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Adventures in Galar

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Adventures in Galar
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:01 (4 Years ago)
Havok blushes when Raichu hugs him
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:03 (4 Years ago)
She noticed someone walk over to her and grinned, running over to hug him. "Hey Dad!" she said, grinning brightly. Matt smiled back, patting her head. "Hey kiddo!" he replied. Zoroark roared excitedly, rubbing its body against him.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:34 (4 Years ago)
*walks out of house with a smile on my face and Leafarrow (Rowlet) on my shoulder*
Nice and sunny today, isn't it, Leafarrow?
Leafarrow: *nods*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:35 (4 Years ago)
Ally and Matt walked into the hotel room. "Not a bad place!" he said, looking around. "Can I show you Wyndon later?" Ally asked, still smiling. Matt glanced at her and nodded.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:36 (4 Years ago)
Luke starts walking down the cliff, still thinking.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:38 (4 Years ago)
*wanders around a little bit, occasionally patting Leafarrow*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:38 (4 Years ago)
A bit later, Ally and Matt started walking around Wyndon, followed by Zoroark and Infernape.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:41 (4 Years ago)
*starts to head into some tall grass, hoping to bump into a pokemon.*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:42 (4 Years ago)
Cap’n looks up and sees Ally, then looks down again. His burnt clothes were getting uncomfortable.
Two bacon bois
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:42 (4 Years ago)
"Here's Wyndon Stadium." Ally said, stopping in front of the building. Matt looked at it, nodding slightly. "This is where the Gym Challenge Tournament occurs."

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 19:46 (4 Years ago)
*feeds Leafarrow then encounters a Mawile*

*defeats the Mawile and continues walking*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 20:19 (4 Years ago)
Sylvia was walking through Wyndon with Drax walking beside her.

Drax: Lar-larvitar. (What's over there)

Drax runs off through the crowd getting farther away from where Sylvia was walking.


Sylvia quickly runs after him, but quickly loses sight of him. Drax keeps getting farther and farther until he is right in front of Wyndon stadium.

Drax: Lar. Lar. Larvitar. Tar. Tar. TAR (Wow. It's so big. Mama look its...Mama...MAMA)

Drax notices how far he had traveled from Sylvia and starts to cry. He does notice the two people standing in front of the building and quickly runs over to them. He gently pulls onto the bottom of Ally's clothes.

Drax: Lar. Larvitar. Tar. Larvitar.(Help. Please help. I've lost my mama. Please help.)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 20:22 (4 Years ago)
*pulls a map from bag, attempting to find wyndon*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 20:37 (4 Years ago)
Luke goes to Wyndon on Asteroid, attempting to find some of his friends. He sees Ally and Cap'n. "Hey guys." he says as he returns Asteroid in the air and hops down 4 feet. "Ho you all doing?"
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 20:40 (4 Years ago)
Hail rolls her eyes as Vulpix wanders over to Ally again. 'Vul Vul!!" (wheres haily) "VULPIX COME BACK!" Hail yells.
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 20:43 (4 Years ago)
*eventually arrives in Wyndon and goes and stands in front of Wyndon stadium, wondering what i should do*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 325
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 21:02 (4 Years ago)
Jack: Hey Bella where do you wanna go now? I'm bored.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 380
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 21:04 (4 Years ago)
*sits on a bench and begins drawing*
Your local humanoid arachnid of unidentifiable species
“Look, all I’m saying is, I’d commit Arson, but if there’s a Spider in that house, I’m saving it”

Pfp is by -Loki

This isn't edited very often-
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 21:23 (4 Years ago)
Drax stops pulling on Ally's clothes and run over to Luke instead. "Lar. Larvitar. Tar. Tar. (Please sir. I can't find my mama.)" Drax said with tears pouring from his eyes, "Larvitar. (Please help me.)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 121
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 21:28 (4 Years ago)
Luke sees the larvitar. "You're lost aren't you." he said. He picks up larvitar and carries him around, asking if they are his trainer. He runs into Sylvia. "Is this your Larvitar?" he asks her.