Forum Thread
Snomberry's Shiny Market (closed)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Snomberry's Shiny Market (closed)Snomberry's Shiny Market

Howdy and hello! Welcome to Snomberry's Shiny Market where everything's made up and the points don't matter!
Currently hunting: Sandshrew
Price: 120,000 pd

Da Rules:
1. [Oh this rule is gone? I wonder what was here...]
2. Payment due upon delivery through private trade, price now determined case by case
C. Shinies will be held for 2 weeks, unless you've informed me of a break you'll be taking, then up to a month
4. I will not hunt for specific nature of shiny unless sufficiently bribed with gems, specific gender is fine
5. Each pokemon you order takes up one slot available, you can claim multiple slots
6. You earn 50 points for every shiny you order!
7. All Pokeheroes Rules Apply
8. I consider item payments as well and partial item payment.
Currently accepting: Dragon gems at 17kpd, Ground gems at 450pd
[b]Number of pokemon[/b]:
[b]Type of payment[/b]:
Price Guides: Case by case
Previous Hunts: ??
Next Hunt: ??

Boruto_Uzumaki: 50 Points
-Eeveeon-: 50 Points, Snom
C0FFee: 50 Points, Snom
-Gl1tch-: 50 Points, Snom
Emilly: 50 Points, Kabuto
Haruhinoo: 50 Points, Kabuto
Boruto_Uzumaki: 50 Points
-Eeveeon-: 50 Points, Snom
C0FFee: 50 Points, Snom
-Gl1tch-: 50 Points, Snom
Emilly: 50 Points, Kabuto
Haruhinoo: 50 Points, Kabuto
Number of pokemon: 1
Type of payment: pd
Notes: None, thank you!
Number of pokemon: 2
Type of payment: PD
Notes: 1 everstone please♡
Thank you♡♡

💀 𝐇𝐨𝐲 𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐨 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐭𝐞 𝐯𝐢 💀