Forum Thread
Legends of Coren
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Legends of CorenAgent Fallows, signing out~
"Well, it actually did work," she thought. Guess her mother's advice was helpful after all. "Thank you," she whispered back with a giggle. She's probably going crazy from this.
A voice called to her again, telling her to find the red gem. She sighed.
"I thought this was over. Guess it's still on," she walked around again.
Just then she fell into a gaping hole she didn't see and bruised her leg.
"Ouch!" she winced. She looked at her bleeding leg and groaned. She stood up and observed the dark place. It was even darker than the one before. She looked up.
"Great, I'm trapped," she sighed. She took out a bandage from her bag and wrapped it on her leg. "Thank goodness I always bring this, she thought as she wrapped her leg. Just as she finished a faint growl rang across the cave. She looked up in shock.
"Who's there?" she called out, only to be answered by silence. She stood up and tried not to limp on her injured leg as she ventured deeper into the darkness.
Sorry if it's too long. Was trying to make up the lost time