On the 15th I picked up the valentine's event pokemon within 10
seconds of rollover and it hatched 22 seconds after that. Since
then I levelled it to 191. You can see it in my signature. The
strongest pokemon medal rally has 3 pokemon in order at 190, 189,
and 183 as of 16:50 on February 17th. My Goleros isn't showing on
the rally list, in spite of being the strongest hatched on the 15th
and after. Is there a time requirement after the 15th starts for a
pokemon to be received and hatched in order to qualify for the
rally? Or is this a glitch? Thank you for your time.
The medal rally isnt about the level of the poke, but about the exp
as far as i know...but since most pokes on the current medal rally
are from oaks contest, yours might appear on sunday :)