I have recently realized that the ranklist & my DW shops dp aren't
matching in number.
You've spent 96,225 Dream Points on Plushies so far.
In ranklist it says I have spent 95825 DP
Also I remember I have spend 97k+ for last 3 shiny plushie in DP
shop which didn't get added to the ranklist or DW shops DP spent. I
have contacted a mod & they said only admin can solve this through
coding so Riako please look into the matter so I can spend more DP
in future as I am few k+ away from getting myself a shiny pikachu
plushie & if spending more dp doesn't count then I can't get it
even if I spend more DP.
This is the link for proof in case its needs
Other people are having same problems as Luckylady's feeds comments
Please look into the matter as soon as possible.
Unfortunately it's like this for everyone for days so I think it's
a problem as some people's the dps are higher or lower in number
than original DP they have spent.
Welp if waiting works & both dp syncs in that's fine ofc for
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a
Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!