Forum Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Fire and Ice
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Fire and IceRules:

1.Pokeheroes rules apply
2.No overpowered Pokemon if you're going to go hardcore
3.Up to four Pokemon can be created by one person
4. Up to ten Pokemon in an explorer team unless you pay 500, then 1000, and so on to get more. All money will be going to AC11, for her to get a Pokeradar.
5.Don't kill other Pokemon unless you have permission
6. Up to 3 legendaries/mythicals in an explorer team
7.Up to 1 legendary/mythical per person
8. No one can have Arceus, Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyurem, Golurk, Rayquaza, or Victini.
9. Only up to 3 people can have the same Pokemon
10. Only up to 2 people can have the same legendary/mythical Pokemon
11. Only one person can have the shiny version of the Pokemon
12. If you want to create an explorer team, PM or Pal Pad me. (you should pal pad me. I respond to that more than PMs
13. Read the rules and up to part five of the story before Registering. ( if was updated and someone registered before and is reading the rules again, you dont have to, but it's a good idea)
14. Pokemon can only evolve once the player reaches 7 Pokemon in their team.
15. When a part of the mystery is discovered, you have the option to battle the Pokemon that are part of the mystery.
16. No advertising unless it's in your signature.
17. After you're off for 1 month you are kicked out for a week, and during that time other players can have their Pokemon killed and can take yours, and the second person to have signed up for your team(if you created one.) has the option to, while you're away, lead your explorer team, unless you give me a reason why you won't be signing on.
18. If you're off for two months, even if you can't help it, you will be banned from this RP forever unless you gift me 50 nuggets.
19. The leader of a group can change the name of his/her group ONCE only.
20. You can live in Elemental Village if you pay 500 PD.
Registeration Form

Human that turned into a Pokemon
Love:(if none yet leave blank until you get one)
Team:(if none yet leave blank until you get one)
Name: Flame (originally Alex)
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Cyndaquil (shiny)
Moves: Inferno, Eruption, Flamethrower, Flame Wheel
Ability: Flash Fire
Love: Inferno
Team: Lava Storm

Name: Inferno (originally Lexie)
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Moves: Attract, Quick Attack, Flame Charge, Headbutt
Ability: Blaze
Love: Flame
Team: Lava Storm

Name: Unknown
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Nature: Unknown
Moves: Tackle, Eruption
Ability: Unknown
Love: none yet
Team: Lava Storm

Pokemon from Village
Love: (if none leave blank until he/she has one)
What he/she does:
Name: Pika
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Pichu
Nature: Bold
Moves: Thunder Shock
Ability: Static
Team: Lava Storm

What he/she does: Has a shop. She sells goods like TMs, Berries, and seeds.
Gender: (if genderless leave blank)
Love: (if genderless can't have love, so don't bother put Love if your legendary/mythical is genderless.) (if have gender(if not have a love then leave blank until he/she has one))
Team: (if not have then leave blank until has one)
Rule 10 Word 11 is __________
Part 2 Line 3 Word 12 is ______________

Humans that were turned into Pokemon
-Flame/Inferno: ur_father
-Kitty: allicat11
-Alex: babybuttcheeks
-Malaika: doratheexplorer
-Flare/Light: Xx???xX (I'll edit, i'm having memory block.)
-Unknown: ??? (ill edit.)
Pokemon that live in the village
-Pika: ur_father
Children Pokemon
-Unknown name:ur_father
-Lava Storm: ur_father,babybuttcheeks,
-Paper: doratheexplorer94169
-Team Thunder: allicat11
-Team Aura Paws: Xx???xX

Part one: You are having a mysterious dream... It seems as if you've turned into a Pokemon! "No!" You cry, "This has got to be a dream!" You close your eyes, hoping to "wake up". When you opened your eyes, you were still there. "Oh no! I've turned into a [whatever Pokemon you are]! This is bad..." Then you realize you've started to fall! "Noooooooooooooo!!!!!" You cry. The next thing you know, you've been knocked unconscious from the fall.
Part two: When you wake up, you see a figure... It turns out to be a Pichu! "Hi! I'm Pika!" she says, "I've never seen you in the village before though. But I'm happy you came because this place has been getting lonely without people. I'd like you to meet my friends, Flame and Inferno. They recently had an egg together. I'm hoping it's a boy. Come this way- oh! I forgot to ask you your name! So what's your name, traveler? Is it Matt, is it Sophia, oh tell me later! Come on!" "Sheesh," you think, "she talks too much! Maybe these so-called Flame and Inferno can help me!" and you follow Pichu to a house.
Part three: In the house you see two Cyndaquil and an egg. "Welcome to our house. I'm Flame and she's Inferno. Nice to meet you. Might I ask your name?" "At least these two don't seem super talkative like Pika is." you think with a smile. "I'm [whatever your name is]!" you say, "but I've got a problem. I used to be a human, but then I had a dream and now, I'm a Pokemon!" Flame takes a look at you. Inferno says,"The same thing happened to us. We were sleeping in our houses when we had the "dream" and were turned into Pokemon. We don't know why, but we are trying to find out." "The first thing you should do," said Flame, " is join or start a explorer team."
Part four: "An explorer team? What's that?" you ask. "An explorer team is a group of Pokemon who try to find out what's going on around here, but we are not so successful, however the last time this happened, there were a ton of us, even 2 legendary Pokemon, Virizion and Keldeo!" Inferno says. "Wow, that sure sounds exciting, and I'm going to [join someone else's/create my own]!" you reply. "Alright then, now come with us." Flame tells you. "I wonder where they are taking me..." you think, following them.
Part five: You see some buildings in the distance. "Where are we?" you ask. "This is [Element you are] Village, your home until we can find a way back into the real world. In Elemental Village, we have Pika's shop, and you can live there, so all you have to do is- Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!" They seemed to have fallen in a mysterious portal. "Guys???" you call out, hoping they would hear you. "I guess I gotta go in... and you jump in.
Event: Green Fields (mystery dungeon) have been unlocked! You can only enter with 3 or more Pokemon, or pay a fee of 200 PD to enter without 3 Pokemon in an explorer team! (you can go in if you are in Lava Storm, but Pika has to be part of it, and you have to have other Pokemon who are willing to go in too.)(currently no Pokemon can be befriended) To get a map, pay 100 PD
Event: If you are one of the first ten to go into Green Fields, then you receive 350 PD.
I hope you join this RP and have fun!

Name: Kitty
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Skitty
Nature: Timid
Moves: Play rough, Thunderbolt, Copycat, Assist
Ability: Wonder skin (Hidden ability)
Love:(if none yet leave blank until you get one)
Team:(if none yet leave blank until you get one)
Image I have none.

Nature: Hyper
Moves:Ember, Tackle (no further moves)
Ability:Flash Fire
Love:(if none yet leave blank until you get one)
Team:(if none yet leave blank until you get one)
rules are going to be updated and the story will be updated.
Next time, AC11 and dte94169, type in the words. You're still both accepted.

(Is it ok if I use it for both pokemon) Name:Light And Flare Gender:Male and Female Pokemon:riolu and eeveee Nature:Joly,timid (Im not very good...) Moves:tackle,flail,growl,quick attack (Flare's moves) quick attack,bite,force plam,reversal (light's moves) Ability:Run Away And Steadfast Love:Flare Team:Team Aura Paws Image:

Name:the player select it
Moves: first moves:Takle,growl when level grow up it learn new moves perfect for a oshawott
Evolution:in a window on the game in a corner apear something where is write "you want to evolve?" and player select yes or no if it selecte no on te next level will be appear again
For story i don't know but i can help you with details
Details:a pokemon save you,you two make a home for you.that's all i hope is is helpful for you
Emulator:the game to be on Nds rom
The team: the name will be selected by player,two pokemons formate a team for treasures
I hope i help you :) ;) :D