Forum Thread
2021 Halloween Trick or Treat List
Forum-Index → Discussion → 2021 Halloween Trick or Treat ListAs last year's list is no longer being updated, here's the 2021 list.
Comment below if you haven't been added.
Let me know if I've made an error somewhere, this is the first time I've ran the annual list!!
Link to the event page
Don't forget to claim your DP while interacting!
If you lie in your post, I'm removing you from the list. It's both annoying and frustrating to people using the list to find out they chose wrong and missed out on sweets. If it's just a mistake on either side, I'm more than happy to fix it.
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Kids: Solipse, Leapy, Zotz, Nitelight, Gailea, Tyrrel, WHOMEGALUL69, Aspen, CrystalBorf_aDORKable, RaRaRasputin, Ravenswing, Kathcate, _TBV_, Ancoolcat, Psykowitz, Chydizzy, JacksonOk, TikaBlossoms, Lycrian, IllieFarkas, bloodline, LordSmileyFace, ~Lucky~, Greggory_Lee, BrianaWalters1991, Teller, Mirej, beneviciiis, GoneForAwhile, Kakashi_Sensei, Boots, Aqua_sapphire, Kazyaquin, Bishop, -Piers-, Inverso, DustyZoiveon, Scare_Crow, AnjuMaaka, dirtdude, Braixie, AdminK, Wolfsdrache, Daiko, Purpleeda, An_Apple, TomatoSoup, YungRover, Cherry_Blossom, Ashlie, Leranas, Luxria, Absbor, silverklauws, Yamiduo, Wuffels, Ren~, FearlessDragonite, Galvadyne, PandoraPika, Shinoxbu, Kadse, cinnamondogeo, -Scolipede, shadybump1189, Tem-, Tazuna_, juliewolffang64, chungus, Vixie, Fishy-san, Wizarmon, Mirajane, Eris_Kawa, SouthParkFirefly, Rookthelord, Riodise, ~Aoi, Litten81, kytten, B0MBus, RichKid, Prince-Ralsei, IsuzuTheDewott, LittleEngland, LionnoiL, -Kyle, GoldPeasant, Alchemy, StarPrizm, SirFuzzyFace, DrGrimm, $who, Silver13, Iceland, aixle, TedizStalker, Expecto_patrONIX
Vampires: istoodonyouyesterday, Pinkglaceon1104, dpokepotato, Wildfyre, BunBunHope, SilverWarrior, James125, Kimie, enderknux, Koushi, neon-izumi, Finhawk, Racoon, Starkban, Suvichan, enulaia, Umbregrl, Rajiplayz, Nikkari, MegaMewtwoX_Master, DGWHenrietta, Pokehero87,
Witches: SeizeRaider, _-_-_-Sam-_-_-_ , KD6-37, Cloudfairy, Professor_Mac, zangetsu, AlienSnowflake, ghostlycorvid, Sappho, botface23, Heisenberg, Whovi, Renmei, MewMinecraft,
Zombies: Zellane, RandomAppleSoda04, Nima, AmberLikeEmber, Jacharias, ShadowX116, RayeMichelle, Seraphica, Lord_Samton, dusk_keldeo, Timxra_21k, Earwig, UnidentifiedMinds_, ~Built_Different~, SilkySelkie, Avoie, Crystalmystria, Jaywire, RainbowEevee, Zacharias, Blue_Birdy, CaptainParisStarr, Saknar, bloopTheCowmmon, Inner-Nexus, hinayanachan, TreeckoGirl3, FluffyStar, Rice, Airistotal, Guri, Lady_Litwick, Menxi, KoayZQ, KitKatGirl, fuzzyirulz, kore, Muffin258, whitefeathersrain, zuramaru, PanoBG, BluePhox296, Sirithcam, Abra~Kadabra, ~Pixie~, ThatPotterHead,
Ghosts: AOHAD, Emelicious, Maniac, Nuggetz, AnimeEmber, underwater, Windblown_Knight, Crysticia, Soup5, Mr_FrosthGon, Masserozzo, TheRockers, indridmoths, Bun-Bun, Kaisa, SensGirl25, HimeKumi, Tacomon237, Hexed, PandaWarz, Wandy, StarlightUmbreon, Rainytail, Ruin, champ1509, Hooded, Tlilkuautli, AllayTheGlaceon,pokemonblack, Sparrowwa, Akemie, Drakona, PandaWarz, cresco, ShinyMegaGardevoir, Chesed, Pfeif, Redfieldy, Vstar31, Titubeur978, ShadowWolf18, Lacykat, theinsaneone, hassuki, YourAngel_88, BLEACHIchigo1, Rosie, Castiello11, Bokuto, Instinct213178, Vivixian, ShadowDragon87, Burn~Drive, Ingold, Nagalia, xenephos, MasterMewtwo23, dmang2005, Xereos
Ignore this!

Ignore this spoiler, it helps me keep
track of the code url and who's post I left off on
Last name added: Expecto_patrONIX
Last name added: Expecto_patrONIX

Alone, each of us are stunning and unique. Together, we can be amazing!! Let's chose to shimmer like the night sky and show the world how great we are!!
(Remember, no matter how dull your light, you are still a star and loved by many!!🥰)