Something really anoying about wondertrade apart from getting 1
million gyarados is that the pokemon go to the boxes they want
wich can be anoying to find, this can also cause some problems
yes, i am talking to you 7 pokemon party bug
My suggestion is that instead of pokemon going to diferent boxes
they go to the boxes where the pokemon you puted to wondertrade
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a
Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
I was about to vote that I didn't like it, but then I realized it
was WT. I hate this in GTS because when I put junkmon from my UFT
box to pay for a good mon with items, it is frustrating to have to
search my UFT box for the mega powered altaria I just got. (Actual
example, the altaria was super cheap.)
But in wondertrade I like this, because you aren't likely to get a
super useful mon from it. (Unless you're lucky, or just needed a
relatively simple to get mon that no one was selling.) You will
probably see the wondertrade notification, be like "Oh, just a
Marill, whatever." and keep it in your UFT box that you probably
put your mon in from. I like this, and it gets my support. Not sure
if I like this in GTS tho, as sometimes it would be useful, other
times not.
No support for the reason MarsoloX brought up. It irks me when GTS
puts pokemon in the same box I traded mine from instead of just
dumping them in the first box where they're easier to find and sort
for me. I'd rather WT didn't adopt this same practice.
...Would be cool if we could choose if pokemon should go to the
same box or a different designated box. :b
Full support here, I've been waiting for something exactly like
Literally rearranged my boxes so that the junkmon box came first
just to catch all the stray Wondertraders. I already have a ton of
the dex filled out so I'm mostly trading for Wonder Pass Codes.
It might be better to make it a toggleable option somewhere in the
settings. That way those who like how it is now can keep it and
those who are just trading can keep all the junk in one box.
(Separate option for GTS too, since some people brought it up)
The Supreme Overlord demands attention. All hail the Supreme