Forum Thread
MineGames 2.0 (Sign up)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → MineGames 2.0 (Sign up)Thank you for your understanding!
A long time ago in the world of Minecraft things were good. Peace and harmony ruled and people could go about their business but then came the war that nearly wiped out humanity. In order to maintain the hard-earned peace, 12 boys and 12 girls, called Tributes, are put in an outdoor arena where they remain to compete in a nationally televised event called the MineGames. The rules are simple: Keep the audience entertained and stay alive by any means necessary. Every citizen must watch as the youths fight for survival against death until only one remains or a full year has passed.
However, even as the citizens obey the whims of the Capital
Your job is to survive the Games for as long as you can in hopes of escape. But even if you do, can you survive the Horrors within the Capital?
"This year on the 225th annual MineGames, as a reminder of the sacrifices made by the soldiers, there will be three times the total tributes. (Tributes are tripled)"
RP Admins: Me, RaRaRasputin
1: Remember the golden rule
2: Listen to admin(s)
3: Minor OPing is okay but anything too major isn't
4: Max 4 per person*
5: Three strikes and you're out, no exceptions.
6: ASK before killing off another character!
7: Codeword is EnderdragonJean
8: Try to avoid one-liners! If it can't be helped it's okay but too many will result in a warning or ban pending warnings.
* = If your character/one of your characters is killed off you may preplace the deceased character if desired. For example, if someone has characters A, B, C, and D but wants to add the character E, either A, B, C, or D would need to be killed off before adding E.
Character sign up sheet:
Character's appearance (use an image if desired):
Age (12 -18 only):
Was your character picked or volunteered:
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect):
Anything extra:
My characters:
Name: Rita Stoneheart
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): Updated the Girl of Sparks
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: female
Status: Alive
Power: Electricity
Was your character picked or volunteered: Volunteered
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): school
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): Updated the Girl of Sparks
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: female
Status: Alive
Power: Electricity
Was your character picked or volunteered: Volunteered
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): school
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Name: Ellie
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): Meep
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: Fairy of the Elemental Pheonix/Pokemon trainer(?)
Was your character picked or volunteered: Picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, etc): Mostly helped at home but also shool
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): Meep
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: Fairy of the Elemental Pheonix/Pokemon trainer(?)
Was your character picked or volunteered: Picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, etc): Mostly helped at home but also shool
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Name: Coraline (Cora) Cyan
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): Here
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: Inkling abilities
Was your character picked or volunteered: pickedPrettysureitwasriggedthough-
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, etc): Homeschooled
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): Here
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: Inkling abilities
Was your character picked or volunteered: picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, etc): Homeschooled
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Name: Bella
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): Here
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: Inkling abilities, similar to Coraline but diffrent
Was your character picked or volunteered: picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, etc): She doesn't remember her past much. . .
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): Here
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: Inkling abilities, similar to Coraline but diffrent
Was your character picked or volunteered: picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, etc): She doesn't remember her past much. . .
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Age (12 -18 only): 18
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Personality: Narcissistic and rude
Power: Can create fiery explosions
Was your character picked or volunteered: "Picked" -(Parents paid people off to force her in the Games)
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, etc): Trained with her parents to make her power stronger while also helping them run their company, which made a majority of its assets by putting the buyers in debt
Anything extra: Her family has a long line of victors. Being a victor secures your place in the family business. By not being a victor, means you are out of the family business. Milo was deemed unfit, because of his tendency to act out against the family. So they turned to Katana. It's now her time to prove her skills. Her parents paid the Capitol off in secret. Milo would snap if he found out about their involvement...
Milo Lozano (loh-zah-noh): (NPC)
Age (12 -18 only): 20
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Power: Enhanced skills (reflexes, power, and speed)- only active when fighting
Anything extra: Katana's older brother
Job: It's a surprise...
Charlie Hart:
Age (12 -18 only): 18
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Personality: Quiet and distant
Power: Ice powers- (can create walls, throw icicles, make slippery ground... etc)
Was your character picked or volunteered: Volunteered
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, etc): She lived a double life. One life was calm and simple- she went to school. At school, she was a shadow. She was ignored by everyone and ignored them back. She didn't have time to make friends. Her other life was filled with chaos. She lived in a gang. One foot in a normal, school life and the other in the criminal world. Robberies, hacking into major companies, illegal fighting, she was no stranger to any of those things. She wants to leave this life but stays for her own personal reasons...
Backstory: Her mother died giving birth to her. Lucky for her, her father brought her into the gang where she was raised. She has no idea who her father is and at this point, she doesn't care
*All my quotes have some sort of foreshadow... Some more obvious than others... Stay tuned to find out what they mean
Character's appearance (use an image if desired):Black hair blue eyes wears a white mask (whole face )
Age (12 -18 only):12
Power:Mimiking things (power and noises are included )
Was your character picked or volunteered:IDK what this is
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect):school
Anything extra:He will friend even the insane
made the avatar by myself using google slides DON'T JUDGE
Name: Rui Rimparden
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): normal attire | during games
Age (12 -18 only): 12
Gender: female
Status: Alive, for now
Power: By consuming human flesh and blood, she is able to grow incredibly strong. Not only does her physical abilities increase tremendously, she is able to warp her body however she wants. The only drawback is that it’s the only thing she can eat, so she is on the brink of death due to starvation.
Was your character picked or volunteered: volunteered
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): she never went to school due to her diet, she was instead kept in the basement of her parent’s home
Anything extra: tortured bean :3
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): normal attire | during games
Age (12 -18 only): 12
Gender: female
Status: Alive, for now
Power: By consuming human flesh and blood, she is able to grow incredibly strong. Not only does her physical abilities increase tremendously, she is able to warp her body however she wants. The only drawback is that it’s the only thing she can eat, so she is on the brink of death due to starvation.
Was your character picked or volunteered: volunteered
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): she never went to school due to her diet, she was instead kept in the basement of her parent’s home
Anything extra: tortured bean :3
Lesia [less-I-yuh] Ulteré
Name: Lesia Ulteré
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): here
Age (12 -18 only):17
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: She has the ability to make invisible, variously sized blades that can cut nearly anything in its path. Nothing is able to see it coming unless you look at Lesia and her movements, making it very difficult to get to her without getting your hand cut off. She can also use them as a shield when using multiple at the same time. Not only that, she has found many other uses for this power. Once while she was practicing, she got into a tragic accident that made her sever her own arms. This is why she has metal prosthetics
Was your character picked or volunteered: picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): she went to school and worked at a company
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): here
Age (12 -18 only):17
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: She has the ability to make invisible, variously sized blades that can cut nearly anything in its path. Nothing is able to see it coming unless you look at Lesia and her movements, making it very difficult to get to her without getting your hand cut off. She can also use them as a shield when using multiple at the same time. Not only that, she has found many other uses for this power. Once while she was practicing, she got into a tragic accident that made her sever her own arms. This is why she has metal prosthetics
Was your character picked or volunteered: picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): she went to school and worked at a company
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
@Kamini Accepted!
I'm going to try to get a few more people, if they join
Name: Akiro
Character's appearance (use an image if desired):![]()
Age (12 -18 only): 17
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Power: Telkenisis, though it only works to an extent before he is exhausted and he can only lift things up to the size of a small human child.
Was your character picked or volunteered: "Voulenteer"
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): High school student
Anything extra: Father was a tribute, died when Akiro was young. His mother was distant, constantlly working. Akiro grew up alone and friendless, and it turned him angry and bitter, though alot of it boils on the inside.
Character's appearance (use an image if desired):
Age (12 -18 only): 17
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Power: Telkenisis, though it only works to an extent before he is exhausted and he can only lift things up to the size of a small human child.
Was your character picked or volunteered: "Voulenteer"
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): High school student
Anything extra: Father was a tribute, died when Akiro was young. His mother was distant, constantlly working. Akiro grew up alone and friendless, and it turned him angry and bitter, though alot of it boils on the inside.
Character's appearance: 5'11, black hair, black eyes. He always has a fade for a haircut, and keeps his cheeks clean for any facial hair. He loved to maintain his looks and clothing before the MineGames. His wardrobe is full of shorts and half-sleeve t-shirts of contrasting colours, but the games had his sense of clothing thrattled.
Personality: He has a slight case of ADHD and short-temperment, but is the kindest and politest person you have ever met, though he could be rude and grumpy at times, thanks to his frequent mood swings.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Power: Can control the winds minorly, and can even influence it to have him jump up high, kind of like flying but momentarily (for like 5 seconds at a go). Also, he's a pokemon trainer too, but only keeps one 'mon on him at all times, his starter Charizard.
Was your character picked or volunteered: Picked, whilst he would've volunteered himself a few years later.
Job: School, along with Pokemon Training.
Anything extra: The password is EnderdragonJean. I'll be adding a short backstory a while later.
Suvansh has more pokemons, but he was chosen so suddenly, that he could not manage tofetch anything other than his charizard, that he always had with him, from the PC. If chance be, he could call upon his Lucario or Lycanroc (dusk) from his PC.
This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Character's appearance (use an image if desired):
Age (12 -18 only): 17
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Power: Umbrakinesis. He is able to make lil shadow gremlins that are able to scout out areas. Once they spot someone they dissapear and then reappear at Jason's feet. He is able to create shadow portals to any place he has seen/can see. He is able to submerge into shadows and hide in them. If he isn't careful he can get stuck in the shadows. He can only reemerge from the shadows if it was at his same spot. He is able to make himself a shadow which enhances his physical abilities at the cost of one of his limbs being paraylzed afterwards. This skill is a last ditch effort. He can only use it once every day. Once he is done using this skill, a random arm or leg is paralyzed for an hour.
Was your character picked or volunteered: Picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): Worked as a manga artist :>
Anything extra: EnderdragonJean
This Artwork was made by Akemie!
Character's appearance (use an image if desired): red hair with black eyes, and a butterfly ornament in her hair, to clasp the two tiny plaits
Age (12 -18 only): 17
Gender: female
Status: Alive
Power: Umbrakinesis, she shoots laser like beams of inky shadows, which can blind people for a hour at most. She can also project illusions, and web like structures which seeps into skin and destroys cells. It only lasts for ten minutes, and takes 1/3 an hour to recharge.
Was your character picked or volunteered: Picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): School, and part time assassin. She fends for herself.
Anything extra: EnderDragonJean
Character's appearance (use an image if desired):
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: Female
Status: Alive (at least partly)
Power: Mare can turn herself into a "ghost" for limited amounts of time. She isn't technically dead, but isn't technically alive during this 'mode.' It takes a very specific kind of weapon to kill her while she's a Specter. The downside to being a Specter, is that she can't hold things or touch anything. As mentioned before, it takes a very specific kind of weapon to "dispel" a ghost. While this may seem very overpowered, there is one very big drawback. The longer Mare stays as a specter, the more of her life force she consumes. She is literally killing herself to be briefly invulnerable.
Was your character picked or volunteered: Picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): Worked in a research facility investigating the paranormal
Anything extra: Mare is very shy. She doesn't have very many friends, and her family is gone. She lives with a forensic detective.
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Character's appearance (use an image if desired):
Age (12 -18 only): 18
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Power: Shape Shifting. Kehena can change her appearance to mirror any person she has seen before. The only flaw with her ability, is there is always one detail that is left out. Shifting causes her entire body to become very sore.
Was your character picked or volunteered: Volunteered
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): Kehena is only a nickname. Very few people know her actual name. Kehena was a model, and a popular one at that.
Anything extra: EnderDragon Jean~
Agent Fallows, signing out~
Age (12 -18 only): 15
Gender: male
Status: Alive
Was your character picked or volunteered: Volunteered
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): school
Anything extra: nil
**25 OS**
Character's appearance: Jacovin stands at five feet, seven inches. He's rather short for his family, and get awfully sore if anybody mentions it. Black hair and blue eyes are seen commonly in his family, as is his build; broad shoulders give Jacovin an advantage in work, and he's built plenty of lean muscle to compensate for his shortness. (For lazy readers: He's short, with black hair and blue eyes. He's got wide shoulders and lots of lean muscle.)
Age (12 -18 only): 16
Gender: Male
Status: Alive, mostly
Power: "Point-Break": Jacovin can summon an immense amount of kinetic energy to gain an edge in combat. He can direct this energy for the first two seconds that it's summoned, then he loses control of it. However, each time he uses the power, some part of him is wounded, inflicted with disease, or killed. Usually, it's minor appendages. He's lost the use of his entire left arm due to Point-Break.
Was your character picked or volunteered: Picked
What did your character do for a living before the MineGames (school, work, ect): Finishing School
Anything extra: