Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Diaries → RemovedYou gained 0 Battle Point(s).
You also received 0 PokéDollar.
NICE! And SCS is today!
Most Interactions (30 Days)
1. Sneep 2,423,989
2. momalia 2,070,675
3. WalkingOnSunshine 2,003,590
4. Agata 1,913,753
5. Lorry14 1,537,675
6. Zarkesh 1,419,104
7. Darenia 1,303,650
8. Beel 1,214,492
9. Tuna 1,177,948
10. BrianR 1,119,445
11. ~Imagine~ 1,105,653
So close!! I've been clicking so much, I just want to be on it once!
Put the exact name of Pokémon in the place of “NAME HERE” HERE
For mega-able, NAME HERE
For shiny, NAME HERE
For shadow, NAME HERE
Put the exact name of the Item in the place of “NAME HERE” HERE

Name: Joannas1379
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
YAY! I have been in PH for over a year now, and I got my first anniversary gift! Here it is! Plus my birthday is approaching; November the 16. ( #Imagine_ )
It will go like a lucky dip (, the more you enter the more luck will get for winning. So 1 ticket will add your name 1 more time, eg: You have 1 ticket which means your name will appear 1 time on the thing.
How to get tickets:
~ Heart this feed = 1 tickets
~ A Rotom, plusle or minun plushie = 5 tickets
~ Berry feed my Ducklett with proof = 2 tickets
~ Guest click my Ducklett with proof = 2 tickets
That’s about it and prizes:
Shaymin + Flower Sweet, Clover Sweet and Strawberry Sweet + a plushie of the winners choice
Cosmog, Cosmoem and Lunala
Bird Fossil x1
Poke ball x20
Starting date: 2/10/21
Ending date: 16/11/21
(Share the hashtag if you want to) #Imagine_
Last but not least… GOOD LUCK ALL ^^