Forum Thread
「➳」Genshin Impact
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Welcome, Travelers, to the Genshin Impact Fan Club! We discuss about new events and banners, flex our characters, and have fun!
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Useful Resources!
Current Banner:

Pronouns: she/her
UID + Server (optional): 611398961, Europe
Character(s) you main: I use my Traveler (Anemo) quite a lot so I’d say that’s my main
Pronouns: she/her
UID + Server (optional): 618337915 + America
Character(s) you main: I guess Lumine (I know I’m basic). I don’t use Diona as much as I want to.
Extras: I mostly play for the story and characters, but I kinda suck compared to what everyone else can do lol

Also, MY_IRENE that’s sick! I have Barbara and only use her for healing sometimes lol

I got a Skyward Pride on my seventh pull (which is still my lowest pity to date and one of my proudest achievements) and then Mona at 82, which was what I was hoping for except maybe an Amos Bow or WGS!!
Speaking of Amos Bow, I can't wait until Ganyu rerun comes I have an empty slot in Morgana please 🙏 I'm working towards getting enough primos to get a guarantee even if I lose 50/50, and I'm halfway there ;D

Pronouns: He/They
UID + Server (optional): NA servers
Character(s) you main: Razor / Kaeya
Extras: I forgot my UID atm but I'll edit it in when I figure it out again-
Im more than happy to help out people with Daily Coms, Bosses, and particularly difficult quests
TruaShamu: Another primogem hoarder, high five! I would have ~4000 more if I didn't try to pull on the Eula banner for Xingqiu (which did not go well .-.)
And speaking of Ningguang, I started a game on my main account but on the Asia server, and I got Xingqiu and C1 Ningguang on my second standard banner pull (and Fischl from Klee banner) 😭 I have neither on my main so I'm so happy about that, Ningguang has been a rate-up 4* on what, two banners? Hopefully the next archon banner they have Ningguang and not Noelle 😒
And I'm also willing to help! I'm AR52 (sooo close to 53)
wow this whole thing was just me ranting

Also, if anyone would like it, I have a small laid-back Discord server with some resources for Genshin.
Yeah, I believe that the only banners that Ningguang has 'been on', had an increased rate, was Childe's first banner and the Keqing banner we had before/after Xiao (I think?)
She was also in the store for star glitter in March
The only reason I have her on C2 is that I got her as the free character during the Lanture Rite event - definitely do not regret it
Just wish I had more constellations for her because I have 5 crowns just sitting around and she's my absolute most favourite character so far hnnn-
PizzaParlour: Of course, go ahead!
Fahrenheit: The only reason I have Bennett is because I bought him from the store :') I wasn't active during the Lantern Rite and boy do I regret it, I could've gotten Xingqiu I'm so sad