Star looks at birrch and says, "hm... i thought there was a
starter. but, i pick mudkip!" he looks at mudkip happily and says
to it
"you and me are going to be pals, mudkip!"
"thanks." star says with a smile. he pulls his dirty brown cloak
tightly about himself as
his new mudkip eagerly jumps onto Sam's shoulder. "mudkip!" it
says, looking happy to have been chosen
Stardust and his mudkip are wandering through the
tall grass, hoping to do a little bit of training because "they
to be the very best, like no one ever was".
"Alright, let's catch this thing!" Stardust says, throwing a
pokeball at rattata. but, before he Star releases the pokeball,
Mudkip attacks rattata again.
"alright, so now i have another trusty member of our team,
Mudkip! but... why did you attack it when i was about to catch
it" stardust says. mudkip looks at stardust, with the a look
in its eyes that speaks for itself. "so you want to get
is that it? if so, then I'm cool with that!" stardust says with
smile. he holds out his hand to mudkip, and mudkip climbs
up onto star's shoulder.
"alright, i'm going to call you Ax, alright buddy?" Stardust asks
and mudkip seems to like the name, so, Stardust and Ax decide to
start their journey
by training a bit more. the two keep walking in the tall grass,
hoping for more encounters.
Stardust walks up to the tail and says to the mystery pokemon
in the tall grass, "hi, my name is Stardust, and this is my
Ax." he does this because he has done it with the dragon-types
of his people (the draconid),and it worked for them, so why not
this pokemon?