This shop sells my overwhelming supply of flowers to people on
Animal crossing new horizons
We have almost any flower to choose from, roses to pansies!
We hope you enjoy our flowers!
1. None
2. None
3. None
4. None
5. None
Purpleeda - owner of the shop
~PP me to be a worker!~
Hello! One-stop flower shop, may I have
a flower?
AC Username:
Island name:
Dodo code: (Yes or no?)
Do you want it picked?: (eg: The item you can put in your hair or
the actual flower)
Hello! One-stop flower shop, may I have a flower?
Username: Aspen
AC Username: Paige, island: Riverhill
Dodo code: (Yes or no?) 75P22
Other: Could I have a cosmos and a pansies? Any colors work for me!