Some of you may know me as the self-proclaimed number one Deoxys
fan on this site. While I am still a newcomer to PokeHeroes, I want
to achieve my goal of completing the Hoenn dex to obtain a
To do this, I will need some outsider help. Both to let me
borrow/buy Pokemon, and to give me tips.
Listed below is my current progression. These are the Pokemon I
already have. I will be updating this constantly, please check
back frequently.
Just to clarify- those are Pokemon you already have, yes? Take a
look through my "Selling" box and see if there's anything you need!
I'd love to sell them to you and/or trade for Pokemon that I need
as well!
Alright, so the Taillow and Surskit unfortunately evolved during
the double day before I saw this, but I have the others and I'll
set them up on the GTS right away! Feel free to just palpad me
anytime you see something you need/want in my Selling box so that I
can slap everstones on them ASAP :D Anyways, I'd love to trade
those six for your Kakuna, Magby, Misdreavus, Klink, Mienfoo, and
Oh hey, that's fine. I no longer need the Mightyena and Linoone,
but it would be a big help if I could grab that Swellow and
Masquerain. Is that alright?