Forum Thread
Breeding pair
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Breeding pairThis is mega_death_king and im gonna Start A breeding Shop

I sell Mareep 50
Flaafy 100
Ampharos 300
Winter mareep 3000
Dieno 1k
Rapidash (galarian) 500
Foongus 400
Corviknight 600
Geodude (alolan) 900
Qwilfish 250
scyther 500
mimikyu 1000
swadloon 100
ponyta 100
clauncher 350
grapploct 450
coalossal 1000
sandslash (alolan) 900
Ursaring 500
Pidgeotto 500
Poliwhirl 250
Tentacruel 250
Slowbro 500
Muk 250
Lapras 1000
Aerodactyl 2000
Wobbuffet 100
Octillery 100
Manectric 100
Crawdaunt 500
Luxray 500
Spiritomb 1000
Lumineon 500
Zebstrika 200
Ribombee 500
Lugia (I wont hatch it I'll give the buyer the voucher for it) 5K
Gardevoir-line (This includes Ralts, Kirlia and Gallade as well) 500
Drifloon 10000
Ducklet 500
Dratini line 500
Wimpod 400
We DONT sell genderless pokemon
Flaafy 100
Ampharos 300
Winter mareep 3000
Dieno 1k
Rapidash (galarian) 500
Foongus 400
Corviknight 600
Geodude (alolan) 900
Qwilfish 250
scyther 500
mimikyu 1000
swadloon 100
ponyta 100
clauncher 350
grapploct 450
coalossal 1000
sandslash (alolan) 900
Ursaring 500
Pidgeotto 500
Poliwhirl 250
Tentacruel 250
Slowbro 500
Muk 250
Lapras 1000
Aerodactyl 2000
Wobbuffet 100
Octillery 100
Manectric 100
Crawdaunt 500
Luxray 500
Spiritomb 1000
Lumineon 500
Zebstrika 200
Ribombee 500
Lugia (I wont hatch it I'll give the buyer the voucher for it) 5K
Gardevoir-line (This includes Ralts, Kirlia and Gallade as well) 500
Drifloon 10000
Ducklet 500
Dratini line 500
Wimpod 400
We DONT sell genderless pokemon
Fill Out Form for Buying Pokemon
Name :
Pokemon you would like : (Optional)
Unspecified Pokemon you would like : (Optional)
How Much Are You Paying? :
Why do you want to become an employee here? :
Will you work hard each day? :
What i will breed
Will you work hard each day? : Yes! I will do my best!
What i will breed
Will you work hard each day? : Yes
Username: LugiaQueenX
What i will breed:
Lugia (I wont hatch it I'll give the buyer the voucher for it)
Gardevoir-line (This includes Ralts, Kirlia and Gallade as well)
Dratini line
100pd-1kpd based on the pokemon
the vouchers for 5k, the lowest sell price they are worth
Pokemon you would like : Swadloon (x4)
Unspecified Pokemon you would like : (Optional)
How Much Are You Paying? : 400pd
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”
Pfp is by -Loki
This isn't edited very often-
Pokemon you would like : baltoy
Unspecified Pokemon you would like : (Optional)
How Much Are You Paying? :500
here are some of my favorite pokemons;
if you want you can train with them.
Will you work hard each day? : i'll do my best
Username: saqlain
What i will breed
shinx line
wimpod line
(these two are my only perfect pairs
shinx line- 250 pd
wimpod line-300 pd
nature specifics cost 15% more
Sent!!!! Have a good day
Pokemon you would like : 1 Female and 1 Male dratini with the same Nature
Unspecified Pokemon you would like : (Optional)
How Much Are You Paying? However much it would cost. U can set the price.
This Artwork was made by Akemie!