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Fragment's drawings

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts Fragment's drawings
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Wed, 20/01/2021 20:02 (3 Years ago)
Art dump basically lol

(insert fancy "art dump" image here owo)

So, I always want to talk about my art and my thinking process but, I feel like I'm being a bother to people so, here we are. A place for me to write about my thoughts on my art where I wont bother anyone c:

All art here will be drawn by me (obviously). Do not use any art posted here unless it was made for you. I'll be posting anything from fanart to commissions, finished drawings to sketches, traditional to digital art. Feel free to comment if you want just keep it on topic ^^

If you would like to commission me my palpad/PM is open~

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Wed, 20/01/2021 20:19 (3 Years ago)
So let's get this started then~!
Haven't been drawing alot in January but, here are the drawings I have done so far!

I started off my year by drawing Raichu, this is a new tradition of mine, Raichu being my favorite pokémon is a fun choise for seeing my own progress each year. I do need more practice with bipedal creatures as I mostly draw quadrupeds. Despite faulty anatomy I think he turend out cute.

Next up we have a drawing I made as a gift to one of my best friends. I fell in love with this characters color scheme when I saw him and knew I had to draw him. I almost gave up during the sketch phase as I just couldn't make the back legs look nice, I'm glad I didn't though as I am very happy with the end result! Iv'e recently discovered the art program I use has a stock image provider with free to use stock images, I'm sure this will make my drawings much more interesting from now on as I can play around with backgrounds more!

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 02:09 (3 Years ago)
Art update~
Artworks made between late january - mid february 2021
Hit a major artblock week 2 of february ;-;

First off a doodle of me and my friends favorite soul-link pair from our OR/AS soullink. The stars alligned to make this happen and we are so greatful. Maws is my Mawile and Gleaner is her Sableye. If this pair dies we both agreed our locke is over no matter if we have pokémon remaining in our party or not.
As infrequently as I draw bipeds I'm really happy with how they turned out, best beans ^^

Tried out a new art program and made my most recent OC Claude my practice victim. I quite enjoyed the art program however I dont see myself using it for more than simple drawings like this one. Claude is baby, hard to mess him up c:

My next drawing was a birthday present for the friend I menioned above. She mostly has human OC's which is, not ideal for me as I do not draw humans, ever. Decided to give it a go regardless. This took me way longer than I would like to admit... I'd like to point out that I haven't drawn a human since 2019 so please dont judge too hard 🙏

OC belongs to NebbyHatesBags
(not active on PH anymore sadly)

Last up for this round is another simpler drawing. This one is actually part of a group of small pokemon doodles I did under 5 minutes per pokémon. This one is the only one that turned out decent and I decided to clean him/her up a bit. They give me major mario universe vibes for some reason hahah. Angy royal Shroomish~
very tempted to add them to my signature

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Thu, 08/04/2021 21:09 (3 Years ago)
Art update~
Drawings here made in late february to early april.
Been feeling very down these past months but managed to do some art ^^

Drawn for the "Draw for the user above you" thread. I thought this OC was really cute and was glad I managed to claim them before someone else did. I really struggeled with their right front leg, I dont know how long I was stuck on that leg alone lolol. Overall I am very pleased with the result ^^

OC belongs to BabyEevee22

Birthday time!!!! One of my friends outside PH had their birthtday~! Drew their OC Bubby, a design based on a worm on a string. How fun is that? hahah ❤ I think my drawing is cute but, I should probably have put a litte more time into it considering the occasion. I'll have to make it up to them next year 😤

Welcome a new OC, say hello to Bunny~
She doesn't have an official name yet, Iv'e been calling her Soar but I dont know if that's what I'll end up going with 🤔 Iv'e wanted a bunny OC for the longest time but never made one until now~! Design is partly based on a bunny I saw in a dream one night. If anyone has any name suggestions feel free to comment haha.
I always forget I should size down drawings I make on my phone, as you can see, it is massive =_=

Lastly, a traditional drawing I made today! I was lacking ideas but the same friend I mentioned earlier wanted to see a tiger in my art style, so that's what I decided to draw c: I had this idea in my head for probably a week before I actually attempted it. I was scared I'd ruin the image I had imagined and that would have hit my confidence even more ahah... I am REALLY happy with how he(?) turned out though!! How adorable~! I might turn him into digital art in the future but for now he sha'll remain on paper. (My room has terrible lighting aa 🙃)

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Sat, 08/05/2021 21:42 (3 Years ago)
More art~
Time goes by so fast what? Drawings made between april - early may.

Started up a new "project", I am a big fan of project sekai and I thought it could be fun to imagine everyone as cats. Only planning on making Vivid BAD SQUAD and Wonderlands x Showtime for now, if this project is fun though I might end up doing them all ^^

My first victim was Shinonome Akito, I knew exactly how I wanted to pose him so he was an easy strating point. I'm not sure if I should make these have a bit more detail or not, might rework Akito once I have the rest done if he feels too bland. I'm very happy with his eyes, I have started to play more with the way I draw eyes recently~
Also, peep the new signature, I feel like I'm starting to take my art more seriously recently so thought it was high time to actually have a proper signature haha.

Next up, a drawing that was intended for the draw for the user above you thread. I was too late on claiming though and ended up sending this as gift art instead ^^ I surprised myself when I started actually shading this drawing, I haven't shaded in probably, years? I dont know how well I did but, I think the drawing turned out super nice! Also tried coloring the lineart for the first time and whoa that makes such a difference, this is something I'll carry with me for sure! I'm really proud of this one <3

OC belongs to Akemie

Lastly a traditional sketch of one of my own OC's, the bunny who, still needs a name ;-; This was one of those "pick an expression and draw it as your character" challenges. My friend chose an expression for me and I chose one for her. Here is how mine came out.

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Sat, 03/07/2021 14:31 (3 Years ago)
Long time no see~
Drawings made between may - early july
Haven't had access to a drawing program in june but now I'm back in bussiness!
I apologise for all the large images in advance!

While I couldn't draw digitally i have been doodling traditionally. I am a big fan of genshin impact and have always wanted to draw fanart for it. So, I finally did! I drew the fox from the game in a chibi style. It turned out okay, there are areas I could improve though.

Next up we have a drawing I made of a random cat. Mostly to practice more expressions. I dont know how I feel about the cat's front legs, I redrew them so many times and then just, gave up. I'm very happy with the head/face though, conveys the feelings I wanted it to.

The next drawing was mostly page filler but, I think this drawing looks very peaceful, This is another random cat. I might have made the ears a bit too big but, I dont mind them personally. I think it's cute hahah~

Tried using a different art program than my usual one, I kind of... hated it. I wont name any programs though becuase this is obviously just a personal opinion. I didn't realise how small my canvas was until I had finished so here is a smol Farie xD Farie is one of my own OC's, I actually love how her ears look in this drawing.

Made one more drawing on the same program I mentioned above just to give it a second chance but yeah, feeling stayed the same. I am, not too happy about this drawing to be honest. It features me and my friends bunny OC's. I feel like my bunny is okay (the purlpe one) but I messed up my friends bunny so bad (the yellow one) ;-;

Yellow bunny belongs to NebbyHatesBags

Waah, artfight has started!!! On top of that, I got my usual drawing program back <3333 I am living good now! The plan is to draw daily for artfight so I'll probably do a few updates this month c:
My first attack was for this really pretty cat, I truly love their color scheme. I am challenging myself to draw characters in poses I usually wouldn't draw, my main focus for artfight this year is to learn and improve, so I hope you will see a difference at the start of this month and the end~!

OC belongs to dingopaws on artfight

My next attack went to one of my good friends. They are the one I drew birthday art for in earlier posts. I have always loved this character of theirs and would do anything to steal them, but you didn't hear that from me owo. I'm so glad I had a reson to draw them <3 I love the right front leg in this drawing so much and I cant tell you why.

OC belongs to RemnantWarlord on Toyhouse

I'd love to make some art for you if you are also participating in artfight~! You can find my profile here!

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Sun, 01/08/2021 17:08 (3 Years ago)
Well, here we are, august already, time goes by fast 0.0
Drawings made in july
Let's see how my AF went then shall we? I did some private drawing as well.

Saw these moomin inspired characters and I knew I needed to draw them. First attempt at a full scene. You will see, I got kinda hooked on scenes following this drawing haha. Bridges are so hard to draw and I wanted to die but it was worth it in the end. I was very tired by the time I got to the background so I could have worked on it a bit more but either way I am quite happy with this one ^^

OC's belong to HoneyPaws on artfight

Next, I drew a rat. I LOVE rats but had never drawn one, it was a fun experience, rat hands aaaaa. Glad I got to practice a new animal species ~ More practice with shading, I still dont really have the hang of it but I try.

OC belongs to NoteS28 on artfight

My absolute favorite drawing for this round of artfight!!! Partly because this character has such amazing colors I'm sure. Another attempt at a scene, more simple this time. A tiger running through sand. I had SO MUCH FUN drawing this, the dust clouds and everything, I just love how it turned out. The char looks so soft I just want to pet them 💖
Learned how to use the blur filter via my art program, let's goo!

OC belongs to Oceanfosh on artfight

Visited my parents so didn't have access to my own pc. Did try to draw while borrowing my mothers pc however. Realised how much your surroundings matter for drawing. Coudn't really get into my usual "draw mode" at all. This drawing feels quite different from the art I usually make, doesn't mean I dislike it though, just gives off a different vibe.

OC belongs to ItsNeefe on artfight

Another drawing I did at my parents, NEW OC ALARM. Joined a warriors RP and Ripple was born, he was originally a Vaporeon OC, now re-imagined as a cat. I am head over heels for him, I'm looking forawd to drawing him again now that I am back at my apartment, give him the proper focus he deserves ^^ The image quality is very odd? I dont know how it got that way nothing I can do about that though.

Got back to my apartment, the quality of my drawings going back to how they usually are. I fell in love with this character, did a total of 3 sketches for them because I enjoyed drawing them so much. The one I ended up finalizing was this one though! Wanted to draw a char sleeping on a cloud and, this character was just too perfect for it. I'm so proud of this drawing, and I am jealous of the char, they look so comfortable 💖

bonus sketch of the same character

OC belongs to benjirachi on artfight

last drawing for this year of artfight. Circle frame experiment. I actually drew the head for this drawing right at the beginning but couldn't give it a body I liked, fast forward and I was finally able to draw it a nice body! This char was alot of fun to draw! Don't get to use white lineart often, it was a fun experience, I am super happy with the background too!

OC belongs to CuteCat on artfight

And then artblock hit harder than a truck. hated everything I drew and didn't feel good about sending it to anyone. Thought I'd share this page of sketches however, as they are atleast decent.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Sun, 01/08/2021 19:08 (3 Years ago)
These are great!

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Please feel free to message me on palpad
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Sun, 01/08/2021 19:59 (3 Years ago)
Aa, thank you so much <3
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 22:42 (3 Years ago)
New month, new art~
Drawings made in august ^^

Started off my month by drawing my boi Claude! Claude is such a comfort character for me I love him so much, drawing him always makes me feel happy 💖 I usually draw him in a neutral expression so wanted to try something different! See what he looks like with other emotions 👀 This gave birth to angry Claude, grr xp I'm really happy with this drawing.

Drew for the draw for the user above thread, I seem to always fall for food themed pokemon OC's, I just need to draw them ahaha. Really liked this design and I had fun drawing them c:

OC belongs to StarPrizm

New OC alarm, well, not really lol. More like, making her official? I always use the trainer name Alese when I play pokémon and I finally decided to make her an official OC! I made a log of all the pokémon she has used in her teams through her journey through various regions. I'll keep updating this as I play through more games! Honestly this made me build an even stronger connection to my initial teams, they feel more, real in a way? Like they are always with me even when a new game comes out. So far I have played through Alola, Kanto, Galar and currently Sinnoh with the trainer name Alese. I plan on going through each region atleast once as Alese with team memebres with the Alese OT. I have played through each region with a Raichu atelast once so I decided to make that Alese's parter pokémon, and since her first journey was in Alola I made it an Alolan Raichu. I'm looking forward to going on more pokémon journeys with Alese in the future ^^
I'm still new to drawing humans but I think, she looks pretty nice!

The redraw of Ripple is here, as promised! Oh boy is this an improvment of the initial drawing of him, almost wouldn't be able to guess I drew them both! I send my thanks to artfight where I drew more than usual which helped me improve as well as being in peace in my own apartment while drawing unlike my initial time drawing him. I'm really, really, really happy with how he turned out! He also made me notice that I have a habit of drawing bodies too, hmm, short? I made his body longer about 2 times before ending with this drawing, I need to keep that in mind for future reference. I tried streaming this drawing, only for my friends for now. I want to get rid of my anxiety when drawing while others watch. I actually had a pretty nice time! Maybe one day I'll feel comfortable streaming my art to people I'm not as familiar with, that'd be so fun I'm sure!

Had a rough day so went to my default of drawing Claude again. Hope you dont mind seeing him one more time hehe~

Last drawing for this round, a very fast doodle of King from the series "The owl house". My friend recomended it to me and I was hooked instantly, binged all of season 1 this past weekend. I need more! I might draw King again someday and not rush it as much as I did this time but I wanted to go back to watching the series xD

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 08:00 (3 Years ago)
oughhhh little akito kitty..... he looks so mischevious :D

awesome art!!!! it's so cuuuuute
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Thu, 02/09/2021 00:16 (3 Years ago)
Aww, it's so funny you commented that today as I was legit thinking I should get back to that project last night! Akito will get friends soon :3

Thank you so much, it warms my heart to know you like my art 💖
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Sat, 02/10/2021 00:30 (3 Years ago)
Time for an update~
Art made in september! Was really sick for a week and then out of the country for another week but here is all the art I did while I was able to draw!

Developed my OC Soar further, it is too long to explain here so if you are interested feel free to look at her TH page where everything is explained. In short, instead of her previous version she now has 3 differnet "stages", her appearance changes slightly depending on "stage". Here you can se her in what I call the feral stage, where her normally yellow hearts and eye turn red.

Next is a commission piece! I almost cried whien I finished this, I am so proud of how this drawing turned out. Everything is just so, perfect! This drawing boosted my confidence for my own art and I am so happy for it! Tried out a different kind of shading and I found the joy of shading. I used to hate it but I had so much fun doing if for this drawing. You'll see so much more shading from now on! Also finally learned how to add outlines to drawings, Iv'e wanted to do that for ages but never knew how. Iv'e used my drawing program for about 3 years now, it's funny it took this long to feel like I am finally learning how to properly use it xD

OC belongs to FloralLeafeon

Next up we have a colored doodle. wanted to draw something to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Star stable. This is one of the cats you can adopt in the game, added specifically for the anniversary event. I dont play this game too much anymore, but it was still a big part of my life when I was younger. Not super happy with the drawing but that is to be expected since this came right after the commision drawing I fell in love with.

Another colored doodle! This time of my OC Farie. You've seen her before as a cat but here is her elf form, or you could also say, her original form. Iv'e had Farie for a long time and had her backstory and everything written but never actually designed her original form before the accident that turned her into a cat. Well, I finally did! I'm still new to drawing humanoids so it's not the greatest drawing ever but I am still, happy. I am happy I am pushing beyond my comfort zone and drawing more humanoid characters than I used to.

Last drawing for this round, I drew Ashley form the Warioware games! I have never played a warioware game and I dont plan to either but Ashleys design is so good. When I saw the trailers for the newest game I wanted to draw her. It only took a month for me to do so but here she is! The skull and ribbon turned out so great 💖

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Mon, 01/11/2021 20:08 (2 Years ago)
Mental health said "✨no✨" this month. Drawings made in october.

Expression and shading practice. Drew my OC Mintu. Yet again prooving to myself that shading can and is fun! I'm super proud of the tears as well!

Of course, I was just as taken by Hisuian Zorua as everyone else. Had this idea for a Hisuian Zorua Gijinka. Might make her an official OC of mine. Please note, those are not ears, it is her hair lol. I'll probably work on this design a bit more if I do decide to make her an OC.

Ambitious art piece, this is the drawing that has taken the most time so far out of all art iv'e ever done. Iv'e wanted to do a pose like this for months and attempted it several times, never comes out quite right though, until now! Decided to draw my OC Dustpaw becasue I haven't made him suffer enough already. Never drawn him in a full profile view so I was really troubled with how to draw his head markings, I think, they turned out great in the end though! I feel like I have a better grip on how to handle "fur fluff" in drawings now, love to see the improvment 💖

Been working on a design for my project sekai project, that being Kohane. You can expect to see her in next months update ;3

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 04:07 (2 Years ago)
I live~!!!
It's been a while but I am finally here with an update. Art made between november and january 🎆

First off we have a late "halloween" drawing. I was inspired by the song ECHO and the static in the PV so I decided to draw a piece for Soar, my bunny OC. I wasn't very happy with this drawing at the time I drew it but I think, I do like it now. Just wish I had gone even harder on the static effect.

Some digital doodles. One of Sasha from AC and the other two are just random cats.

Next is a commssion. Tried yet another shading style, will probably never use this one again it took so long. Togepie is surprisingly hard to draw for such a simple shape. I am satisfied with the outcome though.

OC belongs to Crowsmorte

Now here starts a wave of traditional drawings, first up is one of Kagamine Rin. I had to draw something for her 14th anniversary as she is my favorite vocaloid and has been for a long long time! Still struggling with humans. Hid one of her eyes because I was lazy please be kind to me ;-;

Around this time I hit major artblock, all I could manage was small doodles like this. Here is a sleeping Mintu.

Last of the traditional drawings for this time! My friend designed a fakemon and I wanted to try drawing them. Here is how that turned out! I really like this fakemon design, a cute ghost ^^

Design belongs to NebbyHatesBags

Trying to crawl out of artblock by forcing myself to draw digitally. Asked a friend to give me two random colors and she said yellow and green. Poof this tropical boi was born. Fennec fox kitsune perhaps? Still deciding on if I should keep him or not. my friend did show interest in adopting him if I do not so he'll have a home regardless ^^

Ending this update with a B A N G with a drawing I finished today!!! In the past update I said that the Dustpaw drawing was my most ambitious drawing, well, move over a new challenger has claimed that spot. This Oshawott took me around 6,5 hours. Drawing it in celebration of legends Arceus releasing in a week!!! I'm choosing Oshawott as my starter, the choise was made as soon as the game was revealed. Oshawott was my first ever starter and I am so happy I'll get to experience a new version of pokémon with my first starter. It'll be like old times 💖
I am honestly floored I drew this, I can? Produce this level of quality??? I was literally shaking when I finished this because I was so proud of myself. While I have been in artblock I never stopped observing art and learning. I think this shows! Still learning backgrounds but oh man what a glow up this is from the backgrounds I did around artfight last summer. Attempted new shading style and this is probably the one I'm sticking with for a while!!! Super fun and pretty!

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Thu, 12/05/2022 22:42 (2 Years ago)
Doing these monthly really failed, regardless, I am once again back~
Art made between late January and early May.
Still deep in artblock but I try lol.

Drew Vaporeon form memory. I didn't do too bad. Also tried to imagine some special traits for my OC Kai as Iv'e never drawn him. Not all made it to this drawing as I kept developing him but the scars over his eye are staying.

My friend created a new original species. Fluffy dragons. I had to try drawing one as I fell in love instantly.

Species belongs to NebbyHatesBags

The same friend had her birthday, I made some art to celebrate them. Recently learned of the add glow effect in my art program and wanted to give it a try. Fireflies was the first thing that came to mind so that's what I settled on! This design might look familiar as I shared them on my last update. I did end up gifting this boy to my friend. Super glad he got a loving home! Drawing this small shrine was really challenging, structures are so precise. I only realised my mistake on the steps when I'd started colouring. I'll take this knowledge with me to the next time I draw stairs. It turned out good in the end though I'd say. I'm really happy with how I drew the foxes legs in this one.

Character belongs to NebbyHatesBags

New OC!!!! A magical girl. Drew her both in non magical and magical form as well as a magic companion. She started out as a joke when I misread another magical girls name as Pastel Misery. It was such a funny name though that I decided to make something with it. Left is her human form and right is the magical one. This is a concept sketch and while I like most of it I will change her dress in the magical form. The companion tiger will most likely be heavily tweaked as well. Still not confident with drawing human designs but how will I learn if I never do it?

Another new human OC! Outfit will change here once again as I realised there are some character details I can't properly shown with a design like this. For example Rain loves wearing bracelets. Rain was born after I started playing a visual novel called Our Life: Beginnings & Always. It allows for limited visual character creation but very expansive written character building and development. As I tend to do with customizable player characters, I grew attached to Rain and wanted them to become "official" so they are here to stay!

Final drawing for this update. Mostly sketches time time around. My comfort OC Claude blesses us with his presence once more. Started out as just the full body sketch but I had fun drawing him so the four headshots joined soon after. I love this boy so much 💖

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 05:13 (2 Years ago)
These are so cute! I love the designs.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 766
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2022 12:52 (2 Years ago)
I’m so happy to hear you say that! Thank you 💖