Forum Thread
Friends Suggestion
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Friends SuggestionWhen you're a Friend always Trolling and Making annoying Feeds for Testing or Link Adverttising..
YOU almost Unfriend him,, But you cant,, Because both of you will feel so Disappointed if you do it so...
As show of Friendship.. We can keep Friends but We he/she make something like mentioned above You can Unfollow his/her feeds.. Like in Facebook,, When You dont like Person's Posts.. You will unfollow him/her But you're still friends..
I SUGGEST making an Unfollow Feed / Follow Feed at the Friendlist beside the PM Icon.. But the Button Should like Icon for preventing cost of Space..
Im open for all Comments or Another Suggestions.. Thanks

Happy Summerween - Candies
I'd also like if it was possible the other way around: Following someone's feeds without friending them. For example, there's use in following what some staff members write in their feeds, but many people are probably just interested in the news and not (yet?) actual friends with them.
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Happy Summerween - Candies
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I removed a friend of mine because I got annoyed with all the spam feeds I was getting from them daily, but they are still considered a friend and I'd like to be friends with them without the feed spam so that we can talk to each other through palpad. (Which I have restricted to friends only to not get pestered by beggers...)

Happy Summerween - Candies
Really?? What if you want to discover hot to- or what else Like I do.. I want to learn how to [enter] the Feed that LINE BREAKS.. and Its much differ from Thread Post and Feed..
I really dont want to start a fight

Happy Summerween - Candies
Dont really se a reason to benifit me, but its would be helpfull to others.
[b]Hello my friends. Check my new
>Thread Link<
>Thread Link<
Try this in your feed and it will be exactly same as it will be shown in normal post (codes are for example, they won't show in feed)
And if user is your friend, they would understand how you feel about them spamming feeds and would stop it. Oh so your friends don't think you are their very important person? For me all my friends are very important if any of your friend doesn't think so, then there's a chance he might now even be your real freind.
But thats Late... now.... Back to Topic.. What if the other users wants to try different?? Are you there to teach them?? I know youre busy and You cant do that in all time.. and What I ment about VIP is a Mod or Admin.. They were only be stoopped when the VIPs I talking about mentioned this to her/him..

Happy Summerween - Candies
If you are saying that people do not know how to post these kind of feeds and want to test them, then it's their problem for not asking their friends how to do so and posting a lot of pointless feeds.
Now let me explain to you what adding someone as friend means : Following their feeds. If you don't want to receive their feeds, unfollow him by unfriending. Not a big deal.
I just wanted to separate the Following Feeds and Being Friends..
Okay.. If you do not Agree of "Someone posting Annoying Feeds"
What about...
Someone posting Legal/Allowed feeds like Trades, Status, Raffles at is your not Interested at his posts sometimes.. like..
Iskandar.. He always post New Item Available at his Shop,, Thats allowed and NOT annoying.. but I dont like to receive this kind of feeds So I can Unfollow his feeds...
(This works like AdBlock Software for more Clear)

Happy Summerween - Candies
I have to say no support on this one.
[i]"Shinah. It means

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Well.. I have 2 things to say..
1. For PalPad Messages.... Like me I dont accept messages from Strangers or Unknown
2. It shows how Friendship the User has....
Look At Real Life I had a Best Friend that is Super Noisy and Talkative then Ill friended her at FB but I unfollow her post Because She always post what She have seen or Done..
Actually I said 3

Happy Summerween - Candies
• I have to agree, when you have palpad open for everyone , a lot of stalkers, no lifers talk to you. I once got a message from a no lifer girl, now she is stalking me and yea she felt in love with me <3 but that's not the point of this... As I said, you tell your friends to stop posting annoying feeds or you'd unfriend them and they wont be able to palpad you anymore, I'm sure they'll understand you and do so.
• Already said, if you consider true friendship by adding each other as friends on PH, then you are WRONG!
• This probably is a lie. If she is your best friend,then you'd go to her and tell her to stop posting dumb stuff, because that's what true friends do. And on facebook, you still get status updates in your new feed.
personally i'd like being able to add users to my pal pad, but not have to see feed notifications all the time - when i see the little 1 in my user bar, i'd prefer it to be for something i've been doing around the site (usually anyways, there are a few friends i have added for both purposes - like i said, different people handle their friends in different ways)