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[Sign-ups] OrdinaryName High School

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up [Sign-ups] OrdinaryName High School
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 10:48 (4 Years ago)
the rp: here

The summer breezes makes its way through your hair, calming your nerves a little as you look towards the school building. Large, mighty and overall full of new experiences, you gulp. Checking your pockets a little, adjusting your sleeves, and patting yourself on the shoulder, you take a step forwards. Onwards!

Hello! I was wondering for a while where all the classic, gijinka Pokémon high school roleplays were, and kinda missed them. A lot. So I made my own!

The plot is nonexistent in this one. It's more about what you want it to be. There'll be certain dates where an "event" will be held, say, a trip or a school party, but it's very open. You can recommend any event to me personally if you would like to :)

It is to be said that I have never been to high school as the concept doesn't exist in Denmark LOL. sorry if I get anything wrong

1. Basic roleplay etiquette. Don't godmod, powerplay, whatever, you get it. No one-liners either, please.
2. When choosing your appearance, either draw it yourself or credit the artist with a direct link to their social media platform. Google is NOT an acceptable answer.
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artist: tissue--box"
its not that hard! :P
3. Please fill out the form correctly. The password is the word for 'happy' in your native language.
4. You're allowed up to 3 characters max.
5. Have fun! This is a roleplay made to fit anyone and awaken some childhood memories for some of us :,D

Age (14 - 18):

My form
Username: Popplio
Name: Kamma Fjelstrup
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Athletic but for the wrong reasons. Likes running around and causing mischief. Will cry if you hit her. Talks big for someone her size.
Orientation: Pansexual
Pokemon: Emolga
Appearance: link
Crush: None

Username: Popplio
Name: Sofus Qvist
Age (14 - 18): 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Just. Just a little golden retriever. Has a positive mind about everything, even if he's hanging by a cliff into lava. He's not very mature and doesn't really know personal space, but he sure is trying!
Orientation: Pansexual
Pokemon: Yamper
Appearance: link
Crush: None

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 681
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 11:48 (4 Years ago)
Aaa! I used to do these all the time on roblox and stuff like that! Memories :,)

Username: Aero-Plane
Name: Erika Florence.
Age(14 - 18): 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Seems rough and tough, always purposely skipping lessons and even if she was in a lesson, she'd always be out of focus. However, she has a soft side that barely anyone knows about, as she tries to hide it from everyone who is not her close friends.
Orientation: Bisexual
Pokemon: Centiskorch
Appearance: Art by Jotheweirdo on newgrounds
Crush: None at the moment.
Other: Her real parents died in a car crash when she was 10. She was later adopted by her mother's close friends. It's been hard for her, but she tries to keep herself (happy) by drawing or doing origami.

We're truth seekers and artists, perched on the boundary as we search for an answer.
Art shop | Toyhouse | Discord: Aergalia
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 12:37 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! Happy to have ya :D excited to see Erika in action!
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 15:42 (4 Years ago)

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Asami Honjou



Probably the most hot-headed and impetuous out of the bunch,Asami is more often than not, the voice of reason. Some of her friends dislike how disciplined and lawful she is and find her lame, however they stick around because of how loyal,honorable and hard-working she is. Other than that,she's a painfully average student,often struggling to keep up with everyone else and their studies. She's a more athletic type of person than an intelligent one.



This but with a tanned skin color and red hair as you can see I'm not an artist Reference

To be added.

She never wears anything other than her gi as her family tradition deems it disrespectful and dishonourable. Family has a dojo. President of Martial Arts Club if there even is one or Popplio allows it. Χαρα/Ευτυχία.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 16:52 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! Clubs sound like a fun idea.

You can now include to be part of Clubs! Let's say that there are 4 clubs in total. We got a Martial Arts Club now, so if the next 3 people want to make one, they can go ahead. You can join a club at any time :P I don't think I gotta put a limit on members in clubs.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 16:56 (4 Years ago)
Reserve a spot? Will fill out the form asap!
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 17:05 (4 Years ago)
Of course :] Will check it out later
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 17:38 (4 Years ago)
Username: DarkSpark
Name: Theo
Age (14 - 18): 15
Gender: Male
Personality: He's a bit of a pessimist, and has a dark sense of humor. Theo is definitely an antisocial one and prefers dark, small spaces. The one thing that really seems to bother him is if someone assumes he's younger than he really is.
Orientation: Straight
Pokemon: Banette
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Art by Mynosylexia on Deviantart.

Crush: TBD
Other: Hope I did this right, this rp looks like fun! Password-Happy
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 681
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 17:43 (4 Years ago)
Username: Aero-plane
Name: Ashley Lupus
Age (14 - 18): 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Tries to act tough, but often fails. She's really dumb, and often asks other's, especially Erika, to do her homework. Very athletic, likes doing sports in her free time, especially soccer. She hates swimming.
Orientation: Bisexual
Pokemon: Arcanine
Appearance: I can't find the original artist sadly. Luckily there is a signature on the drawing. Sadly has been reposted a lot on pintrest and other image sharing sites so I can't find the original
Crush: Erika, but tries to keep it under people's radar.
Other: She's Erika's friend back from elementary school, ever since they've met they've been inseparable. (Happy)

We're truth seekers and artists, perched on the boundary as we search for an answer.
Art shop | Toyhouse | Discord: Aergalia
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 17:57 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! Lovely character yet again :]

Aww!!! I love him what the heck ...
I do need you to look at the rules again before accepting, though ! :P
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 17:59 (4 Years ago)
Oh shoot, I forgot! I included the password, did I miss anything else?
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 18:04 (4 Years ago)
Not from what I can see. Happy to have you onboard! Excited to see how Theo plays out :D
was very closed to writing Thea @_@

Think I'll be making the actual RP link tomorrow. New people can join any time! I want this to be open for All
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 19:12 (4 Years ago)
Username: RainRipple
Name: Ebony Shoal
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Light hearted and cheerful for the most part, he has an outgoing, exuberant personality. He is highly competitive, and, though he at times possesses enough reason to turn down one that is clearly malicious, will generally accept any challenge. Ebony can become quite serious, however, particularly when someone close to him is concerned. He's a jokester, and tends to make playful jibes regarding others, namely his sister.
Orientation: Straight
Pokemon: Dragalge
Appearance: Tall (6'3'') and lanky, warm beige skin, messy, chocolate brown hair with natural highlights of a brownish-red and a small single braid on the right side falling over his shoulder that has a red, leaf-like feather attached to the base, forest green eyes with flecks of brown (not hazel, but almost), angular features, pointed nose, freckles. He wears a pale purple T-shirt with thin dark brown rims around the ends of the sleeves and the hem, dark brown belt, brown ripped jeans, and red Converse.
Crush: N/A yet
Other: An apt swimmer, he, along with his younger sister, Cascade, are both members of the swim team club. She, however, is more competent at this than he is, and this brings her quite a bit of joy, although he is rather salty about it. He isn't the best of students, but his grades are acceptable, and therefore he manages to get by.
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 19:40 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! Happy to have ya.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 19:49 (4 Years ago)
Thank you! :D

Username: RainRipple
Name: Cascade Shoal
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Typically quiet, peppy, and graceful, she's reserved at first and rather shy, but as one gets to know her, she is revealed as a bubbly personality. A procrastinator, her constant state is either asleep or frantic mess. She's bashful, awkward, and panicky in unfamiliar situations and conversations, but can be drawn easily out of her shell by humor. Unsure how to respond to compliments or kind words, she usually settles for an awkward laugh and shrugging it off, and, despite her status on the swim team, believes that she's not enough and needs to constantly work harder than she does.
Orientation: Straight
Pokemon: Kingdra
Appearance: 5'1'', almost identical to this image, except she does not carry a fan, usually has a bag slung over her left shoulder of the same color as her scarf. Artist: RoCkBaT
Crush: N/A yet
Other: A member of the swim team club, she becomes a completely different person in the water, competitive and fierce. Despite her height, she's very successful, and has quickly risen to a point where she competes in heats of seniors, though she herself is still only a sophomore, but her brother, Ebony, is none too happy about this. Cascade has an affinity for makeup, as can be seen through the intricate designs she creates beneath and around her eyes. She struggles in school, though her grades don't reflect this; she works around the clock to complete the material that others seem to get done in minutes. This takes a toll on her, and some days she becomes snappish and curt.
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 20:03 (4 Years ago)
And accepted again. Looking forward to see these two :D
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 20:04 (4 Years ago)
Tysm! I'm looking forwards to using them! :D
Quote“Cause You make mountains move,
You make giants fall.
You use songs of praise, to shake prison walls.
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt;
You were faithful then, You'll be faithful now."
"Faithful Now," by Vertical Worship
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 347
Posted: Sat, 23/01/2021 00:26 (4 Years ago)
Username: KY4TR4
Name: Yura Komaro
Age (14 - 18): 14
Gender: Male
Personality: Go with the flow and overall a casual, although an awkard lad. Yura is a bit of an introvert and has a hard time socializing but is willing to do anything if asks to. Hella naïve and somewhat emotional. He's also a bit of a workaholic, always trying to get work done first and then goofing off and wander around. He has a habit of daydreaming a lot.
Orientation: Bisexual
Pokemon: Gastly
Crush: None
Other: Is actually a twin brother but decided to move out, he still occasionally phone his family. Yura also collects beanies and probably has stacks of them in his wardrobe. <Senang>

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Sat, 23/01/2021 10:48 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! Lovely artwork :)

I'll be making the RP itself in a bit. Thank you for your interest !! :D
Any newcomers can, of course, join anytime.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Sat, 23/01/2021 11:00 (4 Years ago)
Username: Widow_marvel
Name: Echo Dragomir
Age (14 - 18): 16
Gender: female
Personality: she’s super emo, and always sits in the corner of the class. She’s gives off a terrifying aura, and barely has friends. she’s extremely helpful and good in science, geography and mathematics she sucks at languages
Orientation: bisexual
Pokemon: vaporean
Appearance: Black hair, with a white fringe, and purplish blue eyes, her hair covers her face, and she is always seen wearing a black hoodie, she has a locket around her neck and a scar on her right hand when she got into a fight
Crush: Scarlett
Other: happy