"No can do," Milotic answered, shaking her head, "as much as
Feraligator and I want to help, the guardian there is quite strong.
She might be water type herself, but not one to take lightly."
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
After a bit of walking, they came up to the dojo. "Is Vaporeon out
yet?" he asked, looking at a Hitmoncham. "You called?" Vaporeon
walked out of the dojo, a curious look on his face.
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
He shrugged. "What do you need?" Vaporeon asked, looking at
Feraligator. After he explained, Vaporeon nodded. "Yeah I'll help,
but don't think I'm gonna fight that guardian. She's scary strong."
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Destiny cheered. "Yay! More friends!" Suddenly she tried to put on
a heroic face, which looked ridiculous on her jellyfish face. "I'm
gonna fight the Guardian!" Alexander sighed.
Ruby giggled a bit, already liking Destiny with them. "Although, we
are going to need things to prepare," Vaporeon explained, "there
are two stores we should go to."
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
"Just the berry shop and the main item shop," he explained,
"berries because we might have to heal once in a while and the
items so we can recover, like the reviver seeds." Feraligator said
his farewells before walking off.
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Alexander caught up with Destiny. "Des, you have no idea where you
are going!" "Yep!" Destiny said cheerfully. "Then why are you
running off?" "It's an adventure!" Alexander sighed. "Destiny, we
need to find the others. "No. Running. Off." Destiny pouted, but
she followed Alexander as he attempted to find the others.
Ken was waiting outside the shop, seeing if Alexander and Destiny
would come.
"What we really need are berries that can heal us," Vaporeon added,
looking around, "since we'll be underwater, we don't have to worry
about burns, paralyze, that sort of thing."
"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)