I would like to order a
Pokémon:2x amaura, 2x tyrunt
Payment: by pd, idk the final price of the shinies i order with the
cool amt of discounts xD so just tell me what it will cost by
Go Read the Rules:TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana848
PSA: this shop is now closed for orders until
otherwise posted.
This is due to a small overflow in commissions, and hopefully after
i have worked down my list i will be able to open again. thank you
everyone for the success of this shop! However, you MAY place orders for hunts that i
am doing. not ones i am planning on doing but only ones that i am
actually doing.
thank you everone :)
Finally hatched my final gooball :D PalPad me with name ideas lol.
Moving swiftly on, once I've cleared the daycare I'll start with
Pumpkaboo :) I'm aiming for 5, but you may order one now for
56,250pd or a full Evo set (2) for only 84,375 :D also LF people
with a clear daycare for the tall grass, PalPad me :)
Ok!! i think you are now eligible for the silver seal of awesomity
thanks to your custom here and helping me in general :D this gives
you a 10% discount on all purchases at this shop from now on.
although you did get the password wrong xD dw bout it lol
ok, no problem, and thanks for coming :D the next one will be eevee
then noibat, at the same price :) although for eevee the combo does
stack up so its only 375k for all 9 :)
yay :) all the pumpkins hatched so now were onto noibat!! going for
a chain of two so this should be a quick one :) you may buy noibat
slots (and only noibat slots) for 56,250 pd for one or at the low
combo price of 84,375pd have the full evo set :D
yay :) noibat hunt complete :D you have like 10 minutes to order
another one before i start my next hunt, which will be
also i have re-ordered the commissions so that pokemon i do not
already have been placed above those i already have eg. hawlucha
has been bumped down a couple.
i apologise for this inconvenience and i hope those who may have to
wait a short while understand.
and spritzee hunt complete!! ima clear up some dex stuff then
start, so probably not for a few days, but next is binacle :D ill
set up the spritzee now
EDIT: waiting for sachets!!
I would like to order a
Pokémon: Honedge Evo line
Payment: pd (or can you pay in items?)
Go Read the Rules: TheWorldIsAtPeaceWhenYouHaveABanana845
All Naughty Female Gardevoirs are MINE >:3
PP Me If You Have Mega Gardevoir or SM Gardevoir That is
Naughty Female! I'll pay a lot ^^