Forum Thread
Pokemart Play
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Pokemart PlayRuLeS:
-All PH rules
-Make sure to put who/what you are in that post
-Try to be as ridiculous or sincere as possible
-HaVe FuN tImE
I'll start! :
A kid is sitting in the Pokemart trying to swallow the Master ball. The store owner walks up to him and says: _________
(Your turn!)
The peace of the rainstorm of small gentle plushies is broken by a large aggressive one carrying a glass bottle and a knife. Perhaps enraged at being rickrolled, it lets out an ear-splitting screech, smashes the bottle it was carrying, and starts swinging it around at plushies that landed nearby. Eventually it desires to kill rather than merely harm, sets down the bottle, and rushes towards the Bidoof and stabs it to death, still roaring. It abandons its knife and bounces up to the boy, having seemed to calm down. It goes inside a Poke Ball that he was carrying, having claimed him as its partner.
I hope this isn't too long winded.