Forum Thread
Soul's Kanto Pokemon Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Soul's Kanto Pokemon Shop
Here are some rules you must follow! If you break them you will get a warning, however if you continue you to break them you will be banned from my breeding shop! Lets hope that doesn't happen though~

- All ph rules
- Be kind
- You can only order when slots are open, first come first serve
- Use the form when ordering
- Maximum of 10 Pokémon per order and one slot per time, so everyone gets a chance. If you have a large order contact me and we can make a deal.
- Set up a private trade with me immediately within 48 hours of your order being accepted, and remember the junkmons! If this rule is broken your order will be cancelled
- If you want an Everstone, you must provide another one on the trade
- No reselling
- You have 48 hours to accept the my offer on your trade, if you don't the offer will be cancelled
- Be kind
- You can only order when slots are open, first come first serve
- Use the form when ordering
- Maximum of 10 Pokémon per order and one slot per time, so everyone gets a chance. If you have a large order contact me and we can make a deal.
- Set up a private trade with me immediately within 48 hours of your order being accepted, and remember the junkmons! If this rule is broken your order will be cancelled
- If you want an Everstone, you must provide another one on the trade
- No reselling
- You have 48 hours to accept the my offer on your trade, if you don't the offer will be cancelled

Now that you know the rules, here are the prices in pokedollar!

Easy - 1k
Medium - 2k
Hard - 3k
Rare - 5k
Starter - 6k
Special - 2k
Legendary(Know that you must have the EggDex entry already to order legendaries) - 10k
Specific gender(50/50 chance) - +500
Specific gender(Higher chance of gender requested) - +0
Specific gender(Lower chance of gender requested) - +1k
Genderless - +1k
Specific nature - +2k
Evolution stage 1(level requirement) - +500
Evolution stage 2(level requirement) - +1k
Evolution stage 1/2(other requirement) - +? (Pp to find out price)
Nugget - 2.3k
Depending on the size of the order, you may receive a discount!
Medium - 2k
Hard - 3k
Rare - 5k
Starter - 6k
Special - 2k
Legendary(Know that you must have the EggDex entry already to order legendaries) - 10k
Specific gender(50/50 chance) - +500
Specific gender(Higher chance of gender requested) - +0
Specific gender(Lower chance of gender requested) - +1k
Genderless - +1k
Specific nature - +2k
Evolution stage 1(level requirement) - +500
Evolution stage 2(level requirement) - +1k
Evolution stage 1/2(other requirement) - +? (Pp to find out price)
Nugget - 2.3k
Depending on the size of the order, you may receive a discount!

Here’s a form to use to make it easier when ordering! Remember there is a maximum of 10 Pokémon per order unless I have stated otherwise!

I'd like to have some kanto pokemon
Have you set up the trade:
Have you set up the trade:

I will be on shiny hunts from time to time, so I don't want orders piling up too much so there will be a limited amount of slots, when slots are full you can not order.
Current Status: Open!.

Thanks for visiting my shop! Please come back soon! (Unless you are banned)
Enjelina font from here
Drawing of soul by OlalaOla
Purple and blue stars border by me
Title: Big Big Order
Username: ~Jessy~
Pokemon: every poke I don't have in my kanto dex
Quantity: 1 of everything
Gender: any is fine
Nature: any is fine
Payment: idk
Have you set up the trade: no (I'm lazy sorry lol)
Other: put everstones on them pls and Gl :p
Username: ~Weird_Pichu~
Pokemon: every kanto poke that I don’t have (except ditto and bird trio cuz yeah)
Quantity what I just said
Gender: idc
Nature: idc either
Payment: pp me
Have you set up the trade: (yes/no) just tell me how much you can do ;-;
Other: I will be done with banner soon :> and tell me what needs everstone so I can see end them over :D
My favorite Pokémon is Pichu :3
♡ Art Shop ♡ ♡ Adoption Center ♡
Username: Nikkari
Pokemon: Magnemite
Quantity: 1
Gender: no matter
Nature: no matter
Payment: 3k PD
Have you set up the trade: yes
Other: I can't choose one :c but if I have to I'd say Galar Ponyta
Username: RainbowEevee
Pokemon: Squirtle
Quantity: 2
Gender: Breeding pair
Nature: Any
Payment: Idk what rarity squirtle is. Says starter
Have you set up the trade: (yes/no) no
Other: Thx!
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Pokemon: Houndoom please!
Quantity: 5
Gender: female or male, I dont care
Nature: wut?
Payment: 10kpd I think?
Have you set up the trade: (no)
Other: I'd like the Houndooms named "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" please!
<a href="">
<img src="" style="width: 64px; height: 46px;" alt="Swabulina"

Title: Big order?
Username: Alolan~Raichu
Pokemon: everything I don’t have in my kanto dex
Quantity one of each
Gender: doesn't matter
Nature: doesn’t matter
Payment: idk
Have you set up the trade: (yes/no) can you tell me once they are ready? I’ll set up trade that way
Other: favorite Pokémon is Alolan raichu

Username: Posey
Pokemon: Shellder & exeggcute
Quantity: 1 of each
Gender: don't care
Nature: don't care
Payment: I think they're both rare so 10k, will edit if that's not right
Have you set up the trade: (yes/no) no, not yet
Other: espeon or mudkip :3
Pokemon: Ekans, Clefairy, , Mankey, Abra, Machops, Bellsprout, Slowpoke, Shelder.
Quantity:2 Machops, 3 Bellsprout, 2 Shelder, 1 of the rest
Payment: Genuinely no idea what how much this costs but i am pretty confident i can pay it and give an additional 50k tip
Have you set up the trade: (yes/no) No, will when ready
Other: I really like Nidoking

Username: Purpleeda
Pokemon: some missing Pokémon in my kanto dex please!
Quantity: uh, 1 of each please!
Gender: doesn’t matter :3
Nature: doesn’t matter :3
Payment: I’ll try to pay in PD-
Have you set up the trade: No, I will tomorrow
Other: Delphox