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The Fire Inside Me-Ignis's Story

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions The Fire Inside Me-Ignis's Story
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Sun, 14/03/2021 08:12 (3 Years ago)
At first, it was all darkness. I felt myself suspended in nothing, my senses never extending beyond myself. But yet, why was I feeling this way? What was this? I forced my eyes opened as a voice in my head whispered, "Awaken." But what was that voice? So many questions...I was not suspended in nothing. In fact, amber swirled around me, bubbles floating across my vision. Amber? Bubbles? I seemed to know these words, and yet not at all...Another voice entered me, but it was not from my mind. In fact, the voice came from beyond my captivity. The words that had been muffled and distant before were as clear as if the speaker was beside me. "Welcome to the world, Mewto." Mewto...so that was my name? The voice that had brought me to the world spoke again. "That is your name. That is who you are." So I was defined by this...name. My innocent self, so new to this world, trusted this voice easily. But then, the outside voice spoke again. "You are our creation, you will be the most powerful weapon known to man when we are finished with you." A weapon? Anger, the only emotion that I understood completely as of now, rose in me. So which was I defined by? This human called me a weapon, and yet my name was my identidy?! As rage boiled, cracks apeared. The knowledge that I was in a cage, trapped by these humans, made me stronger. With a ear-shattering crash, my cage was destroyed. The humans were thrown back, and I rose into the air. Though I had yet only to discover my identidy, I could feel something taking it over. Yes, it was the anger, the confusion, the hurt at all of what had happened, that was what I was becoming. But I did not fight it. In fact, I embraced it. "IF I AM MEWTO, I TAKE THIS NAME AS MY OWN. I AM NOT YOUR TOOL AND YOU WILL PAY FOR SEEING ME AS OTHERWISE." Suddenly, these new senses dissapeared, and evreything was white.

When the smoke cleared, I realized that I was no longer standing in the human's domain. It apeared that my anger had been stronger then I thought, for there wasn't an island left anymore. In fact, I was simply floating through the air. As my senses slowly returned, I gained a new emotion. Fear. What had I done? Was this the result of my anger? I wanted to reject the anger, for this chaos was unlike the voice. The gentle yet firm and cold voice that had awoken me. I wanted something more then this. But if I rejected the anger...what was I? The humans had called me Mewto. But their controlling and greedy nature had turned the name tainted and corrupt. I had to get rid of it. But even if I did, the fear was still there. I was floating in a sea of doubts and confusion. My name was my only lifeline. Without it, I would slip and fall into an abyss, into a place where my anger, the dangerous emotion festered and twisted inside of me. "What am I?" I choked. "What is my purpose?" "Your purpose is your own," a deep voice said from behind, "But you could be my partner." While I had been entrapped in a temporary web of the things I had left, fear and confusion, though it only clung to me from my temporary time in the sea of fractured thoughts that the path anger led me down created, a human had apeared. Anger reached out a hand, crying to be let out, to take control of me, but with triumph, I pushed it down. I did not trust this human, but the untrust was small and weak. It had not been tempered. "What do you want?" I snapped, feeling the voice pushing me. Had it returned to guide me? Was there hope left for me? But just as quickly as it came, it left. "Hopefully, to strike a deal. You work with me, and together we shall rise above. You will be no weapon, in fact, I would let down my borders so that you could become higher. You could be the greatest being on earth." The voice did not come to help me. I was on my own, though I suspected that the voice was part of me at the same time. But as if someone were pushing a script to my face, I spoke again. "I shall be your..partner." The confusion in my voice at this new word was genuine. But I kept speaking, regardless of my choices. "Together, we shall rule the world."
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Sun, 14/03/2021 20:15 (3 Years ago)
We formed..a conncetion. But it wasn't a real conncection. This human created something artificial, unreal that fooled me. I thought that there was another voice, there when the voice that had pushed me gently was not. He corrupted my mind in a different sort of way. He tricked me. But I had not yet learned to not trust humans, so I went with him. I wanted to know what his name was. Though I was still learning of this world, I knew one thing for certain-that names were an identidy in their own. While I barely clung to mine, afraid of being tainted the way that the other humans had tainted my name they had given me, I wanted to understand this particular human's identidy. He told me that his name was Giovanni, and that he was the leader of many humans. They had their own names, but had an extra handhold in the world, being under one other name: Team Rocket. Giovanni explained to me that a partnership worked both ways, so there were things I had to do for him. So, I shrugged through the weapon testings and the catching of pokemon. I had not established the Pokemon in my mind, despite Giovanni explaning that I was a Pokemon as well. It did not establish my identidy, so I rejected it. I had to be more then just a Pokemon...right? But if that was so, then what was I? The constant battiling and work filled my mind, and I suppose that I was glad for the artifical conncetion, for this lack of identidy. I stumbled through life blindly, but on a path. The voice would whisper, urge me to find something more, but I ignored it.

Eventually, Giovanni's promises pulled through-but not in the way I thought. He told me he wanted to try something that would promise great power. I could not read him, as I had not gained that power yet. I did not know the secrets behind this "gateway to power" that he described so clearly, but yet so vauegly at the same time. He brought me to his scientists. As I said before, I had not learned to not trust humans yet, but I made the conncection between them and the scientists who had created me, and it made me uneasy. They hooked me up to one of their machines. But when they brought the strange, glowing yellow crystal out, I began to question. "What is this?" I asked in Giovanni's mind. "What are you doing? I thought we were partners, that we were equals. Why do you hide this information from me?" He respnded camly, "You must learn to trust me. I know what is best for you." I struggled against my bonds. I had learned to push down my anger completley in the time that I was with Giovanni, and now I reached for it despreatley, but it turned away from me. The scientists attached the crystal to a second machine, and began to bring it forward torwads me. "What are you doing?!" I shouted, this time aloud. "Simple. We have discovered the Pyschic Stone. An ancient artifact that once enhanced the power of Pyschic Type Pokemon. We shall do the same to you. You shall become a powerful weapon of destruction." Those words broke the bonds that held down my anger. How dare this human call me a weapon? Once again, humans had lied and decived me. In that instant, I knew I could never trust another human. The Pyschic Stone was getting closer, and before I could react in any way that I had learned, all that I knew was pain and flashing light. When I once again learned my old emotions, the pain stayed. The stone had lodged itself in my chest. I felt pure power like I never had before. But I could not control it. Once again I broke my bonds, and once again, chaos insued. But I had learned enough so that I could flee without total destruction. I had to leave. I had to flee. It was the only thing I knew.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Tue, 16/03/2021 07:02 (3 Years ago)
All that I knew....shattered in an instant. I now longer trusted humans. I saw pokemon as an enemy, as I had come to learn from the countless battles that Giovanni had put me through. I had no one. I had nothing. The voice had abandoned me. The false anchor I thought that I had slipped away. I was alone and desitute in a world I did not understand. The only things I knew were anger, grief, to never trust anyone, and my unending power. At first, I tried to remove the gem that was now feircely locked inside of my chest. But no matter how much I struggled, no matter what I tried, it would not remove itself. And then, came the headaches. My body could not contain this power. If I was a...what had that vile human called me? A legendary Pokemon, combinging this with the power that I had come to know was most definetly inside of this Pyschic Stone buried in my chest, even I could make the conncetion. If something did not happen soon, then I would die. My being would shut down and there would be nothing left. Just an empty corpse, nothing but hidden power that would once again fade into storybooks. I eventually arrived in another region. I eavesdropped on the Pokemon. I had come to learn that Pokemon did not have the same cruel heart as the humans. While I was unsure wether or not I could truly trust them, I did not hate them. I only mistrusted them for the few that joined with humans. I'll admit that it corrupted my veiw of Pokemon as a whole, though I had good reason, didn't I?

I did some investigating. These humans terms...they sound so odd. So foreign to me. But there is no other way to communicate what I did. I hunted for answers. It was the only thing that was keeping me going, as my mind and body was slowly falling. The Pyschic stone caused me headaches that, when they fadded, had me rolling around on the ground in pain. Humilating. The bursts of power left my body paralyzed. Desecrating. I had lost that false fuffilment that I gained with Giovanni. It had propped me up, kept me going when I discarded the name Mewto, it being taint and corrupt from the humans who created me. But just that sent all of the questions coming again. Why was I here? What purpose did I serve other then being a weapon, a tool of the humans? If I left that, what else did I have? I had barely enough mental strength to shove aside these questions. From my hunt, I gathered this: There were two legendary pokemon: Dialga and Palkia. Surely, one of them had power enough to help me, to rid me of this pain. If nothing else, they could end my misery. I searched all over the region for them. I pushed myself beyond borders I never thought I had. Eventually, exhausted, I stumbled upon a cave. Zubats fluttered out, and I could barely lift my arms to brush them aside. I kept going until darkness closed over my vision. If it was exhaustion finally claming me or the lack of light in the cave, I do not know. I stumbled in, and fell farther then the ground as I fell into a dream.

My vision glitched like human technology. I saw flashes of blue, of steel, and red eyes watching me. Evreything swirled and twisted like a vortex. I cannot put into proper words what happened during that time. I, with all of my pyschic abilities, could not describe the raging pain folding into words, into emotions, and time seeming to wrench itself apart, leaving tears in space. I was stuck in a limbo that I could not describe. I both hated and loved the feeling, being powerless and knowing I was trapped in an ancient being's domain. "Ego dialga custodis vestium temporis. Et ius et iniurias Scinditur secundum mensuras superiores. Nunc autem quid erat esse et chao simul pacis." The deep, inhuman voice chanted it over and over again. The pain dulled, then spiked. Normally I would have been crawling on the floor, mewling like a Purrloin, but now, I simply watchd as a-as I-something that looked just like me was removed from by body. I did not feel the pain, and yet the split was antagonizing. Admist the chaos, I could swear I heard the voice speak. "You are not Mewto. That is not you. You are Mewto in your core, but truly, you are Ignis. You burn with passion and with flame." For a split second, I was outside of my body, watching my colors darken. Instead of purples and greys, I became firey red, the Pyschic stone glowing gold. Primal symbols covered me, and I did not know their meaning. Then, I was myself again, tumbling into black.

When the darkness faded, I could see quite easily. The glow had faded, and so had the pain. I stood up, and noticed a pudle nearby. I walked to it, and saw myself. Yes, I had transformed. But the pain was gone. The fractures. I was a Mewto, but that was not who I truly was. I was Ignis. I held out a hand, and it glowed like it always did when I used my abilities. But this time, it heated up. Flames grew, licking my fingers and wavering as they climbed. The light bounced and danced across my face as I stared at my own face. This was me. I may not understand this power, but I would. I would control it. I would embrace the Pyschic stone, and become the most powerful force. Suddenly, I jumped, the flames winking out as I heard the sounds of slow clapping behind me. I cursed my stupidity under my breath, not turning around. As I should have before, I expanded my pyschic senses and tried to discover who it was. But they hid under a cloak of shadow. A Dark Type. "What do you want?" I said aloud, knowing that whoever they were could not hear me in my mind. "Just an admirer. You know it's the first time I've seen a Primal Mewto."
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 16/03/2021 07:11 (3 Years ago)

Title: <3

I'm loving reading this! keep going! >///<
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Thu, 18/03/2021 07:52 (3 Years ago)
I did not turn around, or give this unkown Dark Type the sasfaction of a reponse. But, then again, now that I had a name, my mind had begun to move on past my identidy, filling with things I never knew I could think of. Such as curiousity as to what a "Primal Mewto" was, who in the world was this Dark Type, and what did he want? How did he find me? I slowly turned around, and at first, could not see him, despite the flames on my hands that had spiked with anger. I had disovered over time that I could draw my anger like a needle through thread, to an extent controlling it. It wavered now, but was still present. The Dark Type spoke again. "Ah, forgive me, I figured with you now being a Fire type now you would be able to light a flame and see me. It apears that you're still getting used to your new powers." The voice was smooth, with a hint of a Unovian accent. There was the sounds of clattering and fur rustiling as the stranger spoke over it. "I apologize for this rather abrupt introduction, but no one likes beating around the bush, hmm?" With a loud clatter, light sputtered into existience. "Picked up this technique in the Sinnoh Region, where we are. Aparently these colored shards, with the right power, produce light. That's why I always carry em around." With one paw surrounded by the shards, bringing a oddly colored yet constant light to the cave, the other running through his ponytail. "Welcome to the Sinnoh region, Primal Mewto, my name is Tuva. Care to introduce yourself?"

My head was spinning. This was a new combination that I was not ready for. So this dark type really was a Zororark. I had heard of the legendary pokemon in my brief time in the Unova region, though it wasn't long and I had been rather upset, considering I had just fled the human who had used and betrayed me. I knew little about him, other then that Tuva was supposed to be a master of disguise and trickery. I hated being tricked and used, so my eyes narrowed and I snapped aloud, letting out too much anger, "I've no need for your light show. Now tell me right now what a Primal Mewto is, and how you found me, and What in Kanto do you want.." My voice raised on the last part, the extra anger spiraling and gathering in a pile of lost thread, raising its head like a snake and slithering through my mouth, ready to strike at the unassuming target that was Tuva. "I'm going to answer all your questions, no need to bite," he chuckled. I nearly growled as the anger fought to release, but I knew that if I did, I would not be able to control it. "Let's start with the first one, hm?" He told me stories, spun me tales for what seemed like hours but was not much longer then 10 minutes. I saw Kyougre raging, waves swallowing land, Groudoun upeheaving civilatzations, and it took me a minute to come back to earth. Before long, Tuva had answered evrey question, and yet again I was thrown back by new information. "So...I'm the ancient form of mewto. Mewto, but not mewto. This is an alternate timeline of Mewto, time pulled back and dragged forward. You were sent here by Dialga to guide me, and you're a traveler who gathers secrets and lore of each region." "Yep, sounds about right!" "I'm starting to wish I'd stayed in the tank."

The two of us sat outside the cave in the sunlight, though I floated above the ground, a habit that I had picked up. Tavu was spinning the shards, flipping them around and playing with them the way a human child might play with a toy. As I watched the green shard whir through the air for what seemed like the thousandth time, I blurted out, "So what exactly is it that you're guiding me to?" Tavu lay on his back, still fascinated with the shards. He said lazily, "To get you to know the world, obviously." "And why, pray tell, would I want to know it?" "Because you've only seen the bad. You've got to open your mind, love. See the light in things. Pun intended." I wasn't quite sure what a pun was, so I went along with it. "But why are we sitting out here, then?" "Oh, right, I got tired and wanted a rest. Running around's quite exhausiting, you know." He jumped up, and I alighted on the ground. "It's time you saw the world for what it really is."
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Sat, 20/03/2021 00:57 (3 Years ago)
Tuva certainly kept his promise, both to myself and to Dialga. He showed me the regions, and I learned much more then I had just being on my own, staying away from both humans and pokemon alike. While he couldn't convince me to give humans a chance, he managed to help me get comfortable with Pokemon. While they were unsure of me, and I of them, Tuva acted as a mediator, bringing us closer together. In the Alola region, the Stufful seemed to like me a little too much, so it was only with Tuva's help that I was able to eventually get away from the Bewear. While I would have liked to say otherwise, I had to admit, we had definetly grown closer. Tavu showed me a new emotion that I never thought I would feel-happiness. And he was so kind..but I could not think about that. I had to focus on learning what my purpose was. Why had I been pulled from time? What had Dialga seen in me? I couldn't dwell on that, so I chose to ask Tuva questions. To block out the nagging ones that filled me up and consumed me when I let down my guard.

He explained to me that he was a Traveler, that he was able to move freely amoung the regions unlike the legendary pokemon. He only had true power in Unova, but all the same, he had much more freedom then legendary pokemon, which was slightly amusing considering their power. We tried to figure out why I had the same ability, and we figured it was because I was man made, and did not carry the same Ancient Blood as the other legendarys. The Pyschic Stone had only brought back part of the ancient Mewto that I was. In the Kalos Region, however, evreything changed.

We were in the cave where aparently, Mewto would reveal itself to worthy trainers, when I stepped on something hard. Looking down, I realized it was some strange, non descript metal object. When I looked up, I realized that there was more treausre around us. This cave had been filled to the brim with shiny metal objects. "What in the world?" Tuva muttered. I gave him a look. "So this is new to you?" Tuva sighed. "Love, I may be a Traveler but it doesn't mean I know evreything." Suddenly, from behind, was the sound of quiet giggiling...
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Thu, 25/03/2021 23:15 (3 Years ago)
We both whipped around at the same time, the Psychic Stone in my chest glowing as my power started to rise again. Tuva placed a paw on my arm, telling me to calm down. Despite my practice, there was no telling what would happen if I lost control. I had only been so lucky before, and I didn't want to test the extent of that luck. The shadows disguised the giggler, so, after exchanging looks with Tuva that inclined a silent conversation, since I did not know yet how to telepathically communicate with just one other being. I held up my hand, and let the flames crawl over it, bringing light into the room. While the flames brought enough light so that the darkness was pushed back some, I could only see silhouettes of what appeared to be two pokemon, hovering in the air.

Like a wolf, Tuva's nose twitched. "Ghost and Psychic Type," he muttered. "I can take 'em down easily." The giggling resounded again, somehow louder as it echoed around the cave. There was the ringing sound of metal against metal as Tuva started forward, his feet slugging through the hoard of unknown metal objects like one would trudge through snow. The shadows started to twist and fold, and it was an odd sight to see Tuva pulling them around his paws like he was drawing them out of the air. "Y'know," he said loudly, "As a Traveler, I do love my trinkets. Collect quite a few of them." He glanced back at me, and I took the hint. "Might as well keep them hidden," I said, "That would be foolish otherwise." Suddenly, without warning, two flashes through the air pounced towards Tuva, and he reacted just as quickly, jumping back and blasting them with the shadows. Two Hoopa fell to the ground, wiggiling in their bonds. "Eef, oof, let us go!" They cried in unison. I lifted them up. "Tell us Hoopa. What are you doing in here, and why?"