Forum Thread
Retro pokemon breeding non retro variants
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Retro pokemon breeding non retro variantsFor example: Lets say we have a male bulbasaur (retro) and a female bulbasaur (retro) you will get normal bulbasaurs
Obviously there would be some retros that wont breed
these are: Retro Articuno, Retro Zapdos, Retro Moltres, Retro Mew, Retro Togepi, Retro Ho-oh, Retro Lugia and Retro Celebi
I think this would make sence since these pokemon, are still their specie and they are not robots, also on their games they were able to breed.
Also according to the daycare owner, retro pokemon are eggs who took long to hatch so that would explain why they breed the normal form of the pokemon.
I think retros should have a higher breeding ratio since they are supposed to be rare.
Why add this?
Well, they would be more usefull for shiny hunting than their regular form since as i said earlier, they have a higher breeding chance
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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While it seems like a good idea, the limited amount of retros would increase the prices of these retros, while making the shinies they produce less valuable. Pokemon like gengar, charmander, zubat, all these pokemon with mega forms already, and thus has a really cheap shiny, would have their SM easier to hunt, making these SMs and normal shinies decrease in value
On the other hand, I personally don't agree with your argument, RichKid.
Yes, some Retro Pokemon have Shiny Mega variants. Simply making them able to breed for their non-Retro counterparts I can't say would make their shinies or megas "easier" to hatch. They're just breeding and have the same luck-based chance of producing a shiny or mega than their non-Retro's breeding pairs. It should also be noted that to create a "perfect" breeding pair, they would need to have the same Pokedex number, so you would need two Retro Pokemon of the same species for the highest odds of breeding.

Total votes: 47
Support ratio: 55.3%
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!