Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → ...Pokemon: Noctowl
Color: Mint Green!
Password: mmm... Noctowl..
Tip: I’ll decide later, likely a plooshie~
Other: ebrrrbrbrbbrbrbrbrbr
Pokemons: (Up to 3) frogadier , greninja , ash greninja
Tip:10k pd
Pokemon: Solgaleo
Colors: Black, dark blue, turquoise
Password: Zacian
Tip: 2k pd
Other: Thx!
Umm..Breeze, my pokemon's colors are different!
Pokemon: Zacian
Colors: Black, silver, gold
Password: Zacian
Tip: 2k pd
Other: Thx!
Order Up
As you all may know, I recently opened my sprite shop again. However, I soon have to close it again because I would like to try a new theme in my sprite shop. Very sorry for the inconvenience :<So please, DO NOT order sprites during this time until I say the shop is open again !
Thank you and have a splendid day. :>