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FILE_16_Experiment.Results.Exe - RP sign-ups[OPEN]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up FILE_16_Experiment.Results.Exe - RP sign-ups[OPEN]
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 20:36 (3 Years ago)

"Look, I know you don't like this, but it's the only way."

"There has to be some other way to test the serum!"

"Dr. Fern, you know full well that this final draft of the serum will only work on a living subject. We've tried plants. We need animals."

"How do we know if it'll work?? Surely you can't be willing to take that risk!"

"I know what I'm doing. This is the final sample, it will work, and we can examine the amplified animals once it is finished."

"I still don't like this."

"I am aware. We have no other choice though. It's the only way to help."



Welcome, to the LAB!

Hello! My name is Dr. ~_--~__, and I am here to welcome you to your new home! This is the LAB, where we took you for a little experiment of ours that we have been perfecting for the last years. We are keeping you under containment for the time being as you are unused to your abilities as of right now. This room you are contained in is expertly designed so that you may test out your abilities whilst causing no harm to anyone or anything around you, including yourself. We will watch you as you adjust, and release you if we feel you are ready. Just know, this is the highest security containment center in the world, and you will not be able to escape if you try. Now, please enjoy your stay, and feel free to communicate with the other Tests around you! The walls are not sound proof unless we wish it so, when we turn them off at night and such, and if you'd like you can hit a button on your wall to turn the walls transparent so you may see your neighbors. Don't worry- hopefully they will not attack. A reminder that we have control over everything in this cell, and you will not be treated lightly if you attempt to escape. I advise you be on your best behavior, and try to enjoy your time here, because it may just be your whole life. Feeding time is at 7 in the morning and 8 in the afternoon. Goodbye and good luck!

You blink your eyes open, your entire body aching as bright, white lights glare in your eyes. Your vision blurred, you try and blink away the spots from your eyes as you look around cautiously. You're laying on your side in an all-white room with a large window at the front, where a human with a long white coat and silky brown head fur is speaking to another human just out of sight. Once the human spots you are awake, they begin speaking to you in an upbeat tone. You're not sure what exactly they're saying, but it does nothing to lift your mood. As you sit up, you feel weird. Your entire body is not only aching in pain, but pulsing with energy. You look different, too. Startled and confused, fear begins clawing its way up your throat as the shock dies down and you realize what is happening. Glancing down, you spot a tag stuck to your leg with a single word written in human-speech on it. Miraculously, you recognize the word, and as the human finishes speaking and walks away to converse with the other human, you close your eyes and focus on the thought of your name...

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* No OPing, no controlling another person's character, keep the powers/animal reasonable, no killing off characters without checking with both me and the owner of the character first.
* All PH rules apply.
* Character limit is 1 so far, might change it to 2 if we don't get enough characters. Make sure to check with me if you would like to add a second character.
* Keep it PG-13, a little romance and violence is allowed, but no swearing. If you would like two separate characters where you are not controlling both to fall in love, you must make sure the other roleplayer is OK with it, and let me know that this is what you want.
* This RP is semi-lit/lit, no one liners please, at least three to four sentences per post.
* We only really need two other people to join until we can create the RP, just make sure you can be active often to participate. We will wait for a couple more to join before we officially start, however.
* Password is foxes but what if bird? Please remove password once you are accepted.
* I have every right to decline your form.
* If you do not follow these rules, I will give you three warnings before I kick you out of the RP/decline your form forever, so be careful.
* Do not attempt to exploit any rules I may have forgotten to mention!

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[color=purple][b]{ENTERING FILE TESTRESULT.[insert serial number here].EXE}[/b]

[b]Username ~ [/b]

[b]Character Name ~ [/b]

[b]Character Age ~ [/b]

[b] Pronouns ~ [/b]

[b]Appearance ~ [/b] [image or written]

[b]Personality ~ [/b]

[b]Backstory ~ [/b] (optional)

[b]Animal ~ [/b]

[b]Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) ~ [/b]

[b]Serial Number ~ [/b] [must start with a letter and a dash followed by a 6 digit code. Example: X-477562.]

[b]Other ~[/b]

[b]Password ~ [/b]

[b]PalPad? ~ [/b] [yes or no?] [/color]

M Y . F O R M
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Username ~ Skye_in_daSky

Character Name ~ Holly

Character Age ~ 2 years old in human years, about 14-16 years old in fox years.

Pronouns ~ She/her/hers

Appearance ~

(just the fox)

Personality ~ Very cheerful but quick to jump to conclusions and is often leaping in headfirst and following her emotions rather than logic. Very friendly but almost a bit too energetic, this youngster is nearly a squirrel herself, despite having hunted them in the past. Often needing a friend to keep her in line but finding it hard to be social when she's so full of energy, Holly finds herself sitting alone while at the same time bouncing off the walls. She doesn't understand much of the world and only really knows what goes on in her familiar metaphorical bubble, and not much more than that. She is blissfully oblivious but tries to be as helpful as possible, even if sometimes her attempts to help just make things worse, which happens more often than you may think.

Backstory ~ She comes from a litter of 4, though the siblings all separated at a young age when their home forest was torn down by the humans. She got separated from her parents and was captured by the scientists, being experimented on with the special serum and waking up with a whole new power set and ability.

Animal ~ Holly is a (albeit winged) fox

Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) ~ She can fly using her wings, though not very well, and she has the ability to cast fire spells and use a special move called Overheat, where the subject lights themselves on fire without hurting them in the process, and that fire can act as a healing mechanism or a battle tactic to amplify moves. It only harms those whom the subject wishes for it to hurt. It saps your energy extremely fast though, and it's impossible to use it for long periods of time until you can gradually get used to it.

Serial Number ~ Z-775977

Other ~ Holly doesn't actually like hunting animals, but she knows it's how they survive and that without them, many populations of animals would become too large.

Password ~ Foxes but what if bird?

PalPad? ~ Yes!


Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Tue, 27/07/2021 03:11 (3 Years ago)

Username ~ Burn~Drive

Character Name ~ Skull “Eek” Underwings

Character Age ~ 19 (human years), ~34 (bird years)

Pronouns ~ He/they

Appearance ~ A silver-feathered bird seemingly all around, but now forming a white, skull-like marking on his head, which had a deep black crystal embedded into his forehead. Their right wing is limp and injured beyond healing.

Personality ~ strict, cold-hearted, aggressive, would bite your fingers off give him the chance.

Backstory ~

Animal ~ African Grey Parrot

Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) ~ Can cause some objects to levitate using his anger, including himself. This proves useful as all he has to do is scream in fury and he’ll be able to fly again. He can also seemingly dissapear into the night, becoming near-invisible to any animal’s eye except for his gem.

Serial Number ~ S-734448


Password ~
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PalPad? ~ [yes]
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Tue, 27/07/2021 14:05 (3 Years ago)
reserve spot ig?
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 27/07/2021 17:42 (3 Years ago)
@Immortes ok!

@Burn~Drive accepted, please edit out your password

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Wed, 18/08/2021 21:05 (3 Years ago)
this looks cool, I'll bite

Username ~ theinsaneone

Character Name ~ Synch

Character Age ~ 8

Pronouns ~ She/Her

Appearance ~

Personality ~ Quiet, Aggressive at first but slowly mellows out to be quite caring

Backstory ~ tbrp'd

Animal ~ wolf

Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) ~ She can meld with shadows, while being just as silent, as well as having a shadow like flame. Unfortunately this means she has lost most of her appearance, looking like a shadow mist. When she walks she leaves small shadow imprints of her paws, almost like they were burned into the ground.

Serial Number ~ S-938710

Other ~

Password ~ no thanks

PalPad? ~ yes

“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Thu, 19/08/2021 20:32 (3 Years ago)

Username ~ SpiffyGamer34

Character Name ~ Lace

Character Age ~ 3 in human years, however an adult in sheep years.

Pronouns ~ She/her preferred, but any is fine.

Appearance ~ A white shetland ewe, however the wool on her face is noticeably longer than usual(this area of wool regrows so fast there is little point in cutting it, but it stays at a consistent length of just below her eyeline). Her hooves are made of a fragile, blue gemstone-like material that shimmers in hues of purple and blue in light. She has ram horns of this same material on her head, and the sharp ends are usually blunted by staff for safety purposes. More of these crystals poke up from her skin and through her wool. These crystals grow regularly and are quite sharp to the touch, but cause no harm or distress to Lace.

Personality ~ Lace is very timid and rarely acts out in ways of attempted escape or attack against staff. However, she is vocal when she feels anger or displeasure, despite not acting upon this.

Backstory ~ No sad/deep backstory here, simply a regular shetland sheep bought at auction and then used for experiments with the serum.

Animal ~ Shetland sheep

Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) ~ Posseses high intelligence compared to others of her species, can communicate with humans in english, however cannot understand complex phrases or terms without assistance. The crystals on her body faintly glow in dark areas, and her eyes(although usually hidden by wool) are a piercing purple and blue colour. Looking directly into her eyes for long periods of time can induce nausea and blindness.

Serial Number ~ A-487778

Other ~

Password ~

PalPad? ~

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 05:08 (3 Years ago)
@theinsaneone waiting on a more filled-out form, but don't rush yourself!

@SpiffyGamer43 accepted! Please edit out your password.

(we will start the RP soon, I'll create a PalPad and let you all know when it's up)

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 18:44 (3 Years ago)

Username ~ Abra~Kadabra

Character Name ~ Fog Karaudo

Character Age ~17 (human years) 163 (Axolspiritto years)

Pronouns ~ He/Him

Appearance ~ A giant albino axolotl, with large silver gills tipped with bright shards of blue ice. He has ice-coloured eyes which shimmer in the dark and ivory claws. He has small yet sharp teeth which resemble shards of ice and a long, forked tongue which hangs out of his mouth. He has a long, pointed tail which is usually covered in snow and has frosty markings all around it. [image or written]

Personality ~ A shy and timid creature when around other people, but he also has a fierce and crazed side which is only triggered rarely and could lead to him causing chaos, as he finds it hard to supress certain emotions sometimes.

Backstory ~ He doesn't like to talk about it, but flashes of his past will appear later in the RP, which trigger his bad emotions and forces him to be quite vicious for a short amount of time. (optional)

Animal ~Giant Axolotl

Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) ~He can create ice and manipulate water. Fog can also cool down water and ice and change it into snow.

Serial Number ~F-483200 [must start with a letter and a dash followed by a 6 digit code. Example: X-477562.]

Other ~

Password ~^^

PalPad? ~ Yep! [yes or no?]

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 23:07 (3 Years ago)
alrighty, I've finished my form. Whenever you have the chance, its there
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 22/08/2021 04:58 (3 Years ago)
@theinsaneone looks good, accepted! Please edit out your password.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sun, 22/08/2021 10:23 (3 Years ago)
Finished my form as well!
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 17:25 (3 Years ago)
@Abra~Kadabra accepted! Please edit out your password.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Fri, 27/08/2021 13:50 (3 Years ago)
{ENTERING FILE TESTRESULT.[insert serial number here].EXE}

Username Axolmon

Character Name Axolittle

Character Age 5 in human years

Pronouns they/them

Appearance brown axolotl with a cute chubby face and black eyes [image or written]

Personality childish, loves to eat fish, scared of people

Backstory he had an encounter and forgot everything (optional)

Animal tiny axolotl

Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) regeneration can breath air

Serial Number A-000001 [must start with a letter and a dash followed by a 6 digit code. Example: X-477562.]

Other i wanna eat all the fish in the world

Password foxes but what if bird?

PalPad? yee [yes or no?]
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Fri, 27/08/2021 14:20 (3 Years ago)

Username ~ ZynxDaLynx

Character Name ~ Zephie (nickname Z)

Character Age ~11

Pronouns ~she/her

Appearance ~ silver lynx with green eyes, light blue claws

Personality ~shy

Backstory ~ Z was born in a mysterious forest and hunted for herself. At winter, she was so hungry she ate drugged food from a trap and was captured.

Animal ~ lynx

Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) ~can shoot ice from claws and control body temperature, but leaves her feverish for an hour or so

Serial Number ~ Z-309817

Other ~ she has a carnelian crystal hanging from her neck, held up by a rope

Password ~ foxes but what if bird?

PalPad? ~ no
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 27/08/2021 14:40 (3 Years ago)
@Axolmon accepted, please edit out your password. Just a quick warning however that you will need to give more detail in your posts.

@ZynxDaLynx please recheck your password, and give your character some form of negative side affect, the serum isn't perfected yet and they can't just have unlimited power.

Update on the RP Thread: I've been too busy all week, but I will get it out over the weekend and post the link here. Once I open the RP there will be one week until the sign-ups close.

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Fri, 27/08/2021 16:09 (3 Years ago)
second time changed
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 27/08/2021 17:16 (3 Years ago)
@ZynxDaLynx Thank you, but your password is still missing. Check rules if you are unsure.


The RP is here!
Please don't post yet though. I will edit the first post when it's ready :)

Quote"A sword is nothing without the hand that wields it."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 21:05 (3 Years ago)

Title: WIP

{ENTERING FILE TESTRESULT.[insert serial number here].EXE}

Username ~ Abra~Kadabra

Character Name ~ Linii Reyane

Character Age ~ 19

Pronouns ~She/her

Appearance ~ [image or written]

Personality ~

Backstory ~ (optional)

Animal ~

Special Power(s)/Ability(ies) ~

Serial Number ~ [must start with a letter and a dash followed by a 6 digit code. Example: X-477562.]

Other ~

Password ~

PalPad? ~ [yes or no?]
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Mon, 06/09/2021 14:58 (3 Years ago)
Is this still open?
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Mon, 06/09/2021 17:16 (3 Years ago)
I think so but the rp thread died kinda fast :(

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.