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The Danger Journey

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions The Danger Journey
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 17:47 (3 Years ago)
This counts as a fanfiction right? riiiight?
if it doesn't then I'm going to be reported, so I hope it is.
I'm just going to write chapters
And it's on Pokeheroes
Because why not.
The chapters are 1: short and 2: sloppy
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 18:01 (3 Years ago)

Title: Prologue

Torak the Absol sniffed the air, sensing danger incoming.

"What's wrong?" a Leafeon next to him asked. Torak turned to her. "I sense something."

"Of course you do. You're a Absol. Absols are said to sense dangers. There are dangers left and right up here." the Leafeon stood very still. "What do you sense?"

What the Leafeon meant by many dangers was that they lived on the side of the mountain in a village. Every night, the village will send a few of their most trusted men to scout the top for dangers, an Absol amongst them every time.

Torak mumbled, "Not sure. We're going to have to go up to the peak to find out. There is no other way."

The Leafeon looked at him questioningly, as if not trusting him, but shrugged. "I'm going to have to get Milo in on this plan."

Torak raised his un-existant eyebrow. "What about Delphi?"

The Leafeon snickered. "She goes along with everything. I bet if I can convince Milo, then Delphi would have to come."

Torak looked curious now. "No one has been to the peak before, right?"

The Leafeon, who had began grooming herself, responded, "No- well I'm pretty sure there was this one crazy Talonflame named Hawk once. He was visiting the village from apparently 'far away' and dared someone to race all mighty Justin up to the top of the Peak."

"I forgot Justin's been up there." Torak replied.

Justin was supposedly the most courageous and brave of the whole, as the people of the village all it, tribe. He was a Skiddo, built for mountains.

The Leafeon winked. She raced off into the distance, in the direction of where Milo the Litten had gone and in the few minutes she was gone, the ground started shaking around Torak.

Torak looked up for some sort of sign, but there was nothing. He sniffed the air, he could sense nothing.

Torak shook his head and turned around to see the Leafeon and Milo galloping toward him. "Delphi said she wanted to stay behind." the Leafeon explained quickly, panting as they halted to a stop in front of Torak.

Milo said with a slight laugh, "Clementine tried to convince her, but she confessed she was scared of heights."

"But she's lived 2000 feet from the ground her whole life!" Torak growled, frustrated.

"You try to convine her then!" Clementine the Leafeon spat at him.

Milo yanked Clementine backward to stop her form pouncing on Torak which resulted in Milo tumbling down the edge but landing on a ledge halfway down the cliff and surviving, and Clementine who barely missed the ravine and started rolling onto the other side.

As Milo and Clementine tried to make their way back toward Torak, Delphi appeared. "Nevermind, I'm following you."

"What made you change your mind?" Torak asked kindly.

"I'm scared of going down the mountain mysel-" Delphi's honest reply turned into a shriek as she saw Clementine and Milo emerging from the edge of the cliff.

"Nothing I can't handle!" Clementine said confidently as she used her back paws to push herself up. Milo rolled his eyes and suggested, "Can we go now?"


Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 18:20 (3 Years ago)

Title: Chapter One

The group had decided to travel in a tunnel, or, cave instead of on the outside for 'safety precautions' and found themselves lost in the tunnel just a few minutes in.

Clementine winced at Delphi's comment. "Well that was quite rude." she said scoldingly.

Delphi shrugged. "Just to get you moving."

"Yes! Delphi wanting to go up a hill to her very doom! Very Delphi of her!" Clementine in a very mocking voice. "Seriously Delphi, if you don't want to come, don't come. It's that simple."

The Delcatty raised her tail along with her voice, "I WOULD PREFER TO GO DOWN, BUT THE VILLAGE WILL LOOK AT ME AS A COWARD!"

"If you ARE a coward, then just DEAL with it!" Clementine spat.

Torak raised his tail as Delphi turned toward him. "Shush. I hear something."

"Why do we let Delphi take the lead? She's obviously going to fall into a ditch and-" Clementine snarled.

"Sh... be nice to Delphi. She's just trying to help." Torak lied, though he knew Clementine was right, he didn't like the idea of listening to her whilst she was mad. He knew from experience.

Milo mumbled, "How about Torak takes the lead so he can sense danger ahead of us? Not like there will be dangers behind of us when they could've attacked already."

"There are such things as ambushes." Clementine said knowingly just as Milo realized the same exact thing.

"Oh sure! A Gigamaxed Beware is going to AMBUSH us out of NOWHERE!" Delphi said in a high pitched, sarcastic squeaky voice. Milo gave her a 'what are you emplying?' look before she continued. "Just GO! I WANT THIS TO BE OVER AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE!"

"Okay!" Clementine snapped. "But you don't have to be so obnoxious about it!"

"Oh sure! And have you think I'm too unimportant to care about!" Delphi growled back.

"WELL YOU AR-" Torak cut her off before she could say any more.

"I sense danger, everybody low." He lowered, his belly fur almost touching the ground. Clementine and Milo did the same but Delphi was being a stubborn little coward.

"CAN'T WE GO ALREADY??" Delphi complained loudly.

"SHUSH!" Torak shoved a mouth-sized rock into Delphi's mouth as a gag as he crept forward. Delphi spat it out but had enough sense to keep quiet.

Suddenly, Torak's ears shot up. The walls creaked as the tunnel seemed to begin to sway. Clementine lifted her head and looked around then lowed in to Dedenne-height.

"Rat." Delphi spat out, then slapped her paw against her mouth and sat up.

"Get DOWN!" Torak ordered in a hiss, slamming Delphi's, who was behind him, head onto the ground with a hard BANG!.

"Welcome, Folks, to-" said a echoey voice before it was cut off.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 18/08/2021 02:03 (3 Years ago)

Title: Chapter Two

Torak blinked upward. "Who are you?" he asked shakily.

"oh me?" the deep, ominous voice. Torak started at the darkness above of them. He took out what the Tribe 'leader' gave each and every one of them, which was the same thing Prometheus caught fire in, in Greek Mythology.

Milo blew a puff of fire into the paper-looking thing. (Note: This is so embarrasing)Torak lifted the fire into the air and looked around. "Nothing."

"Oh really?" the creepy voice asked.

Suddenly, there was a flash of black and pink. "BEWARE!!!" Milo screeched.



Torak looked up to see the Beware purring. "I just want a hug." It was giant. About twice the size if he and Clementine stood on their back paws on each other's shoulders.

"Great foresight, Delphi." Clementine muttered.

"I told you to listen to me!" Delphi spat.

"Uhhh... guys run." Milo stepped back from the Beware.

Torak climbed foreward and said, "Maybe if we hug it it'll go away."

"TORAK! NO!" Milo jumped foreward but the Beware had already grabbed Torak. Torak kicked away from it's body.

"RUN!" Clementine screeched and pelted down the tunnel where they came from, which was pitch black since Torak had dropped the torch onto the ground.

"Wait, don't Bewares only live in Forests, not caves on mountains?" Milo questioned.

"WHATS GOTTEN INTO YOU WEEDLE HEADS?? RUN!" Clementine kept running even when she was shouting this.

Finally, Milo, Delphi and Torak began running after her and since it was a far tunnel, it didn't take long to catch up. Torak couldn't hear the Beware's pounding footsteps behind them, but could sense it nevertheless.

Clementine grabbed Milo by the scruff so they would move faster.

Torak turned to Delphi, who was slowing down, like she was tired, which she probably was. "Do... I grab her... scruff?"

"Yes." said Milo whilst Clementine dropped him. "No. It'll lift much more weight from our backs-"

"And then the Tribe leader will get angry." Torak spat at her and picked up Delphi synchronized with her picking up Milo and they both sped from the cave, which did have an exit now which they could clearly see.

Torak blinked. Suddenly, the three Pokemon around his rose, their eyes turning white. Is this a prophecy?

"Light of silver as it's brought
The evil now where he ought

Church bells ring
Blue birds sing
But one only, beneath the see
Can sight the red eyes of the most valued thing

They shall find the stone, the rain, the clay
Where the lost city used to lay

When the sacred savior of the earth
Brings down the true reason written in the turf

And now, as the village settles
The new riser plays with metals
And when is gathered, clay, stone, rain
Is when you obtain the golden crane."

Torak's eyes widened, clearly had never had seen or heard a real prophecy being spoken aloud in front of him.

His friends fell to the ground. Clementine and Milo were the first ones to rise to their paws. Delphi lay motionless on the ground.

"Oh no."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Delphi cackled.

Milo scowled at her but Clementine muttered, "Can we just go on?"
