He laid his head on him, before remembering something and bringing
out a blue flower he found in his hiding spot earlier. He put it on
Ilias...well, he tried
Bolt moves by Ilias, going into the spot that was free and
sleeping. It had been a long day. He snores quietly, not that loud
to where it would bother anyone.
Bolt shivers a bit while he sleeps, the loud noise disturbing him a
bit. His legs start moving a bit but he doesn’t go anywhere because
he is leaning on Ilias. He is dreaming about running, but he is
running away from something.
"It no morning but me see some wocks over der." he said and points
to far away rocks just visible. "But dere was bad dweam in head. It
wooked so weal doh."
"No, not de wocks. Dere was da two big watew and fiwe fings and ven
a gween snake came fwom de sky and dere was big expwosion go boom
boom boom." he said and sits on his butt.
"Da big boom dat de big gween snake dwagon made while fiting de two
fings outside. It was mostly owange wif a wittle bit of red and
yewow and wots of gway cwouds at da top."