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Facility 47 (roleplay)

Forum-Index Roleplay Facility 47 (roleplay)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 04:27 (3 Years ago)

It was a normal day in your world. Suddenly, you saw something in the sky. A spaceship. It was huge, at least 5 football fields. You watched in terror as robotic arms came from the ship and and snatched away multiple people, until you yourself were taken. Shocked and frightened, you blacked out. When you awoke, you found yourself in a small room blocked off by a energy barrier. Looking past the teal-tinted forcefield, you saw a scientist looking around at other cells that were around you, each containing somebody or something you likely didn’t recognize. You then look at yourself and see a piece of a numbered cloth wrapped around your shoulder, soon feeling a sharp pain in your entire arm. You had been injected with some sort of power prototype, enhancing yourself and/or giving you skills. The scientist looked at you, as you felt the pain subside. “Look who finally decided to wake up,” they said. “Welcome to Facility 47. We hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your days with us.”

The Power Prototypes
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Pyro Power The Subject has the ability to morph fire to their will. However they cannot yet control the amount that is produced. At one moment it may just be a small flame, but other times they can produce massive fires. Digit code starts with a F-.
Aqua Power The Subject has the ability to bend water to their will. Like Pyros, the amount that is produced is uncertain. Digit code starts with an A-.
Whisper Power The Subject can befriend nearly any creature or animal. However they are very forgetful and often forget which animals they befriended. Digit code starts with a W-.
Earth Power The Subject can morph the ground to their will. However they almost never seem to be able to go small scale- they always make things double the size desired. Digit code starts with an E-.
Thunder Power The Subject can bend electricity to their own will, making them great for hacking. However they seem to always short-circuit any electric device they are within close proximity to, even when they don’t want to. Digit code starts with a T-.
Darkness Power The Subject can bend and hide in the shadows. However they get hurt while in direct sunlight without a shadow to hide in. Digit code starts with a D-.
Mind Power The Subject has an enhanced mind and are very good at decision making. They do, however, take quite some time to do so. Digit code starts with a M-.
Cold Power The Subject can create ice and cool down things. The ice, however, melts very quickly unless it’s snowing. Digit code starts with a C-.
X-ray Power The Subject has enhanced vision and can see through walls. However they are nearly deaf and find it hard to hear. Digit code starts with a X-.
Hearing Power The Subject has enhanced hearing and can hear even the smallest and farthest noises. However they are nearly blind and find it hard to see. Digit code starts with a H-.

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1. Normal PH rules apply.
2.No derailing, bunnyhopping, railroading, OPing, God-Modding, etc.
3.I have a real life, don’t rush me~
7. the Power Prototypes have downfalls for a reason. They’re PROTOTYPES.
9. Minor Gore/ romance allowed, but no swearing
10. At least 3 sentences per post.
11. Do not hurt each other- you’re on the same team!
12. I have every right to deny your form.
13. Please fill out every part of the form except ones that state that they are optional
15. do not try to exploit any rules I don’t mention!

Charles opened his eyes and with a shocked breath he was awake. Nearly immedietly his head filled with questions. Where am I? Why am I here? What happened while I was knocked out? were only some of the questions rushing though his mind. But he had no time for those things. Clearly with this setting he was either held prisoner... or a test subject. The first one made no sense if it was the case- what had he done wrong if it was? He sat down to think, but before he could even collect any of his thoughts, he felt something. Pain. And not anything he should be feeling normally. As his hands fell to the ground in pain, a small current of electricity ran through his hands. The sparks caught Charles' eye as he began to fear not only the situation, but himself. "W... what have I become?"

Valcina was only half-awake. She hadn't felt this way in ages. Captured, behind bars... she sighed in an exausted "coo".

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 04:56 (3 Years ago)
Adrian woke up to an unsettling sight, or rather, the lack of one. He could hardly see anything directly in front of him, and what he could see was hardly anywhere as clear as what it once was. Fear and panic shot through him like a surge of electricity, jolting every bone down to his core. The thing he had relied on the most to survive had been taken away from him, leaving him vulnerable and stripped of everything that made him what he was. Now what? He couldn't hear or see, how would it be possible to anything now? Wait... Was he sure that he couldn't hear? The silence that usually rested in his ears was gone, and instead it was replaced with the heavy breathing of his panic and small hums. What had happened to him? He had gone from deaf to being able to hear everything, but at the cost of his most valuable asset. He tried to steady his breathing, hoping to know his surroundings more through listening, but it didn't help much. It seemed unusually quiet, which concerned him. It wasn't normal for things to be this quiet, right? Of course he wouldn't know, but he had people describe things to him before.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 11:19 (3 Years ago)
Elizabeth's eyes blinked open. Her ears were ringing, and everything was blurry. No. No. Try to remember what happened. She rubbed her eyes, blinking furiously, and clamped her hands over her ears, rocking back and forth slightly. The ringing stopped. She looked up. What was going on? Who were these people. Elizabeth's throat felt dry, and she swallowed hard. She lowered her ears, and that was when she saw the cloth on her shoulder. Why a number? What was it for? Ach, that hurt, Elizabeth didn't like the pain. She bit her lip, soon tasting blood, and she stopped when it faded. That was when she realized that the digital watch on her wrist was flickering constantly. She stared at it, her eyes widening further and further, and she screamed when it glitched and fell dark, the screen shattering. She somehow knew she was doing that, and she was terrified.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 12:36 (3 Years ago)
Nona woke up on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. It wasn't the first time time this had happened to her, so she was only mildly annoyed about it. More importantly, she felt an almost overwhelming emptiness within her, and Mikah's cloak was gone. If she found out that they took his cloak...

Flames started to curl around Nona's knuckles, before they became a full on fire on her hand. That was new. Well, her using fire like this wasn't "new" per say, but that power was never really hers. This was. Nona watched with hand stretched out as the fire grew and grew, despite her trying to kill it with force of will. She tried to shake it out, which seemed to work better than just trying to control it. A numb hand and a tired wrist later and the fire was gone. So she could put out the fire, kinda, but it was slow and inconvenient.

Nona looked around at the area, seeing people stuck in cells like her. It gave her a bit of comfort to see she wasn't alone, but she didn't recognize anyone. We're her friends okay? Why did they need so many people? This whole thing made her head hurt. She sat back down on the bed. Might as well be complacent to get some information. Nona had a feeling she'd be here for a while.
Friendly reminder: Go drink some water!
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 13:12 (3 Years ago)
Iris had opened one of her eyes, then closed it again, then slowly opened all four eyes. She had no idea where this was, but one thing was for certain: This didn't seem like anything she'd seen in Hallownest before. Or... Anywhere she'd gone on her travels, actually. The strange creatures she saw in some of the nearby cells didn't look like anything she had seen before. Well, nevermind that for now, Iris decided to try and go back to sleep, trying not to focus on the pain, or that strange feeling, like fires coursing through her. Well she did have fire powers before, but these fires didn't seem familiar to her...
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 14:04 (3 Years ago)
Delphi woke up from what seemed a dreamless sleep. Strange. She looked around at her unfamiliar location and frowned. Where was she? This wasn't her world, her house. Delphi seemed to be in some sort of cage.
She closed her eyes and waited, for a plan to come together in her head.

Fog rubbed his eyes wearily and heaved a great yawn. He noticed that he was in an unfamiliar location, in a small tank filled with water. He grimaced, why was he here in some silly fish bowl? He swam to the sides of his tank, peering at the people in the cells. They were captured too, like him. But why? His tail waved slowly from side to side as he grew impatient, waiting for something to happen. Anything.

The tank only contained himself and water, so nothing he could use the break out. The walls were reinforced glass, he couldn't smash it. Fog growled angrily, his gills tensing slightly. The water's temperature lowered slightly as his anger grew. He sighed and the water went back to its original warmth. Fog frowned, what just happened to the water? What did I do? He closed his eyes and clenched his fists and the water began to freeze. Panicking, he quickly let go and the water went back to normal. He stared at his pale blue hands, mouth hanging wide open.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 08/07/2021 16:50 (3 Years ago)
Jay sat cross-legged on the ground inside his... cage. That's the best he could describe it, though the ambient teal glowing from what would be the 'walls' of his cage disturbed him. As in, it literally made his skin buzz uncomfortably. He did his best to ignore that bit of information and continued to try to assess his situation. He had apparently been kidnapped (his last memories before he woke up were terribly fuzzy) and was in, in his best guess, some sort of mad scientist lab. Because that's just his luck.

He was far from the only one in the same predicament, as seen by the numerous others behind similarly glowing containments. Some of which were decidedly not human. He also forced that thought away as he rubbed his sore shoulder, which stung worse than any shot he had received in his life. He could have an existential crisis later, right now he needed to stay calm.

Which is a lot easier said than done. Especially when you're still in shock and held captive by unknown persons for unknown reasons.

A small whimper was what finally brought him to a more coherent mind-set. Beside him, in the next 'cage' over, was a little girl, tears streaming down her reddened eyes, obviously scared out of her mind. Feeling still adrift, he did his best to sound comforting and get the attention of the child while keeping as quiet as he could to not draw attention from others.

"Hey, hey kid. Don't cry. I won't say it's okay because it's, well... not, but you're at least alive, right? Are you okay? I mean... are you hurt anywhere?"


Lily tried to calm her breathing to reply to the man next to her, but was having trouble with hiccupping breaths from panic. The best she could do was shakily let out a sound that could probably be taken as a no.

Lily was scared. Very, very scared. She couldn't remember anything concrete from before she woke up and the harder she tried to remember, the foggier her memory seemed to get. In her panicky state of mind, she couldn't remember her parents faces or her friends' names, let alone whatever happened to land her here.

Lily didn't even know where here was. There was countless cells, some small, some big, even some with tanks filled with liquid. And they were all filled with people. At least, she thought they were people. Some were creatures or beings she had never seen before. She saw one of the others looked like a big bird. A very, VERY big bird. She couldn't help a quiet whimper of fear before she curled herself further into her fetal position on the floor, burying her face in her knees.

Lily was scared and she wanted to go home now.

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 09/07/2021 04:29 (3 Years ago)
Pain. In his ears, in his arm, in his eyes. He wondered how he was only able to feel his arm now, minutes after waking up, but that question was quickly shut down after the pain in his ears was made prominent. He was having a sensory overload, he knew that for sure. So many loud noises flooded the newly 'repaired' ears, giving him an instant headache. The sounds seemed panicked and quick, almost like his when he woke up. There were definitely other people here, which only added to his confusion. He tried looking around, but that only brought him more pain. He tried so hard to focus in order to hopefully know what was going on, but it only resulted in failure. He couldn't even see whatever was on the cloth on his arm, over the sore area he could only assume was a shot or some kind of wound. He was miserable, and he hated it. All he could really do now was sit here and pretend he had control over himself.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 09/07/2021 15:06 (3 Years ago)
Perhaps it is the answer to a question. Perhaps it is the question to an answer. Or, perhaps it is nothing, or maybe an answer to an answer, a question to a question..? Though, what is it, exactly? It is pain. Pain, pain in an arm, pain in the lower back, pain in the head... So much pain, hardly relieved when Zephyr awoke. He sat up quickly, then let out a groan and pressed his hands to his head. Everything hurt! Everything hurt terribly! Slowly, Zephyr stood, groaning once more. His back popped once, two, three times as he moved, relieving it from the earlier pain. His head and arm, however, still stung. Glancing to the arm in question, Zephyr noticed a single identifying piece of fabric, Twisting it to look, he frowned. A simple set of numbers, it seemed...
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 13/07/2021 13:58 (3 Years ago)
Destiny awoke, curled up on the floor. All she could feel was a numb pain in her arm along with a chill. Even though she’d lived her whole life in the cold, nothing had ever felt colder than what she felt now. There was something strange about this chill, something unnatural. It felt as though she were frozen all the way to her bones. She lay, shivering, trying to pull her hood farther down in an attempt to warm herself up. Fortunately, the chill began to pass after a little while, and once she felt warm enough, Destiny got to her feet and looked around.

Something was definitely wrong. As she looked out from her room she could see cells lining the opposite wall, each holding someone behind an energy barrier. Am I in prison? There must be a mistake! I don’t remember doing anything wrong. Destiny tried to remember anything she could’ve done to get her in this situation, but she couldn’t remember doing anything illegal. For that matter, she couldn’t seem to remember anything that had happened recently. Destiny called out, unsure if anyone could even hear her through her cage, hoping someone would come and set her free, or at least explain why she was here.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Wed, 14/07/2021 21:39 (3 Years ago)
Valcina was in pain, suddenly. She collapsed to the ground, but there was a strange cracking sound. Suddenly the floor shook around her, causing ripples to form into the titanium floor, as if it was liquid. The ripples did not go too far off outside the barrier, but it was strange that Valcina had done such a thing. She panicked, as more small quakes happened in her vicinity. She was scared. Scared so much so that her shield began to flicker away. Scientists rushed over to the scene, but they only made her more scared. She screamed in panic, as her cell got weaker and weaker.

Charles heard something. Scientists were running to a large cell, trying to calm down a large, bird-like figure, who had already destroyed most of her cell and nearly destroyed the barrier. He wanted to help, but knew he couldn’t. The best thing he could do was try to call Henry. He sat in the corner and tried to activate his headphones. But soon they sparked as well, and all he could hear was static. This was strange. He must’ve fried it with those sparks of his. So then he decided to, as soon as he got out of this place, to look for some gloves.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Thu, 15/07/2021 01:09 (3 Years ago)
Iris had practically jumped out of her sleep in panic while... that... was going on near where she was. She tried using her fire powers on her barrier, but...... only a small ember came out. She tried again, but this time, she had made an inferno on the floor for about a minute or so, which had eventually subsided. For now, before using any more fire powers, Iris tried climbing to the ceiling so the strange creatures outside the cells wouldn't get her.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Thu, 15/07/2021 04:50 (3 Years ago)
Elizabeth had done nothing but stare at her hands. She couldn't find the energy to move. Not when she was this frightened. But she heard the sounds of cracking. Her cell and position on the floor gave her a perfect view of the scientists and the flickering shield. This kicked in her adrenaline, and she sat up. She hurried to her own shield, keeping inches away from it. Her eyes were wide as she watched. What would happen? Could one of them escape? It occurred to her then that she had not registered the prisoners around her until then, and her eyes jumped from the scene to the cells around it, before going back to the chaos.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 15/07/2021 17:38 (3 Years ago)
After calling out for a bit, finally a guard came by. But the guard just ran past, ignoring Destiny completely. She looked out of her cell to see where the guard was going. He was running to a cell past Destiny’s, where some other guards were trying to calm this bird-looking creature. The bird had managed to damage her cell, and the cell’s barrier had begun to flicker. But when she thought about it, strange bird monsters typically don’t live in a normal prison. And prisons typically don’t have energy barriers either. She started to realize that maybe she was in less of a jail and more of a lab. She still wasn’t sure why she would be in held a lab though. Destiny didn’t know how she would get out, but the bird thing seemed to have figured it out, so she watched, silently cheering the bird on, hoping she would accidentally free her too.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 17:27 (3 Years ago)
Fog noticed scientists rushing to a bird-like creature and frowned. What was going on? He thumped the glass of his tank and frost started to spread across it. He roared in the water and created massive bubbles. Fog was frustrated that he had nothing to do. He was extremely bored. He was confused, why was he here, trapped? What did those scientists want with him? He continued to hit the glass, hoping it would break and he could get out.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 20:06 (3 Years ago)
Leia opened her eyes, blinking a few times, then sat up, looking around. Where was she? The last thing she remembered was playing in the forest with her animal friends, then...blackness...She stood up and walked forward, she seemed to be in some kind of...prison or lab... Except there was glass instead of bars. She touched the glass. 'Oh...bulletproof,...' She thought, 'Probably another layer of protection around the whole perimeter of wherever we are too...' she removed her hand. Looking around, there were other people locked up in cells just like hers. She spotted her brother a few cells down from hers, and yelled "Luka! Are you alright...?"

Luka snapped his head around to the right as he heard Leia's call. He answered with a thumbs up to ensure her that he was doing alright. Rubbing his head, he took in his surroundings. A jailike place. He was sure nobody was enjoying this one bit, in fact, some guards were trying to tether down a giant bird-like creature in the cell next to him. He looked at it, and it seemed quite strong...
As he was thinking, he felt a liquid underneath his hands. Startled, he quickly looked at them. There was...water? But where had it come from...? He looked around the 'jail' and there wasn't a single drop of any liquid anywhere in the room. So...it had come from his own hand? No, that's quite impossible...But after checking around again, his realization sank in. They were in a lab...and were being experimented on. That's how he could produce water from his hands!
He was quite happy for a moment, but then a screech from the bird-creature alarmed him. "This isn't good..." He muttered. "Even if we've got superpowers we're still all stuck in this place..."

"I'm not stupid, I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am."
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 676
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 21:33 (3 Years ago)
The blaring alarms rang throughout Valcina’s ears. The piercing notes panicked her, and as if she wasn’t already frightened enough, mysterious beings in white suits continually whispered to her. “Do not resist,” one of the beings told her, “we are trying to help you and your world for the better...” She, however, did not trust them. How could kidnapping her away from her family be ‘helping’ her? Valcina cried in a panic, and soon found herself out of control, now having the floor below her morphed into harsh shapes like spikes, then suddenly go flat as glass, and rigid again. The shield of her cell seemed to be giving in, only now flickering on every few seconds.

This was it. She charged at the ‘beings of lies’ at full force, causing many to be sent flying across the hall. The lights began to flicker out around her, as she flicked away the last of the scientists with ease. However, Valcina caught sight of armored beings rushing in, 3 of them, and she stood up as to try to show these creatures of which she did not know that she was to claim this territory her own. But the three beings just stood there, watching Valcina closely. Using this time to silently assess the situation, she saw that the trio showed a small sign of fright. Usually this triggered her hunting response within this darkness, but maybe it was something within the pain of her newfound power that changed it. She too was scared. Being snatched away from her colony was still frightening her, and it showed. “Why isn’t it charging at us?” The seemingly largest of the three spoke out. ”Where’s the action?”

”Do you not see? It is clearly frightened by its newfound powers we gave it,” a younger, more youthful one than the others seemed to inform.

The last one, looking slender and swift, agreed with the youthful being, ”It is somewhat tearing up. I feel that Oshamizu is correct.” He then looked over to the bulky human-like creature. ”Yes, Tatakai, that means no hurting it... at least at the moment...”

”Come on, Chu! I want battle!”

”Don’t worry, you’ll get your adrenaline later, just not now.”
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 22:30 (3 Years ago)
After the series of shrieks coming from somewhere a few cells down, Adrian's hands flew to cover his ears from the unnerving and painful sound. Nothing he heard before was this loud and chaotic, then again, he had been mostly deaf since birth. He didn't realize it in the moment, but it shocked him to already have this instinct. It didn't help with the noise much, of course, but it calmed him a little to have the shrieks muffled. That is, until he heard footsteps and talking. They sounded human, and the more he listened, the more he began to notice the rumbling. That was... odd. He couldn't feel it, but he could somehow hear it. It wasn't an earthquake, so maybe the one behind the paniked commotion was doing it? He slowly began to take his hands off his ears in order to try and hear more. It was almost like his second sight now, he could almost pinpoint where every sound was coming from. It reminded him of echolocation, but he would guess it was a lot more accurate than this.
"The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
-Sun Tsu, The Art of Gaming

oh hey what's this
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 03:09 (3 Years ago)
Leia looked to her right and there was a commotion going on with the people in white suits with a frightened creature. She looked more and suddenly the ground began to rumble. She stepped back in alarm and crouched down to steady herself. The shaking was becoming stronger and stronger, and Leia fell on her back, unable to hold herself up any longer. She looked up and saw spikes around the the white suited men, and they appear to have come up out of the ground.

Luka stepped back to the back wall as the floor began to rumble. He looked outside but couldn't figure out what was going on. Was this another superpower of someone else's? They could probably control the ground' He thought, his knuckles whitening from grasping onto the floor. Steadying himself, he hoped that Leia was okay.
"I'm not stupid, I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am."
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 25/07/2021 19:44 (3 Years ago)
Lyra opens her eyes quietly, before feeling something is off. She looks around to try to find out whats going on, only to find that she is in a cell of sorts.
"A..... cage? Whats going on here?" She asks herself, still trying to piece together what happened before she was knocked out. She looks around more, nothing how dark the cage is.

Natsu wakes up, stretching and letting out a long yawn.
"Good morning..." He says sleepily, before noticing where he is. He goes quiet, looking around slowly. "Whats going on...? Why...? Why do I feel weird?" He asks, trying to stand before falling to the floor
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"