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Mecha-Dragons: The New Age(sign-ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Mecha-Dragons: The New Age(sign-ups)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 11:38 (4 Years ago)

The New Age

There's something hidden inside their minds,

There's something hidden behind their eyes,

There's something behind the steel, the coal and the lies.

Venture down to caverns deep,

And secrets you may find,

But be wary, for if you should dive too far,

You may drown in chromium and tar.


LORE(everything makes more sense if you read it):
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Seven years ago, experiments were carried out.

Seven years ago, dragons became machines.

Seven years ago, trouble began to brew on a far-off continent, beyond Pyrrhia, behond the crashing and stormy seas.

It has been years since the Cyborgs escaped from Chrome and the other Scavengers' clutches. They all flew to the opposite end of the continent from the facility situated in an old cave in Jade mountain; rumor was that it was once a school for dragonets, but that was hundreds of thousands of years ago. They found a safe place, hidden away from the rest of the world, and there they stayed. No-body knows where that place is, but tales have been told; of a large RainWing, with plates of metal on her scales, of a small MudWing, with eyes so green it seemed unnatural. They became known as little more than scary stories told around a campfire on a dark nights. Little did the escapees know that Chrome had rebuilt the facility in a secret location, one that they couldn't(and wouldn't want to) find.

Far away, there is another continent, that goes by the name of 'Pantala'. This place is strange and different, with only three tribes rather than seven. The Pyrrhians had no idea about this other continent, until, one day, a group of nine strange eggs washed up on their shores. By chance, Chrome had been scavenging the beach that very day for spare parts. She hauled them to the facility with a large fishing net and set them down in incubators. What came out was not of that continent.

Strange, new dragons crawled out of the eggs. Some had four wings, some had none. Some had leaf-shaped wings, and others with long antennae. Some even seemed to be a mixture of all these different traits. At the sight of them, Chrome knew that she had found her new Cyborgs. They weren't Cyborgs yet, but they would be soon......

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1. Only two new Cyborgs per person. I wasn't too strict on this last time, heh. ALSO, those two can't be in the same group as each other.

2. If you write any gore/NSFW, please put in a spoiler. You do it like this:

[spoiler]Text Here[spoiler]

Just add in a / in the spot that the Deino is currently occupying and you'll be good.

3. I'd prefer if you didn't stray too far from the main plot. You can have your own side-story only involving your characters, for character development etc, but please ask me first.

4. Give your character a minimum of:

2 good personality traits
2 bad personality traits.

This is just really here so that we don't have boring characters who are only good, or only bad. The expection is if the character's personality is TBRP'D, in which case you don't have to put them in your form, but make sure that it's as listed above.

5. To prove that you read the rules, put your favorite dragon pokemon in the 'Other' area of the form. This doesn't have to be a dragon type per se, but it does have to look like a dragon/be stated as a dragon by the Pokedex or other official sources. So yes, you can use Charizard as your favorite dragon.

6. Romance is allowed! But it most likely won't happen a lot, because the main dragon characters here are pretty much siblings. And if it does, nothing NSFW. You know what I'm talking about.

7. Ask before you kill a character, if it is ever necessary. Just privately PalPad the person who owns the character, and ask them politely. I say politely, because they will probably say no if you say:

can i kill ur char in rp

I can't really stop you from not asking nicely, but please do it anyway.

8. If you cause any large amounts of trouble, I.E killing characters without permission, being really rude in the RP or Palpad chat, etc. Then expect me to politely ask you to leave; if you don't, then I will most likely just kill off your character with no other warning. I haven't had any trouble with this in my own RP's, but I have seen it elsewhere.

9. Please note that the dragons will look more like machines than dragons, as the changes are a lot more drastic when compared to the original Cyborgs' changes.

10. Use the form! It just makes everything organized.

11. I have the right to decline any forms, so please be aware that if I have seen you causing chaos elsewhere, I probably won't let you join.

I'm sorry if I sounded strict. If you have any other questions, just PalPad me. I won't bite.

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Character Name:
Cyborg or Scientist(all the scientists are scavengers)and which Cyborg(see the list in the 'Characters' section):
Technological Enhancements:
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't):
Theme song?(optional, just for fun):

If you are someone coming from the original Mecha-dragons, first of all- welcome back! Second of all, you don't need to fill in the form for your original Cyborg or Scientist again. Just copy and paste the form from the original RP.

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Bold: Role taken


Head Scientist: Chrome, SpiffyGamer43
Scientist:Tazuli, Drago17
Scientist:Petri, Grietine
Scientist:Luke, LukeArch87
More scientist slots will be added if demand grows.


Group 1(most enhancements, hardly even look like dragons):
SilkWing(non-Flamesilk):Техно, Zander_Warcolf
Pantalan Hybrid(must include HiveWing, no LeafSpeak/Flamesilk): Steele(ST33L3), SpiffyGamer43
LeafWing(LeafSpeak): Amane, xX_Artemis_Xx

Group 2(medium amount of enhancements, look like dragons):
SilkWing(Flamesilk): Gale, Drago17
HiveWing(powers required; up to 2): Hornes(H05NE2), Grietine
Pantalan Hybrid(must include LeafWing, no LeafSpeak/FlameSilk): Mos(MO5), Grietine
HiveWing/SkyWing Hybrid: Amane, Drago17

Group 3(smallest amount of enhancements, mostly organic):
Pantalan Hybrid(must include SilkWing, no LeafSpeak/FlameSilk): Jig, LukeArch87
Hivewing(powers optional): Stinger, LukeArch87
LeafWing(no natural powers): Magnolia(M4GN0L14), SpiffyGamer43

Note: The three groups are housed together in small rooms with reinforced, fireproof bars in between so they can see the other groups and socialise. All have at least one chain on their body, keeping them in the room. The more powerful dragons have more chains, for obvious reasons.


SeaWing:Barry, LukeArch87
NightWing:Skyler, Drago17
SandWing:Syerin, Drago17
MudWing:Creek (CR33K), SpiffyGamer43
IceWing:Crystal, Grietine
SkyWing:Ryukku, Drago17
RainWing:Athena (4TH3N4), SpiffyGamer43
Hybrid:Nivri, Amberstorm
Four-way Hybrid:Rhinestone, xX_Artemis_Xx

Second Note: The new Cyborgs can still be mind controlled, like last time. Their eyes still turn black.


New Characters(WIP, some slots reserved. 2/3 done.)
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Username: SpiffyGamer43
Character Name: Steele(ST33L3)
Cyborg or Scientist(all the scientists are scavengers)and which Cyborg(see the list in the 'Characters' section): Pantalan Hybrid(must include HiveWing, no LeafSpeak/Flamesilk)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Steele's ToyHouse
Technological Enhancements: At this point, it is unclear whether Steele can still be considered a dragon. He's mainly robotic. Almost his entire body is made of metal(with the exception of most of his internal organs and his wings), so he is considerably stronger and his body is tougher. His eye can zoom in and out on objects, or serve as a camera. He doesn't actually know about the camera function of his eye, as that feature is almost completely controlled by Chrome and the other scientists. Also has a stinger on his tail that has been enhanced to both inject paralysing fluid and spray corrosive acid.
Personality: Steele, to put it simply, is a bit....... Unhinged, so to speak. He acts erratically, and is very chaotic and unpredictable. One moment he's peacefully resting, the next he's violently attacking the wall. He's pretty confused by everything, and is trying(and failing) to remain sane.
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't): He hates the Scientists. They may have made him stronger, but he'd still kill them. Or he wouldn't. No-body can tell at this point.

As previously mentioned, Steele is incredibly strong and has a dangerous stinger on his tail.

Because he is missing an eye, he is almost completely blind on one side of his body. Due to a failed experiment involving his internal organs, he now relies on the red tubes on his body to stay alive. If any of these were to break (which, although it is difficult, it is possible) then he could quite possibly die as a consequence. Or, at least, that's what he thinks the tubes are for. Nobody quite knows...

Theme song?(optional, just for fun): 'Look Away', sung by Neil Patrick Harris (Theme song from 'A Series Of Unfortunate Events' on Netflix. The Grim Grotto version fits best)
Other: Deino

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Character Name: Magnolia(M4GN0L14)
Cyborg or Scientist(all the scientists are scavengers)and which Cyborg(see the list in the 'Characters' section):
Gender: Female
Appearance:Magnolia's Toyhouse
Technological Enhancements: Magnolia's upper jaw is made of steel, making her bite stronger. One of her forearms is a steel prosthetic, increasing the strength of her grip. Her eyesight is much better than most dragons', because her eyes are completely robotic.
Personality: Magnolia is the kind of dragon to jump straight into things, no matter the risks or consequences. She often acts without thinking, and comes off as a bit of an idiot sometimes. However, she is passionate about the things she believes in and does what she thinks is right, even if that thing isn't quite the right one.
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't): She dislikes the scientists, but is thankful for them giving her her prosthetic arm, and fixing her terrible eyesight.

Magnolia is fairly strong, and determined.

When she was washed up on Pyrrhia as an egg, she got damaged while she was inside the egg, and she lost her forearm due to this, so that hinders her when she is not using her prosthetic. Her eyesight is naturally awful, but this was fixed after her eyes were replaced with the robotic ones
Theme song?(optional, just for fun): Not sure just yet.
Other: Deino

Old Characters(copied and pasted from the original, info may be innacturate):
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Username: SpiffyGamer43
Character name: Athena ( or 4TH3N4)
Cyborg, Scavenger or regular Dragon: Cyborg RainWing
Appearance: Athena's Toyhouse
Gender: Female
Personality: Hostile to all the Scavengers. She hates them for taking her from her home, but cares for the other Cyborgs(doesn't often show it). Sarcastic sometimes.
Technologic enhancements(Cyborgs only): Not many yet, as she constantly attacks the Scavengers, apart from
her claws have been replaced with steel, she has some metal protecting her underbelly. But, her venom-shooting fangs have been removed so she can't burn the Scavengers. Her fangs have been replaced with ones that come outwards and still shoot venom, but can only come out while she is being controlled.
Backstory:Athena was the first dragon to be taken and turned into a Cyborg, at the age of 1. Before she was taken, she was was fun-loving and innocent, but all that time being controlled and experimented on changed her. After attacking her captors, and almost killing Chrome, that was when her fangs were removed and replaced with the extendable ones. Athena is normally chained down when she isn't being controlled(sleeping, eating, etc.), otherwise she would probably kill the Scientists.

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Username: SpiffyGamer43
Character name: Chrome
Cyborg, Scavenger or regular Dragon: Scavenger
Appearance: A tall and old woman in a long, white lab coat and dark grey boots. Her hair is grey, and usually tied up in a bun. Also has a RainWing venom scar on her left cheek.
Personality: Strict, and won't hesitate to punish anyone stepping out of line. Hates all the Cyborgs, but Athena the most as Athena gave her the scar on her face.
Technologic enhancements(Cyborgs only):None
Backstory:Chrome started the movement to obliterate the dragons when she was still young. When they eventually kidnapped Athena and the other dragons, Chrome was attacked and scarred by Athena. Chrome herself was the one who removed Athena's fangs, enraged by what she had done. Chrome also came up with the idea to replace Athena's fangs with extendable ones, and has been masterminding the whole operation.

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Character name:Creek (CR33K)
Cyborg, Scavenger or regular Dragon:Cyborg MudWing
Appearance:A dark orange MudWing, with light brown underscales and dark brown scales on her back. Her snout and face are speckled with light brown scales, and she has big, emerald green eyes. Her left horn is completely made of steel. She has a few metal scales across her body, and is smaller than average.
Personality: Creek is shy, but cares deeply for the Cyborgs. She normally stays with Athena, when Athena is chained up and not allowed to leave.
Technologic enhancements(Cyborgs only):Creek has enhanced strength and eyesight. Also has some steel inside her scales, making them stronger. Also from a blood egg, which is why she is resistant to fire.
Backstory:Creek was taken a few weeks after Athena was. The experimentation didn't make her hate the Scavengers, just made her scared of them. The experimentation is why her eyes are such a shocking shade of green.

Link to roleplay here.

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 11:59 (4 Years ago)
Username: xX_Artemis_Xx
Character Name: Nora
Cyborg or Scientist(all the scientists are scavengers)and which Cyborg: Cyborg (leafwing-leafspeak)
Gender: female
Appearance: Regular leaf wing with golden specks all across her scales
Technological Enhancements: Has things in her claws that strengthen her leafspeak, can not be mind controlled
Personality: Smart, Protective, Sarcastic and Tricky
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't: Scientists are mean
Strengths/Weaknesses: Her stubborness and strong will, her lack of physical strength and her tendency to get dristracted easily
Theme song?(optional, just for fun): Battle Scars
Other: Not sure what to put here... besides either a LeafWing and a Sky Phantom

His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 12:01 (4 Years ago)
Character name:Skyler
Cyborg, Scavenger or regular Dragon:Cyborg Nightwing
Appearance:Black scales and black horns,have dark blue wings and purple tail
Personality:is a aggressive dragon but have a kind heart(basically a tsundere)
Technologic enhancements(Cyborgs only):Have mechanical claws and wear a type of armour around her neck to her tail,can shoot venom out of her mouth and tail and her tail can stab through steel,can camouflage at night so is a nocturnal dragon
Backstory:she was aggressive as soon as she was started to be experimented on,she wanted to kill the scientist so bad but don’t because she knew she’ll be in more trouble,since the scientists don’t think she’ll rebel she’ll usually can go outside without being controlled at night which she is grateful for this bit of freedom

Character name:Tazuli
Cyborg,Scavenger or a regular dragon:Scavenger
Appearance:Long pink hair with cyan eyes
Personality:Can get angry easily but tries to keep calm,is never scared of the dragons around her,have a kind personality but rarely shows it
Technological enhancements(Cyborgs only):
Backstory:Her parents were killed by dragons at a young age,since then she always have a strong hatred for dragons but still believe that some dragons are kind

Me:copy and pasting all my characters from the original(other than Ryukku and Syerin because I have too many characters and need to kill them off-) and lazy to create new ones, besides I have too many characters now xD

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 12:03 (4 Years ago)
@xX_Artemis_Xx Sorry, declined. Please read the rules! Also, Group 1 have the most enhancements, so please add a few more robotic parts to her exterior.

@Drago17 accepted!

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 278
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 12:19 (4 Years ago)
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Character name:Crystal
Cyborg, Scavenger or regular Dragon: IceWing cyborg
Appearance: Most of his body is ices blue , but his belly and one side of wings are white also he go a litter bit for purple on his spikes
Personality:he isn't hostile to the scientists (because he is afraid of they), but he will try to hurt or even kill other scavengers. He often tries to escape. And when he finally gets outside (for some reason like mission) he tries to get as far as he can, so scientists couldn't hurt him.
Technologic enhancements(Cyborgs only):He got his one eye replace he still can use it (the eye is filming everything), he got metal claws, tail and ears so he could hear better.
Backstory:When Crystal was 1.5, he and His older brother where flying. His brother started to tease him, so he got annoy and flew away from his brother. When he got lost ,so he decided to sleep in the cave . There scavenger found him and used for their project.

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Character name: Petri
Cyborg, Scavenger or regular Dragon:Scavenger
Appearance:She is young looking (because she is young XD), she has short wave brown hair and wears lab coat
Personality: She is scared of dragons, she try stay as far away as she can , after the incident with 4TH3N4 she
afraid to get close to even mind controlled dragons. But she try to ignore her fears , she doing this for humanity.
Technologic enhancements(Cyborgs only):
Backstory: She was studying robotics, when she got invite to participate in this project, she decided to participate in it, so many life of humans would be save.


Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 12:21 (4 Years ago)
Accepted, @Grietine!

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 13:10 (4 Years ago)
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Username: LukeArch87
Character name: Barry
Cyborg, Scavenger or regular Dragon: Cyborg
Appearance: Is mostly blue with a little bit of green on him, as well as a darker blue, has a metal tail, claws, and spikes from the scientists.
Gender: Male
Personality: He doesn’t like the scientists and doesn’t like to listen to them, but they always shock him or take his water away when he doesn’t listen, or they just mind control him
Technologic enhancements(Cyborgs only): He has a better metal tail for swimming better, metal claws for shredding and metal spikes.
Backstory: Was once swimming alone in the ocean looking for treasure, but the scientist caught him and took him away.
Other: Ummmmmm, Goodra.

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Username: LukeArch87
Character Name: Stinger
Cyborg or Scientist(all the scientists are scavengers)and which Cyborg(see the list in the 'Characters' section): Cyborg (hivewing)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Has tiny black speckled scales and is a mix of a honey and nectar yellow.
Technological Enhancements: Has metal horns, some metal spikes on his tail, metal claws and some metal scales on his wings.
Personality: Very energetic and not at all cautious.
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't) :Scientist = Bad boi/girl totally nothing to do with a fish
He is supa fast.
He is nice to others.
He is protective.

He is not cautious.
He can be annoying.
Some spots in his tail aren’t metal, which leaves a weakness.

Theme song?(optional, just for fun): IDK XD
Other: Goodra
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 13:13 (4 Years ago)
@LukeArch87 Barry is accepted, but Tidalwave is not. Please double-check the 'Characters' section!

@LukeArch Stinger is accepted!

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 13:45 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 14:04 (4 Years ago)
Character Name:Amane
Cyborg or Scientist(all the scientists are scavengers)and which Cyborg(see the list in the 'Characters' section):Pantalan hybrid (Skywing-Hivewing hybrid)
Appearance:He have black horns with a red body, yellowish orange underbelly and black claws, he have reddish orange wings but they’re transparent
Technological Enhancements: his claws are all replace by steel along with one of his horn, the tip of his tail has became a spear and he wears a type of armour around his neck
Personality:he’s extremely timid and prefers to be left alone, because of this he can get scared easily and rather avoid fights if he can, he can fly really quickly though but is oblivious to everything, he can think fast on his feets though, he mostly thinks of ways to avoid fights xD
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't):hated them but rather not cause any trouble
Strengths/Weaknesses:he can fly really quickly despite all the metal around his body, is completely oblivious to everything and tends to get scared easily
Theme song?(optional, just for fun):can’t think of one xD

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 14:13 (4 Years ago)
@Drago17 Heck to everything, I accept!

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 15:20 (4 Years ago)
Username: LukeArch87
Character Name: Luke
Cyborg or Scientist(all the scientists are scavengers)and which Cyborg(see the list in the 'Characters' section): Scientist
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has brown messy hair and he has blue eyes. He wears a lab coat.
Technological Enhancements: None because he is a scientist.
Personality: He is smart and sometimes sarcastic and annoying. He rarely shows kindness to dragons mostly because most want to kill him.
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't): Cyborgs are dangerous.
He is smart.
He is good at healing.
He is good at making things.

He is not very strong
He can be over-confident sometimes
He is bad at hiding.

Theme song?(optional, just for fun): I don't have one
Other: Goodra
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 15:21 (4 Years ago)
@LukeArch87 accepted!

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 16:06 (4 Years ago)
Username: Zander_Warcolf
Character Name: Техно (Russian)
Cyborg or Scientist(all the scientists are scavengers)and which Cyborg(see the list in the 'Characters' section): Group 1 SilkWing
Gender: M
Appearance: Something like this, but with the tech
Technological Enhancements: Armored, enhanced flight and silk, steel plated fangs
Personality: TBRP'D
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't): TBRP'D..?
Strengths/Weaknesses: Fast, quick minded. Not quite as strong as the other cyborgs, somewhat cowardly
Theme song?(optional, just for fun): Nightcore's "We Don't Sleep At Night" for the title specifically
Other: Zygarde
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 16:34 (4 Years ago)
@Zander_Warcolf accepted! As for enhancements, steel-plated fangs, built-in armour, and enhancements to already present abilities(faster flight, larger quantities of silk) are some of the most common.

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 16:37 (4 Years ago)
Alrighty! Edited it to those enhancements!
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 325
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 17:15 (4 Years ago)
Username: Incineroar201
Character Name: Jack
Cyborg or Scientist: Scientist
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5'0", 90 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, black sweatshirt, black sweatpants
Technological Enhancements:
Personality: shy, introverted, depressed, motivated to work
Opinions on the Scientists or the Cyborgs(opinions on the one that they aren't): Cyborgs are unique, but weird
Strengths/Weaknesses: Hates water, being shoved, and rocks thrown at him, likes to play with fire and electricity
Theme song?(optional, just for fun): Left Behind by Slipknot
Other: Garchomp
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 17:21 (4 Years ago)
@Incineroar201 sorry, but you need to add more than one weakness and some strengths please.

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 325
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 17:23 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 301
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2020 17:32 (4 Years ago)
@Incineroar201 I'm really sorry, but I have to be honest with you. I would prefer for you not to join. Nothing personal, but I have seen you in Drago17's roleplays and countless others, causing chaos. Please don't hate me

I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your imagination.