Forum Thread
🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → 🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]After almost 3 years of service, temporarily closing this shop.
Currently busy in rl. Might re-open next year <3
Thanks again, fellas.

I am very
sorry if I do offers so slow.
It's fine if you cancel the trade coz there are other shops you can go to in the site ^^;
I rly wanna close my shop coz I am inactive, but people are asking not to. So I just do them slow as of now.
Read everything in this post.
Go ask someone else if you're that impatient.
Just click my username and search my boxes. There are over 60 boxes. Not the NFT boxes.
First come, first serve. The people who post here are priority.
So don't PM me for trades coz PM's only for questions.
I will accept by sending you a private trade first!
I will cancel trades when there's no offer within 5 days.
I can also provide an Everstone for extra 200 PD for mons that can still evolve.
Otherwise I won't provide them. Check out Emera shop to buy the stones separately.
Use the DAMN form! or I'll ignore your request.
"What does exclude mean?"
Items for sale:
• - -
• Meowth plushies for 1k PD each. Please visit my profile for more info ♡
• - -
If you're in my blocklist, you're blocked in my threads
Gonna start putting people's names here when they've broken a rule.
You'll get two warnings, then third time you doing it, you're banned and blocked.
No admins said anything here.
So for me, I see it a lot in other people's threads so I can do it too.
* noone uwu *
It's fine if you cancel the trade coz there are other shops you can go to in the site ^^;
I rly wanna close my shop coz I am inactive, but people are asking not to. So I just do them slow as of now.
Max 15 mons per offer. There is a cooldown
that you can offer again after we finish the current trade.
So don't double post and have 15+ mons😶
Can do trades when I have free time.
Sometimes I have commissions, draw, play games, write, my job or spend time with my family.
There's now an extra 1'000 PD charge for each mon when you send a link of a certain nature or ID you want..etc.
3'000 PD for 2 or 3 gold star IV.
Except genders, those are easy to spot. It's consuming my time esp on a wall of 100 of the same mon.
Also, no mass trades.
So don't double post and have 15+ mons😶
Can do trades when I have free time.
Sometimes I have commissions, draw, play games, write, my job or spend time with my family.
There's now an extra 1'000 PD charge for each mon when you send a link of a certain nature or ID you want..etc.
3'000 PD for 2 or 3 gold star IV.
Except genders, those are easy to spot. It's consuming my time esp on a wall of 100 of the same mon.
Also, no mass trades.
Read everything in this post.
I will know whether you've read it all or no.
Just coz I'm online doesn't mean I will accept it right away.
Please be patient and don't PM/PP
me for your trade or I will charge you 3'000 PD for each mon for
being impatient.
Go ask someone else if you're that impatient.Just click my username and search my boxes. There are over 60 boxes. Not the NFT boxes.
First come, first serve. The people who post here are priority.
So don't PM me for trades coz PM's only for questions.
I will accept by sending you a private trade first!
I will cancel trades when there's no offer within 5 days.
I can also provide an Everstone for extra 200 PD for mons that can still evolve.
Otherwise I won't provide them. Check out Emera shop to buy the stones separately.

Use the DAMN form! or I'll ignore your request.
Keep the mons listed by boxes. Don't scatter them.
Anything else?:
Anything else?:
Box#: Johto2
Pokemon: male Pichu, Totodile
Box#: Kanto4
Pokemon: Pikachu, female Meowth
Anything else?: Everstone Totodile and Meowth!
Pokemon: male Pichu, Totodile
Box#: Kanto4
Pokemon: Pikachu, female Meowth
Anything else?: Everstone Totodile and Meowth!
"What does exclude mean?"
Oh, spare a click?
Items for sale:
• - -
• Meowth plushies for 1k PD each. Please visit my profile for more info ♡
• - -
Banned list:
Gonna start putting people's names here when they've broken a rule.
You'll get two warnings, then third time you doing it, you're banned and blocked.
No admins said anything here.
So for me, I see it a lot in other people's threads so I can do it too.
* noone uwu *
may i have the charizard from sell 20,
the two charmeleons and the charizard from sell 21,
the charizard from sell 23,
and the five charizards from sell 24?
if they are for sale of course
that would be 9 male starters and 1 female starter, so 5500 pd, i could pay with 14 ground gems? (14 X 400 = 5600)
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
~Dragapult (male) ---- Sell2
~Lapras (male) ------- Sell 3
~Dreppy (female) ----- Sell4
~Floatzel (female) ---- Sell4
~Decidueye (female) - Sell12
~Dragalge (female) -- Sell14
~Pyroar (male) ------- Sell17
~Torterra (female) --- Sell19
~Greninja (female) -- Sell22
total: 4200pd + I'll give 3 ground gems too ^w^
@DavidplayZ: that's an event mon that were excluded in the list. If you want those 2, they're 10 normal gems each.
I'll get to these after work:
Magmar from sell 8
Exeggutor, Paras and Machamp from sell 7
Diglett from sell 6
Farfetched, Primeape and Machoke from sell 5
Shellder from sell 4
Exeggcute, Lickitung and Horsea from sell 3
Doduo and voltorb from sell 2
Machop from sell 25
Sorry for the long list btw, I'm trying to complete my dex ^^
Since Spheal, Vanillite and Delibird are on the hot list for the advent calendar, I'll price them up differently.
They will hold an everstone for the troubles.
- Spheal (10) will cost 8 ground gems each.
- Vanillite (10+) will cost 5 ground gems each.
- Delibird (1) will cost 10 ground gems each.
and others I've missed.
Feel free to ask for trades :3