Legendary Pokemon: Shiny rayquaza
Name: monsoon
Knight Name: lance
Age: 32
Level: 273
Are you new to RP?: it was the first thing I ever did when I got on
this sight, so no
Legendary Pokemon: Lunala
Name: Spirit
Knight Name: Thalia Hatami
Age: Thalia is 27... Lunala. Is like... 1200 yrs old
Level: 570
Are you new to RP?: No
Legendary Pokemon: Raikou
Name: Thunder
Knight Name: Faladin Hatami
Age: 25 / Raikou is. 700 yrs old
Level: 300
Are you new to RP?: Nah uwu
Legendary Pokemon: Shiny Xerneas
Name: Yggdrasil
Knight Name: Yggdrasil doesn't have a knight
Age: Older than time
Level: 1000000
Are you new to RP?: Nope :)
Legendary Pokemon: Virizion
Name: Maevis
Knight Name: Isolde
Age: Isolde 22, Maevis 1700
Level: 967
Are you new to RP?: somewhat, new to role-play outside of my friend
Legendary Pokemon: Shiny Mew
Knight Name: None, I kinda just want to be the Pokemon
Age: 5000000
Level: 750
Are you new to RP?: Nope, been roleplaying for a while
I'm trying to think of a good signature, so... Use your