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Boku No Poke Academia

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Boku No Poke Academia
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2020 16:14 (4 Years ago)
Sen Aizawa was sitting beside a tree, her Druddigon sitting peacefully beside her. It was a beautiful day, the sun high in the air and the rustling sounds of wild pokemon calming the female. She sighed, letting out a small yawn and leaning back.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2020 16:19 (4 Years ago)
Kabocha was sitting, thinking to herself, ‘this quirk is a blessing and a curse. Sure it’s nice to have the abilities of a ghost-pumpkin. But his ability to see the spirits of the deceased. Some spirits are nice, some aren’t.’ Her yamask’s eye became grumpy. “Okay, not you. Wait- since when can yamask read minds?”
Quote from Albert Einstein
“Stop quoting me on the internet, it’s impossible to verify if I had said the quote or not!”
-Albert Einstein

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 139
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2020 16:21 (4 Years ago)
Aki happily played with her pokemon, her older brother watching her with a small smile, with her Lapras swimming in a nearby pond. He let out some chuckles, whenever Zorua or Pansear tripped Aki, and Sceptile would catch and steady his trainer.
"Life is short, my darling. So, live it to the fullest while you can, lest you end up with regrets."

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2020 16:22 (4 Years ago)
The Druddigon let out a small noise, sensing someone was nearby. "Something wrong, Rocky?" A peppy voice spoke. It was none other than the hero Red Riot! Or- Eijirou Kirishima, as Sen knew him. She smiled to him. "Hey, Eijirou!" She said.

Kirishima chuckled and gave Sen a hug. "Hey, Sen." He said, smiling his typical sharky smile.

Sen soon sent out her Gengar, it letting out a small hiss at the light, and going under the shade of the tree. "Awwwww..." Sen said, looking to it.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 49
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2020 16:26 (4 Years ago)
*Draco flew high above with his Garchomp, racing each other. He looked down and saw the others. He ignored them and landed in a tree nearby*
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2020 16:28 (4 Years ago)
She soon let out a small yawn, taking out the rest of her pokemon and giving them their favorite berries, which she always had on hand, to which they all ate happily.

"woah! that's swag dude!"
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 139
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2020 16:32 (4 Years ago)
Kirlia seemed to sigh, as she watched her trainer glare at Zorua and Pansear. Aki huffed. "Pansear, Zorua! If you two keep up with that, I won't let you two out for a week!" Aki's brother, Zen, laughed. "Calm down, sister dearest. They're just playing." Aki glared at him. "Oh yeah? Then, why don't you play with them, brother?" Zen immediately regretted opening his mouth, as Zorua and Pansear turned to him, smirks on their faces. "O-Oi... Don't you dar-" Zen found himself kissing the ground, as Zorua and Pansear danced on his head. Aki smirked. "Very good, Zorua, Pansear. I'll get you two some new tasty berries to snack on."
"Life is short, my darling. So, live it to the fullest while you can, lest you end up with regrets."

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2020 19:13 (4 Years ago)
Itsuki sat on the roof of his home, how he got up there only he knew. He watched as his Reuniclus floated around the tiles, occasionally turning to his trainer and giving a happy chirp before turning back to his business. The dark haired male laid back, shutting his eyes. He could hear the peaceful sounds of nature as his heart settled into a relaxed rhythm. Itsuki's face lightly scrunched up as his Reuniclus let out a curious cry in his ear. Lightly swatting at the pokemon, he opened his eyes. The strange pokemon had already turned around, pretending to be innocent. Letting out a soft sigh he shook his head. "Alright, fine. We're gonna have to head out though. I don't have any berries on me." Despite not being able to verbally understand his pokemon, he knew that Reuniclus liked poffins.

Slowly sitting up he stared out over the roof. He really didn't want to leave. With a light smack on his head from his impatient pokemon, Itsuki stood to get off the roof. His feet slamming into the ground, Itsuki began his trek to the store. He just needed an Iapapa berry, Reuniclus' favorite. Slipping into the small store on the street he started to browse through the stock. All of his pokemon sitting comfortably inside their pokeballs inside his bag.
