"Ok, and in you go!" Daylight and Yung got swept off their feet by
some magical wind and into an alternate universe "Have fun~" Was
the last thing they heard from the strange girl "So... what DO you
think that was about.... Was she... telling the truth?" Daylight
asked Yung
"Yeah..." Daylight nodded, it looked like they were in Lake
Valor... A leafeon was busy on a trampoline that looked like the
one Yung made for Daylight ages ago, if they looked closely they
could see Daylight's rucksack but a different colour and the symbol
was a leaf
"Huh, I think we're in a part of Lake Valor.... It looks almost the
same as my old home, Lake Verity though" The leafeon walked up to
them after getting off his bubble trampoline, being a safe distance
apart "Hello?" The leafeon was a male, you could tell from the
"So.. what brings you here to Lake Valor today, Yung?" The
alternate version of the pikachu asked, Daylight kept quiet... he
was thinking about something
“...why are you two so similar?” He said quietly to himself as he
followed Nerdy. “It can’t be Nerdy because...this one knows...and
yet...” He was about to hurt himself from confusion from this
"Yeah... probably" Daylight responded quietly to Yung while this
version of him planted some nice looking flowers "This place is
like.... a sanctuary for wild pokemon who don't have a home..." The
leafeon said proudly
He looked aroound, though thoughts was bothering him. Who made the
bubble trampoline for this Nerdy? It probably wasn’t a
Lucario...how did this Nerdy recognise him on sight? And know
Daylight for the matter