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Forum Thread

Scribble Army

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Scribble Army
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 27/05/2020 15:53 (4 Years ago)
Your Pokémon have fallen out of a Poké-hauler jet and landed in strange clouds without their trainers! They suddenly turn thin and wiggly, and see their welcome from Lord Palkia, who introduces them to his army of scribbled Pokémon. You are his newly recruited Pokémon and must help him rule the clouds. Your weapons are : Cloud barrier(shield), Scribball(Pokéball), and your custom attack. Do whatever you want, as long as you have other users in your army to help you claim the clouds! Here are the rules:
1. Do what you want with your friends 2. No bad words or anything related to such things 3.Be nice to other users. 4.You HAVE to be in an army or start your own to play 5. Don't try to overthrow Lord Palkia, or he'll drop you through the clouds and you will fall and die 6. If you wonder what a scribbled Pokémon is, here is an example of what they look like (URL) :

Username: I_Luv2Draw
Pokemon: Sandshrew
Name: Sandy
Custom attack: Rolls up in a ball and charges forward
Name of atk: Sand-whip
Personality: Loves friends
Army name: Cloud Cruisers
Other (optional): I hope you will enjoy!

(The Army name is to determine who is in who's army. Plz join mine! :) )
Quote“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started by a mouse.” -Walt Disney

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Wed, 27/05/2020 16:11 (4 Years ago)
Username: Pizzamon237
Pokemon: Squirtle
Name: Squirty
Custom attack: washes enemy's out with a huge tidal wave
Name of atk: terror tides
Personality: chill
army name: Cloud Cruisers
Other (optional): I wish the name was Squirtle squad but I want to join my brother

Quote from pizzamon237I love Squirtle