Hello I was so excited to unlock the safari zone but I was really
disappointed to discover that it cannot be played with on
I already asked an admin if mobile support was planned but they
said it was not.
I really want to be able to access the safari zone and have
Can you please create mobile support for afari zone? I really don't
think it's fair for somthing to be laptop and computer
Anyone should be able to access all the fun things
Bullying is NOT okay. Read my
I had to leave becouse of jerks making me have anxiety problems,
you shouldn't do stuff like that I wish you all knew how bad it can
hurt a person
True but not everyone has access and some people under 18's parents
may not let them get one so it would be nice for people who cannot
have or access those things
Bullying is NOT okay. Read my
I had to leave becouse of jerks making me have anxiety problems,
you shouldn't do stuff like that I wish you all knew how bad it can
hurt a person
it shows how needed and popular this suggestion is. And also proves
how stupid it is for being laptop/computer exclusive. From what you
said you say that many people suggested the same thing without
knowing the post of the same suggestions existed.
Bullying is NOT okay. Read my
I had to leave becouse of jerks making me have anxiety problems,
you shouldn't do stuff like that I wish you all knew how bad it can
hurt a person
Pokeheroes is a web-browser based game; unfortunately it cannot be
100% mobile friendly, it was never designed to be.
Riako has done his best to make it as mobile friendly as possible
over the years; but some things just won't, or can't happen at the
time just because someone deems it unfair, or "stupid".
As much as I wish it could be more mobile friendly, especially for
the safari zone, it probably won't happen, especially if you've
already asked Riako about it and he's already stated it isn't
planned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gosth, please link suggestions when you say that. Otherwise, you
have no evidence of this being suggested.
Considering the safari zone is required to get the eggdex entries
for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus, as well as required to hunt
them, major support. If the safari zone had no legend ties, then
it’d be whatever. But locking people out of completing the eggdex
and hunting because of their device is a big no.
My answer to snom: Actually It was haruki I asked not riako. It
does not hurt to ask and hope. Maybe they can try it? Not everyone
has access to a computer or laptop
My answer to Karp (who posted while I typed): I agree
Bullying is NOT okay. Read my
I had to leave becouse of jerks making me have anxiety problems,
you shouldn't do stuff like that I wish you all knew how bad it can
hurt a person
Those are old posts (from 2015 and 2017) time change so the mods
and admins might change their mind.
The thread did not even look like it was put into the rejected
Bullying is NOT okay. Read my
I had to leave becouse of jerks making me have anxiety problems,
you shouldn't do stuff like that I wish you all knew how bad it can
hurt a person
if there is already a thread about it, do not make a new one.
support the original so all the votes can be in one place. if it’s
already been rejected, that means it is not happening.
“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by
I had no clue the original threads existed when I made this one.
When I had a look at the old ones they were not rejected.
The threads were from 2016 and older, I made my account in
2019/2020 so I actually had no chance of seeing those old ones
especially since they do not seem to have been active for years
Bullying is NOT okay. Read my
I had to leave becouse of jerks making me have anxiety problems,
you shouldn't do stuff like that I wish you all knew how bad it can
hurt a person
It is convention to only have one thread per. suggestion, with few
exceptions. Usually, the newer one is locked, so this thread most
likely will be at some point. It's understandable not to have seen
the older threads, especially since (in my opinion) the forum
search is difficult to navigate. Either way, it's best to go show
your support on the oldest thread so that everything is gathered in
one thread.
Well it was not locked. Hopefully they are thinking of adding it
Bullying is NOT okay. Read my
I had to leave becouse of jerks making me have anxiety problems,
you shouldn't do stuff like that I wish you all knew how bad it can
hurt a person
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a
Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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