger gun, which Blaze interprets as "use flamethrower" and Blaze uses Flamethrower on the Grubbins.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 02:46 (2 Years ago)
Pyre was walking around when the grubbins started attacking
"Woah! Dreams! Use Fire blast!"
The Garchomp raised its head and blasted unbelievably hot fire at the attacking bugs.
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 02:51 (2 Years ago)
“Thank you!” Clemont replied. “Helioptile, use rock slide! Hopefully this will help.” He smiled.

Suddenly, the great weather changed. Thunder began to ring. “Oh gosh.” Kiawe gulped. “What’s happening?” Bonnie whimpered.

“It’s the mythical Pokémon, Zeraora…”
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 02:55 (2 Years ago)
Chaos and Blaze ran off as soon as the thunder started. They also look around for anywhere to take shelter, which is quite peculiar behavior. Nonetheless, that does not stop the duo of strange Pokémon and even stranger Trainer from doing so. "Out of the storm, as with storms come rain, and rain and Charmander tails do not mix."
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 02:59 (2 Years ago)
The thunder did not effect Dreams but it effected his fireblast. He stepped back and glanced at Pyre. Pyre squinted into the sky "A storm at a tine like this?"
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 03:01 (2 Years ago)
"Aslan, back in your Pokeball," Rose said and returned Aslan back to his Pokeball because of the storm.
Quote from Pokemon Gold/SilverYou know how pokemon have different abilities? People are like that too. Everyone has different potential.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 03:07 (2 Years ago)
“I guess that good guy left…” Bonnie sighed. “But nevertheless, I think Zeraora is helping!”

Zeraora used multiple fire punches on 7 grubbin, and they all fainted. “Ha, take that, grubbins!”

“I can’t believe that mythical Pokémon are so strong! And it can talk!” Clemont exclaimed.

“Yes, and our world is in DANGER. There is an evil scientist making a bug apocalypse, that’s why there are so much grubbins. Can you guys help me and Arceus?” Zeraora replied, and said to all of the people that tried to stop the grubbins.

And the storm stopped.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 03:09 (2 Years ago)
Pyre blinked "Arceus? The pokemon god? Um sure." He didnt hate bug pokemon that much because he used to have one on his team "What do you need?"
Dreams glanced at all the trainers.
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 299
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 03:12 (2 Years ago)
"I'll help you!" Rose said to the Zeraora. She sent out Aslan. "What do you think, Aslan," Rose asked. "I think we should help the Zeraora," Entei thought telepathically to Rose. "Aslan agrres to help, so we will help," Rose said. (Yes, Entei can do that, the Entei in Spell of the Unown did that)
Quote from Pokemon Gold/SilverYou know how pokemon have different abilities? People are like that too. Everyone has different potential.

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 03:13 (2 Years ago)
Chaos and Blaze hesitantly walk over to Zeraora and everyone else, questioning the random storm and then not-storm. Blaze decides in this moment to learn human language. Maybe he could get some tutoring from Zeraora? Best to ask later.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 03:50 (2 Years ago)
“Arceus, nicknamed Shine. Anyways, my name is Volt.” Zeraora said. “Ah, and you little Charmander, you want to learn human language? I could help.” It said.

“We could help you!” Kiawe and Clemont said cheerfully. “Now, come out guys!” Kiawe and Clemont let their Pokémon out to help.

Two Chespins, one shiny, A Helioptile, Heliolisk, Inteleon, Shiny Decidueye, A Frogadier, Alolan Marowak, Turtonator, Shiny Corviknight, and a Pidgeot

“Now we have more pokemon helping.”

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 03:56 (2 Years ago)
Chaos looks surprised. "You want to speak human, eh Blaze? I don't see it being a long shot, I already taught you how to read." Blaze proceeds to wonder: "How did Volt know what I was thinking? I mean it was just thought." Mental gasp. "ZERAORA CAN READ MINDS!" And also, from Chaos: "Can Pokémon use the internet? Yeah probably."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 04:08 (2 Years ago)
“Yes I can read minds. So can the other legendary Pokémon.” Volt continued to say. The others gasped. “So can you know what I’m thinking now?” Clemont smirked. Volt just blushed. “What was it?” Kiawe asked. “Nothing hahaha…”
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 04:22 (2 Years ago)
Blaze proceeds to wonder: "Is there anywhere I can get a book detailing how to learn Metronome?" Chaos is wondering "Wouldn't mind-reading count as privacy invasion? And is privacy invasion illegal in Alola?" Chaos dismisses this chain of thought. It's not like Volt is in Team Rocket or Team Rainbow Rocket or whatever Giovanni's people call themselves now.

((Do you know how long this took to make? So many color tags...))
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 04:58 (2 Years ago)
"Well, what can we do to help right now?" Pyre asked
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2022 05:00 (2 Years ago)
“We need to find a way to break through the main controller, and disable the device that controls the bugs.” Volt answered.