Posted: Sun, 24/11/2019 02:37 (5 Years ago)
Arlaekh glared right back, almost derisively, wings flaring as she
stood over him. She didn't pay much attention to Kamarishi, who was
keeping his maw shut, thankfully. Besides the fact that she was
indeed taller than Zane, she was a frightening sight when the
shadows embellished the scarlet veil covering the lower half of her
face. Pity she couldn't just stab Zane right here, "Who said I was
going to hurt her? I know I can see you doing so, anyway."
She crooned, "Besides, I think it's best for you to stand down.
You've certainly done enough damage for one day." To drive in her
point, she attacked him with a flash of her black-hilted blade.
(For plot reasons — can you have Zane leave?)