Forum Thread
Hilketa High School - RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Hilketa High School - RPHoebi nodded. “Snowflake is right... It was during the party...” he muttered before walking out the door. He walked all the way to his room and locked himself in, then sat on his bed.
He felt a nervous sweat trickle down his cheek. "Th-that kinda hurts, ya know," he said after a few seconds. Sayuri gasped in surprise, quickly letting go of his arm. "I-I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I just..." she trailed off. Edmund sighed, rubbing his wrist. "I'm afraid she's right though...the teachers here probably won't say a word to us. After all, they're content with watching one of their own students get murdered right in front of them."

Kamini nervously did what the voice in the intercom said, hoping that they could easily find the killer.
(Change of plans, we are doing executions. If one person gets 3 [or the most votes, haven’t decided] votes, they get executed, even if it isn’t the murderer)
Luke nervously holds his violin close. He doesn’t want to die, even though he wasn’t the murderer. He hopes the other kids don’t try and vote for him and he gets executed.
Barry is tapping his foot, listening to music. He has a worried look on his face.
“What would be the fun in hiding the evidence?” The admin laughed as she suddenly appeared on the same podium. She didn’t look like she should have after a murder...
Amane was shaking a bit, he looked around everyone in the group, if they don’t find the murderer, anyone of them could die next