Forum Thread
Koi's Dianoga Den
Forum-Index → Diaries → Koi's Dianoga Den*pokes the Dianoga* this thing just kinda arrived with the rest of this trash. We mostly just ignore it, but if you try and post here it will eat you. Sorry.
Code for character things
[b]Date of Birth:[/b]
[b]Places Lived:[/b]
[b]Defining Features:[/b]
[b]Date of Birth:[/b]
[b]Places Lived:[/b]
[b]Defining Features:[/b]
Lord, Lord Calverus, Darth Calverus
Species: Sith Pureblood
Gender: Male
Age: 29 years
Date of Birth: 3652 BBY (timeline may be off I'll have to double check)
Places Lived: Dromund Kaas, Korriban (Moraband), Corellia
Loyalties: Sith Empire
Occupation: -
Relations: -
Appearance: Calverus has dark red skin, as well as all the appendages attatched to every Soth pureblood. His eyes are a bright yellow, the color sometimes filtering past the darkness of his helmet. The helmet is designed to fit over his appendages, with small horns protruding from the sides of his forehead. The helmet is also equipped with filters.
Defining Features: 4 fingers, 4 toes, left-handed, scars by mouth.
Personality: Calverus appears to be a solemn, cold figure with little care for the lives of others. Truthfully he'd like to be that person too. Granted, he tends to be rather violent, the thrill of the battle and the carnage left behind very familiar to him. However, Calverus had been born with a kind heart that struggled to fade even during his Sith training. Calverus occasionally will find other beings he enjoys being around and quickly grows attatched though he doesn't allow himself to show it.
Likes: Battle, tookas, freedom
Dislikes: Authority figures, Imperials, doing nothing
Calverus was born on the capital of the Sith Empire, Dromund Kaas, born before the defeat delivered by the Eternal Empire. When he was six years old his family moved to Korriban to assist in the training of new Sith as their forces slowly began to dwindle. He remained on the planet for only nine years before the Eternal Empire began its attack against the Sith Empire, and his parents returned to Dromund Kass to assist in the war. His mother died in the conflict, and soon enough, Calverus and his father joined her.
19 BBY, minutes after the execution of order 66, Calverus awoke on an abandoned Dromund Kaas. As far as he knew he was alone, and using the force to help sustain him, he finally was able to get a ship in working condition. However time had taken its toll on all the parts and it was a piece of junk. Calverus was barely able to make it to Corellia before the ship had to be scrapped. During his early stay on the planet he learned of just a few of the many events that had so far occurred in the galaxy, including the rise of the newest empire. This sparked a bitter feeling inside the Sith pureblood as he realised his own empire had not made it out of the war. He now strikes any Imperial bases he comes cross in a blinded rage, his mind simply failing to let hin see the full picture, he found it easier to simply blame the Galactic Epire for what happened, and he's content with that.
Species: Chiss
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Date of Birth: undecided
Places Lived: Csilla, Coruscant, Imperial Star Detroyer (to be named)
Loyalties: Chiss Ascendancy, Galactic Empire (leaning)
Occupation: Commodore
Relations: Eli Vanto [aide, friend]
Appearance: A rather tall being with pale-blue skin and glowing red eyes, attention is often drawn towards the alien's way. With a small, knowing grin seemingly worn on his face at all times he is a picture of level-headedness. Deep blue hair is barely kept within Imperial regulations, leaving quite a few strands left out.
Defining Features: -
Personality: The seemingly level-headed Imperial often appears to be all-knowing and collected, never letting his emotions betray him. Truthfully the intelligent alien struggles to keep a lid on his growing anger. With every success he feels more prideful, but quickly smothers to feeling to focus on his duties. The Chiss can often be found studying art, using it to help him learn about its creators. Looking at each stroke and choice of color lulls him into deep thought, pulling him away from his raging anger and leaving him with a more calm disposition. He tends to play the long game when dealing with his opponents, helping him climb up the Imperial ranks quicker. [Note: touch up]
Likes: Art, order, courage
Dislikes: Being outsmarted, disobedience
Anthony was sent into Imperial space with a single mission. Scout out the greater powers of the space outside the Unknown regions for aid in fending off the Grysks. The chiss got sidetracked however when he was picked up by Imperials, managing to worm his way into their ranks. He trained on the Imperial academy on Coruscant, graduating as an ensign just a month short of a year later. Quickly he made his way up the ranks until he was paired up with an unassuming supply officer on a mission. Anthony found himself intrigued by the officer's potential, and soon Eli Vanto found himself a disgruntled aide to the only alien officer in the Empire. Anthony has fought tooth and nail to achieve his rank of Commodore, and despite all the odds facing against him he is slowly finding that he enjoys serving the Empire more than he did serving the Chiss Ascendancy. This thought upsets him and he tries not to dwell too much on it.
Code for little story things
[center][i]Thing to get people
More in-depth description
[b]Plot points[/b]
[center]Current word count[/center]
More in-depth description
[b]Plot points[/b]
[center]Current word count[/center]
× Faro arrives at the 11th fleet and learns that the 7th fleet dissapeared not even an hour ago
× Guilt keeps her lingering on some of Thrawn's last words to her
× Finally she realises she isn't helping her fleet by continuing to mourn the Chimaera's loss, and she steps up to take charge.
Uhh just write out some notes here...
All on Star Forge, Cavdell Legacy
Doduck, sith warrior, cyborg
Ereletor, bounty hunter, miraluka
Mevgovra, sith inquisitor, twi'lek
Paz'ree imperial agent, chiss
Calverus, sith warrior, sith pureblood
Azalir, sith inquisitor, sith pureblood
Tao'sha'ree, republic trooper, chiss
Feiyste, jedi knight, sith pureblood
Kyzeff, smuggler, zabrak
Tennyr, jedi consular, mirialan
Parric, jedi knight, nautolan