Forum Thread
Last Words (a fanfic combining multiple series)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → Last Words (a fanfic combining multiple series)(oh, and there will be some sensitive topics, such as extreme violence and maybe swears. 13+ is a personal age rating, though i'm not really the judge of that. You've been warned.)
Chapter 1:

September 18, 2012. 8:28 PM.
Carmel residence
The scene is in a house. It looks beat up, as if there were many fights in here and whoever lives here doesn't bother fixing it up. Suddenly, the door opens. A man with black hair and a cowboy hat enters in. They close the door and walk over to the couch, grabbing the remote. They start the TV, and take off their hat. They were able to get a solid minute in before their phone rings. They reluctantly get up and answer.
"Cacer here, I'm off-duty at the moment, please call someone else for what you want." The man says. The voice on the other side of the phone responds with "I apologize to interrupt your break, but there is an urgent call for everyone in the team. we meet up in sector 4 of the place, at 10 PM. It's mandatory."
"This is the third time this week, what's the occasion this time?"
"You know we're not allowed to talk this over the phone."
"...Right. Sorry about that. Well, see you then."
Cacer hangs up. "So, 10 PM? That's... An hour thirty from now. Still got time." They say, as they go back to the couch. After an hour, they grab a bottle with them and head out.
September 18, 2012. 9:59 PM.
'the place', sector 4.
Cacer opens up a door into the place. It's actually a pretty cozy house. A lot of it is soundproofed, though.
"Sector four... That's this room." They say, going into another room. In there, there's about three, four people, one of whom is sitting at a desk, and the others are messing around. There are about ten chairs, supposedly implying that not everyone's here yet.
"Hello, Cacer." The man at the desk says.
"Hey, boss. So what's the deal?"
"I'll explain when everyone's here."
"Gotcha. I'll be right back."
Cacer leaves the room, closes the door, and pulls out the bottle from before. A tiny thing appears and touches it. The bottle turns a golden yellow, and then shatters into dust. "So that's what I'm stuck with now."
Name: Cacer
Ability Name: A day to remember
Ability: Changes every hour. At the moment, it turns things into golden dust. The ability usually has to summon something while its effects take place. It can then just as easily unsummon it after.
Cacer then goes back in, their clothes slightly sparkling now due to the dust. "Okay, I'm back."
"So your ability is to create sparkles now?"
"You're not wrong, but don't phrase it like that."
"Alright, alright..."