Forum Thread
Ask My OCs!
Forum-Index → Diaries → Ask My OCs!Mitsu: Uh, even personal stuff?
Me: Yup!
Yukari: But what if we don't want to answer?
Me: You have to.
Yukari: Nuh uh.
Me: Uh huh.
Yukari: NUH UH >:(
Me: UH HUH D:<
Erika: 0-0
Rin:...Uh, like Zee said, ask us anything! Just don't make it, uh, too personal.

•All PH rules apply
•Youre free to ask as many questions as you want, but please do not spam.
•No swearing.
Mitsu: Well, if I'm not busy studying, I like going over to my friends' houses, or going on walks in a park or someplace. *whispers* Basically anything to get out of the house and away from my siblings.
Erika: W-well, um, I l-like going shopping, I guess. I also like r-riding my bike around town. Uh, what else? Oh! I like spending time with my friends.
Yukari: THE ARCADE! (The other three: shhh!) Oh, sorry. The Arcade! I love, LOVE all the games there, especially Laser Tag! If I can't do that, playing video games at home works just fine.